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Searching for: Posts from Techie.
Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 00:42 (9 Years ago)
Wait there's already a collab what are the requirements for the entry?

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 14:29 (9 Years ago)
Das beutiful flaaffy

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 03:31 (9 Years ago)
Any Nicknames:no, Techie is fine 030
Artist or spriter?: Artist :D
Art sample (so we can see your pretty work, and detect thieves): x and here x
Other things we need to know?: not that i know of

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Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 03:37 (9 Years ago)
LDShadowlady 030 i love her :D

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Posted: Thu, 16/10/2014 03:17 (10 Years ago)
Sign me up :D 030

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Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 04:59 (10 Years ago)
The Growlers, The Bad Suns, The 1975

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Posted: Sat, 27/09/2014 19:51 (10 Years ago)
Stone plate plus a big nugget for the two terra-cave maps? 030

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Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 22:01 (10 Years ago)
just great i have an iphone XDDDD

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 20:06 (10 Years ago)
Well CarpetMonster in this situation she should have contacted Riako directly plus she should have read about the 4 months wait before taking any action to avoid this kind of sitiuation.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 19:57 (10 Years ago)
No Support!
I will answer you questions to the point 030

What if someone made an accidental typo?

Then they just have to wait 4 months i mean its not that much time anyways after all i mean at least its not permanent, plus there's no accidental typos people should make sure before pressing the button that its the right username.

What if someone changed their mind?

They can wait 4 months its not like the world is going to end plus the username that they picked before should not be bothersome since they picked it, you just have to wait a while.

What if someone, like me, simply wanted to change between capital and lower case letters?

Well apparently you didn't you changed your name to "asdfghjklpoiuytrewq" instead of directly changing it to capital/lower case letters. Also you should have read everything carefully before changing your username i mean you just don't post without reading rules right? So to avoid this you should really read thoroughly next time.

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 23:58 (10 Years ago)
I support the searching for part but the exclusion is going to be a problem. Some trades have more than one gem type sometimes and if you exclude one type it would exclude all trades with that one type of gem but there could also be a gem you are looking for in that certain trade that you just excluded because you excluded the certain type of gem.

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Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 03:18 (10 Years ago)
1 big nugget and 50 small nuggets for your Terra map and ruby?

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Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 04:16 (10 Years ago)

Title: Pokemons I Need

Pokemon's I Need
Also i am well aware that some of these pokemons have not been released in PH yet 030

Show hidden content

001 Bulbasaur
002 Ivysaur
009 Blastoise
011 Metapod
013 Weedle
014 Kakuna
017 Pidgeotto
018 Pidgeot
023 Ekans
024 Arbok
027 Sandshrew
028 Sandslash
029 Nidoran?
030 Nidorina
031 Nidoqueen
034 Nidoking
036 Clefable
038 Ninetales
040 Wigglytuff
043 Oddish
045 Vileplume
046 Paras
047 Parasect
048 Venonat
050 Diglett
051 Dugtrio
052 Meowth
055 Golduck
056 Mankey
059 Arcanine
063 Abra
064 Kadabra
065 Alakazam
066 Machop
067 Machoke
069 Bellsprout
070 Weepinbell
071 Victreebel
076 Golem
079 Slowpoke
081 Magnemite
082 Magneton
083 Farfetch'd
084 Doduo
085 Dodrio
086 Seel
087 Dewgong
088 Grimer
090 Shellder
091 Cloyster
095 Onix
096 Drowzee
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
121 Starmie
125 Electabuzz
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
132 Ditto
134 Vaporeon
137 Porygon
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
141 Kabutops
142 Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
151 Mew

