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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 13:38 (9 Years ago)
(Here's the next chapter. It's not going to be as long as the first, but I'm writing this out by measuring out how long each chapter will be. I'm reading while writing in a way and the length of a chapter ends up about the same length as the current chapter that I'm reading. I'm using my Warrior Cats super editions for this. So there will be chapters shorter then others, but some super long ones as well. These notes at the beginning don't count and the prologue was done without a length guide as well. Now...on with this shorter chapter.)

Sans continued to stare at the winged pony who in turn was staring back at him. There was something about the look she was giving him that told him that she already knew who he was and all about the Enigma as well. It seemed that Dia's spell really had made those who didn't know him somehow know him upon sight.

"So...can I see it?" the pony asked.

"See what?"

"The Enigma of course," she landed, but continued to look towards him. "From what I've heard it's one of the most powerful keyblades there is."

Sans knew she hadn't heard of it anywhere. This was the work of Dia's mass identification spell. He didn't bring it up, she wouldn't understand that it was a spell that had given her this knowledge. While he was trying to come up with something to say he heard someone speak from behind him, but it seemed the speaker was focusing on the rainbow maned pony in front of him.

"Rainbow Dash, don't mess with him. He's new to all this just like we're new to the changes that the Enigma has brought. We should be helping, not making the situation more difficult."

Sans turned to see the newcomer. It was another pony, but this one was different. She was purple in color and her mane and tail were two shades of purple, one darker then the other. What made her different was that she had both wings and a horn.

"A winged unicorn..." Sans said in awe. "An alicorn."

"We're not normally from this world," the alicorn told him. "Well, part of it, anyway. I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and that Pegasus pony that's been bothering you is Rainbow Dash, one of my friends. You'll have to excuse her. She's been trying to find signs of the Enigma ever since we first heard about it."

Where had they heard about it? It was obvious that they didn't know about Dia's spell. Maybe they just assumed that they had heard about it, and him, from somewhere, but didn't know where.

"Come on," Rainbow Dash said, pushing him forward. "You have to come with us."

"And where are you going?" Sans asked.

"There is a place nearby that seems perfect for a base," Twilight told him. "There aren't many living there yet, but we plan to change that. We know that there is an evil force at work here and so we're planning on forming a resistance community. You should come since the Enigma is needed in combating against this evil and you wield it."

"And you'll need training," Rainbow Dash brought up. "To bring up the full power of your weapon."

Sans didn't like the sound of that. Training just wasn't his thing, "No thanks," he replied. "I can do without training."

Rainbow Dash stared at him with narrowed eyes for a moment before sighing, "Why was someone as lazy as this chosen to wield the Enigma in the first place?!"

"The Enigma didn't choose him," Twilight said. "He was the first to touch it. That's how it's wielder is decided. That's one of the reasons it's one of the legendary keyblades."

"I still think he should train."

"Look, I'll go with you to this resistance community you're forming, but I am NOT training," Sans said, glaring at Rainbow Dash when he said the word 'training'.

The two glared at each other until Twilight broke them up, not wanting there to be an argument, "Let's just go," she said. "There will be time for that later. For now we have to get back to the others."

As the three headed off down the trail they didn't noticed that a figure, hooded and robed in black, was watching from behind a tree nearby. The figure then opened a dark portal and entered, exiting the area.

--- --- ---

Dia had just ended the meeting and was now in the central room of Organization Omega's base. It was a large room with a table in the center where the high ranking members would gather for private talks. As she was thinking on a plan a dark portal opened and one of her many followers exited from it.

"What did you learn, Rilo?" she asked him.

The new arrival lowered his hooded. He had pale brown hair and light green eyes, "Sans has joined up with those ponies, who are forming a resistance community within Area 22 of the merged world."

"I knew that we were going to meet up with some resistance when we began our mission," Dia said. "How many are in this resistance community?"

"Not many," Rilo told her. "Just the Princess of Friendship and her friends. Sans just joined them yet I don't think it will be too much trouble."

"Why do you say that?"

"He refuses to train."

Dia smiled at that, "I knew his laziness was going to work in our favor, but he did put up a decent fight before I left him. His teleporting skill can prove to be difficult to predict as well."

"So what's your plan?" Rilo asked.

"Just keep spying on this resistance community," Dia said. "I knew there was going to be some kind of resistance and we'll need to keep a close watch on it as more join."

"Alright, Dia," Rilo replied. "But what are we going to do about the wielder of the Enigma."

"We'll just keep an eye on him for now," she told him. "He'll be no trouble at the moment since he refuses to train, but if anything changes we'll form a plan. Even so I don't think he'll change his ways too much."

Rilo then turned and left the room leaving his leader alone.

(And done. That turned out a little longer then I thought. We're getting further in this first part, but there is still more to come since this is planned to be a long story. That's why it's being done in parts.)

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
My fanfiction has been going well. Normally I wouldn't get such good feedback on stories so quickly. Maybe it's because this is the first time I'm working on anything fanfiction related after focusing on my first book for the past year. All I know is that you can order copies of it sometime late January and it's in the final proofreading stages. Doesn't mean I can't work on fanfiction on the side. I won't hear back from my editor with the finished final proofread until this coming weekend.

Tomorrow I'm going to do two chapters, which I would have done today if the internet didn't go out this morning. That's how my updating schedule is going to go. Two updates a day. In the morning and in the early afternoon.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
I've been looking at this club for a while now. So I'm finally joining.

Name: Jillian or Jillian411

Do you own Undertale? No, but I've been looking it up like crazy, watching videos, and looking at fan art.

Who is your favorite Undertale character? Sans.

Also checking out my fanfiction sometimes. It's called The Enigma: An Undertale Mega Crossover.

Sorry for not using BBCodes. I don't use those.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 17:34 (9 Years ago)
(It's finally time to begin this story for real. Before going on there's one thing you'd need to know. This story is not going to be told in chapters, but in parts. These 'parts' are going to focus on different side plots to the main one such as current missions, goals, etc. As a mega crossover this is going to have a lot of different characters showing up from different cartoons, anime, video games, and more. Now let's move on.)

Part 1 - The Delta Stone

Sans didn't know what happened. All he knew was that as soon as he had touched the strange key there was a sudden flash and the world around him vanished. When he awoke he was lying in the snow in the middle of an unknown forest. He didn't know how he had gotten here. He didn't remember teleporting himself here. What he did know was that something important had happened, but what it was still confused him.

For a while he stayed there--lying in the snow. It was only when he heard strange voicing. Sitting up he noticed three people heading in his direction. The two walking to either side of the person in the center were looking towards each other, talking. The one in the center was looking down. Neither of them was looking in his direction. What stood out about these three strangers was that they were wearing hooded robes.

"I still can't believe that the Delta Stone is real," the person to the right of the one in the center said.

"That's nothing when you think about the Enigma," the other said.

At that moment the one in the center lifted her head sharply. It was as if she had felt something pass through the air. Her eyes, still covered by the hood of her robe, landed on Sans. He was still sitting in the snow nearby. When their eyes met the hooded figure froze, "The power of the Enigma is radiating from you," she said. "You must have touched it then."

"The...what?" Sans asked, confused as to what this stranger was saying. "Listen, lady, I don't know what this Enigma is or how I got here. If you could explain--"

Before he could say anything else the stranger flung back her hood and summoned what appeared to be a pitch black key, about the same size as the one he had found not so long ago. Dark purple gemstones decorated the section closest to the teeth of the key. At the same time two portals of swirling black energy formed behind her.

"Mika, Yua," she said to the two still hooded figures. "Head back to base and tell the others that the one we've been looking for has been found."

"What are you going to do, Dia?" the hooded figure she had called Mika replied.

"I just want to have some alone time with our enemy," she said, still looking towards Sans. "...and our key to taking over the merged world that has now formed."

"Come on, Mika," Yua told her. "We'll get our chance to fight the Enigma's chosen. For now we have to listen to our orders. Dia has been chosen as our leader before any of this has began. It's only fair that she's the one who gets the first chance to go against the power that has been released."

Once Mika and Yua entered the dark portals they vanished.

"I really don't like that look your giving me," Sans said, beginning to back off.

Dia smirked at him and raised her weapon, holding it upright in front of her before pointing it towards where Sans was standing. "Identify!"

A small orb of dark purple light appeared at the end of the dark looking key she was holding. Soon after forming it shot off towards Sans, but it didn't hit him. Instead it stopped and formed a barrier of the same dark purple light, which preceded to swirl around him a few times before flying off him, forming into it's previous orb form again, and racing back through the air towards Dia, who caught it with her weapon and allowed the same energy to cover her, which soon vanished.

"What did you just do?" Sans asked.