Show hidden content

153 Bayleef
154 Meganium
155 Cyndaquil
156 Quilava
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
165 Ledyba
168 Ariados
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn
175 Togepi
176 Togetic
177 Natu
178 Xatu
179 Mareep
182 Bellossom
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
186 Politoed
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
192 Sunflora
194 Wooper
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
198 Murkrow
199 Slowking
209 Snubbull
210 Granbull
212 Scizor
218 Slugma
219 Magcargo
220 Swinub
221 Piloswine
224 Octillery
225 Delibird
226 Mantine
228 Houndour
229 Houndoom
230 Kingdra
231 Phanpy
233 Porygon2
234 Stantler
235 Smeargle
236 Tyrogue
237 Hitmontop
238 Smoochum
239 Elekid
240 Magby
241 Miltank
242 Blissey
243 Raikou
246 Larvitar
247 Pupitar
248 Tyranitar
250 Ho-Oh

Show hidden content
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
263 Zigzagoon
266 Silcoon
268 Cascoon
270 Lotad
272 Ludicolo
273 Seedot
275 Shiftry
278 Wingull
279 Pelipper
281 Kirlia
282 Gardevoir
283 Surskit
285 Shroomish
286 Breloom
287 Slakoth
288 Vigoroth
290 Nincada
293 Whismur
294 Loudred
301 Delcatty
304 Aron
305 Lairon
306 Aggron
307 Meditite
309 Electrike
310 Manectric
311 Plusle
315 Roselia
316 Gulpin
318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo
320 Wailmer
321 Wailord
324 Torkoal
325 Spoink
327 Spinda
328 Trapinch
329 Vibrava
336 Seviper
337 Lunatone
338 Solrock
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash
342 Crawdaunt
343 Baltoy
344 Claydol
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
347 Anorith
348 Armaldo
350 Milotic
351 Castform
351 Castform
351 Castform
351 Castform
355 Duskull
356 Dusclops
357 Tropius
358 Chimecho
362 Glalie
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
366 Clamperl
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
370 Luvdisc
371 Bagon
374 Beldum
375 Metang
376 Metagross
379 Registeel
383 Groudon
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys

Show hidden content
387 Turtwig
388 Grotle
389 Torterra
390 Chimchar
391 Monferno
392 Infernape
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
395 Empoleon
399 Bidoof
401 Kricketot
403 Shinx
407 Roserade
408 Cranidos
409 Rampardos
412 Burmy
413 Wormadam
413 Wormadam
414 Mothim
420 Cherubi
428 Lopunny
430 Honchkrow
432 Purugly
434 Stunky
436 Bronzor
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
439 Mime Jr.
440 Happiny
444 Gabite
445 Garchomp
446 Munchlax
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
451 Skorupi
452 Drapion
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
455 Carnivine
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
460 Abomasnow
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
464 Rhyperior
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
469 Yanmega
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
472 Gliscor
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-Z
475 Gallade
476 Probopass
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
479 Rotom
480 Uxie
482 Azelf
483 Dialga
484 Palkia
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
489 Phione
491 Darkrai
493 Arceus

Show hidden content
494 Victini
495 Snivy
498 Tepig
499 Pignite
501 Oshawott
502 Dewott
504 Patrat
506 Lillipup
507 Herdier
509 Purrloin
511 Pansage
512 Simisage
513 Pansear
514 Simisear
515 Panpour
516 Simipour
518 Musharna
520 Tranquill
522 Blitzle
523 Zebstrika
524 Roggenrola
526 Gigalith
527 Woobat
528 Swoobat
529 Drilbur
530 Excadrill
532 Timburr
534 Conkeldurr
536 Palpitoad
539 Sawk
542 Leavanny
543 Venipede
544 Whirlipede
545 Scolipede
547 Whimsicott
549 Lilligant
552 Krokorok
553 Krookodile
554 Darumaka
555 Darmanitan
555 Darmanitan
557 Dwebble
563 Cofagrigus
566 Archen
570 Zorua
573 Cinccino
574 Gothita
575 Gothorita
576 Gothitelle
578 Duosion
580 Ducklett
583 Vanillish
588 Karrablast
589 Escavalier
590 Foongus
591 Amoonguss
594 Alomomola
597 Ferroseed
599 Klink
600 Klang
601 Klinklang
602 Tynamo
604 Eelektross
605 Elgyem
606 Beheeyem
607 Litwick
609 Chandelure
610 Axew
611 Fraxure
612 Haxorus
613 Cubchoo
614 Beartic
615 Cryogonal
617 Accelgor
619 Mienfoo
622 Golett
623 Golurk
624 Pawniard
625 Bisharp
628 Braviary
629 Vullaby
630 Mandibuzz
631 Heatmor
633 Deino
634 Zweilous
635 Hydreigon
637 Volcarona
638 Cobalion
639 Terrakion
640 Virizion
641 Tornadus
642 Thundurus
643 Reshiram
644 Zekrom
645 Landorus
648 Meloetta
649 Genesect