"Don't bother introducing yourself," Dia said. "The spell I used is a simple identification spell. I now know who you are and everything about you."


"And it's not over yet," Dia said and again raised her weapon, this time to the sky. "Mass identification!"

This time the same dark purple energy from before flew into the air and began forming into a vortex of energy. After swirling through the air for what seemed like a few minutes when it was really several seconds it vanished.

"So you decided to have a lot of random people collect the information you've gotten from me?" Sans asked. "What do you plan to gain from that?"

"We of Organization Omega have been after the power of the Enigma for a long time now," Dia continued. "We paid attention to the signs and went to the Delta Stone, which is said to be linked to this legendary keyblade, which is said to hold great power."

"Is this what you're talking about?" Sans asked and suddenly he was holding his own key shaped weapon. Instead of being a dark color like Dia's weapon his was a bright gold with three gemstones running down it's side, a ruby, a sapphire, and an emerald. A large diamond was embedded close to the teeth of the key. The handle was a mid-brown color and had a bunch of smaller diamonds on it.

"You've somehow mastered to summon it without much difficulty," Dia said. "Good, I wouldn't want our mission to be too easy."

Without giving any warning she sped towards Sans, her weapon held in front of her, ready to aim an attack, but just when she swung the weapon Sans teleported behind her, turned, and swiped his own weapon across the ground, knocking Dia down, and then teleported again, close to where he had been standing before.

"Not so easy, huh?"

Dia got up and glared at him, "You have some skill at least, but can you keep it up." There was a mocking tone to her voice. "I can do this all day since I've been trained to bring out the full power of my own weapon. What kind of training have you gotten?"

Sans didn't know what to say. Dia was bringing up his laziness and the fact he hadn't trained at all and didn't want to. He knew he couldn't keep this fight up for long and so did she it seemed. He then remembered the spell Dia had used on him, which granted her knowledge about him that she wouldn't have known otherwise.

Seeing she had him where she wanted him Dia continued, "You don't know it, but when you touched the Enigma it merged together all worlds. There is only one world now...one that is made up of every world that ever existed. This was meant to happen, but we're going to take advantage of it. A long time ago Organization Omega was formed to use the Enigma's power through the one destined to wield it and we plan to do just that."

"You plan to gain control of this world by using me?" Sans was stunned.

"We're still working on some things, but we're going to get what we want one way or another," Dia continued. "That second spell is going to allow anyone you meet to know you upon sight even if you haven't met before. Think of it as a thank you gift for finally unlocking the power we've been waiting for to finally come into existence."

Dia then turned and walked away, forming another portal of darkness that Mika and Yua had used earlier. Soon Sans was standing in the snowy forest alone. Unsure on what he was going to do next.

--- --- ---

Once Dia returned at their base Mika and Rua were waiting for her.

"So what did you do?" Rua asked.

"I just did the Identify and Mass Identification spells to start with," she told him. "There's not much else left to do now except to plan. There are some things about our little 'chosen one' that we can use against him."

"Like what?" Mika asked.

Dia did not answer. Instead she turned to leave the room, "Get the others," she ordered. "It's time for held a meeting."

--- --- ---

Sans didn't know where to go seeing he did not know where he was. Somehow the power of the Enigma had thrown him into an unknown part of this merged world--one that wasn't even a part of his own world. For now he found himself wondering around hoping to find some answers to where he was somewhere.

As he continued down the snowy path a shadow passed from other head that made him stop. When he looked up he didn't see anything. It seemed that whatever had passed by had vanished.

"I wonder what that was," he thought to himself. "Some native forest creature from this part of the merged world, maybe?"

Again the shadow passed and again vanished almost as soon as it had appeared. It now seemed as if something was messing with him. As he began to wait for the shadow to come again something rushed passed him. It was a lot closer to the ground now, but still flying. It left a rainbow colored streak as it flew into the distance.

"Wait till the others find out that I found the wielder of the Enigma," a voice said from somewhere above.

"How do you know about that?" Sans asked, not sure who he was speaking to, but he did remember one of the two spells Dia had cast. The one that had given everyone of this world knowledge of who he was and even knowledge of the powerful weapon he know owned it seemed.

"I don't know," the voice continued. It seemed to be a little closer, as if it was coming from the trees. "I just do."

"Where are you?"