Show hidden content
650 Chespin
652 Chesnaught
656 Froakie
658 Greninja
659 Bunnelby
660 Diggersby
662 Fletchinder
663 Talonflame
666 Vivillon
667 Litleo
668 Pyroar
671 Florges
672 Skiddo
673 Gogoat
674 Pancham
675 Pangoro
676 Furfrou
679 Honedge
680 Doublade
681 Aegislash
682 Spritzee
683 Aromatisse
686 Inkay
687 Malamar
688 Binacle
689 Barbaracle
690 Skrelp
691 Dragalge
692 Clauncher
693 Clawitzer
694 Helioptile
695 Heliolisk
696 Tyrunt
697 Tyrantrum
698 Amaura
699 Aurorus
701 Hawlucha
703 Carbink
704 Goomy
705 Sliggoo
706 Goodra
707 Klefki
708 Phantump
709 Trevenant
711 Gourgeist
712 Bergmite
713 Avalugg
714 Noibat
715 Noivern
716 Xerneas
717 Yveltal
718 Zygarde
719 Diancie

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 15:25 (10 Years ago)
\r\nUsername: Techie\r\nNumber:18\r\nOther:030

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Posted: Wed, 09/07/2014 01:04 (10 Years ago)

Become Techified Today!! 030

So Welcome to My Diary where i will be posting random stuff that i want to take note of 030

So I will tell you a little something about me :D

My Real Name is Ricardo
I am 20 Years old
I am a really weird person
I love listening to indie music 030
and i usually end my sentences with "030" face soooo... yeah 030

Techified Music

This is where i take notes about music i want to listen too or if i have a song stuck in my head 030

Artists i need to listen to:
Magic Man
Tune Yards
Dirty Heads
Arctic Monkeys

Currently Obsessed With: 030

Album Language and Perspective by The Bad Suns

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Posted: Tue, 01/07/2014 00:10 (10 Years ago)
I have had the best time here in ph 030 i think once i joined it i knew it was going to be a special place :DD and im glad im a part of it 030 wooo!!!!! i cant wait for what the future holds :D and thanks to Riako for making this site so enjoyable :DDDD 030 all that said 030 go suck a troll :D

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Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:36 (10 Years ago)
I agree with demonshade in every way i had to work harder than most people because i work all day and only have a couple of hours to be on ph to click plus i come tired after work and while i was at work i couldnt click while other people had alot of time to click especially now that everybody is out of school since its summer time XD. either way i managed to complete the task because of my determination and motivation to level up the sheeps 030 it was alot of painful clicking but worth it 030

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Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:48 (10 Years ago)
if you dont mind me asking diana how does it favor premium users o.O?

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Posted: Sat, 14/06/2014 23:19 (10 Years ago)
IM DONE!!!!!!!! Go suck a troll everybody 030!!!

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Posted: Thu, 12/06/2014 00:15 (10 Years ago)
you dont have to be popular dorkydelphox >.> such an adorable username btw XD lol you just have to crazy click as much as you can so people can return clicks 030

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