Somewhere above him the leaves of a tree shifted and another streak of rainbow shot out and headed higher into the sky before shooting back down towards the ground causing a rainbow shockwave to pass overhead. Sans was stunned when he saw this.

"Never saw anything like that before?"

"I've seen many things, but nothing like that," Sans said and looked around for the source of the voice.

As he turned he came face to face with a light blue colored pony, a winged pony, with a rainbow mane and tail. It seemed he had met with one of the many different inhabitants of one of the many worlds that had been merged together.

(Seems the crossover element has entered the story and this is only the first official chapter. The length of each chapter will vary and some may seem to cut off or form cliff hangers. I'm working on forming 'parts' with their own plotlines and this is part of the outcome of that. Hope this is coming out good.)

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)
Internet went out for a little while this morning. Sort of threw off my writing schedule for my fanfiction since I planned to write a little of 'part one' around that time. I'm going to work on it a little later, but I don't think it was all bad. I didn't have a clear idea as to how to really begin the story and now I do. I guess the internet going out gave me time to plan.

This story isn't going to be done in 'chapters'. I'm doing it in 'parts'. Each 'part' will be several chapters long and will each have a different side plot to them. These parts will have names sort of like how chapters have names, but things will be done differently. More on how parts will be done will be mentioned before I begin the next entry to the fanfiction itself.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 01:42 (9 Years ago)
I finally posted the prologue of my fanfiction. After debating if I should write it or not I have finally got it up. It's called The Enigma: An Undertale Mega Crossover. It only has one Undertale character in it with a major role (Sans), but it's something I've been wanting to write for two days now and I hope it comes out well.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 01:37 (9 Years ago)
(I've been thinking of working on this for two days now and finally I'm going to get started on it. As the title states this is going to be an Undertale mega crossover since the main character is one of the characters from that game. The plot is also going to have a theme similar to that of the Kingdom Hearts series of games only all worlds become one instead of all worlds being separate. Now enough talk. It's time to get started.)


It was nearing midnight. Snow was falling lightly from the sky as three hooded and robed people headed towards a cave. The one in the lead stopped and the others followed her lead. It seemed there was a reason they had come here and soon that reason was going to be known.

"The time we have been waiting for is nearing," the one in the lead told her partners. "Soon the power we've been searching for will awaken and our quest will truly begin."

"How are we going to know when it'll begin?" one of her followers replied.

The leader turned and began to walk into the cave. As she did she answered, "We'll know."

The two remaining outside didn't speak, only gave each other a quick nod before entering the cave as well. It was dark and they didn't have anything to help them make sure they were heading in the right direction. Yet it seemed that their leader knew exactly where she was going. Soon the dark tunnel ended and they entered a small chamber. In the middle of the chamber was a large rock that jutted out of the ground. There was a single dull red gemstone embedded in it.

"The Delta Stone," one of the two followers said in awe. "So it does exist."

"Of course it exist," their leader said. "And when the time is right it'll help us know when the Enigma awakens."

"One of the fabled keyblades of legend," the other follower said, also amazed. "Are you sure we'll be able to gain it's power for ourselves. The legend says that it's wielder is whoever touches it first."

"Yeah," the other added. "Wouldn't it have been easier to find it ourselves."

"You know very well that we would never have been able to reach it," their leader lowered her hood allowing her long black hair to fall down past her shoulder. Her bright green eyes glared towards the two she had brought with her. "Those in Organization Omega have never been able to get near the thing, but once it's power is released we can seek it out and use it's power through the one who will wield it."

Before anything else could be said the red gemstone on the rock lit up and the area around them began to shake.

"Dia, you don't think it's--" one of the two followers said, but was interrupted.

Their leader, or Dia, turned and ran back through the dark tunnel. The other two, who had come with her, followed soon after. All the while the ground was still shaking and as they burst out of the cave they noticed a strange wavy pattern of pure energy in the sky.

"The Enigma has awakened," Dia said, looking up at the energy. "Now all worlds will become one and our quest will finally begin."

The event lasted only a few more minutes and then the energy vanished from the sky. Something mentioned only in legends had happened and now things were never going to be the same.

(This prologue was only written to introduce the main villain of this story. Dia, the leader of Organization Omega. The main character (who comes from the game Undertale) will make his first appearance in the first chapter. I hope this turns out good since it's the first fanfiction I've written in a while.)

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Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 20:32 (9 Years ago)
Okay. I've decided I'm going to write this crossover. I'm going to begin tomorrow morning. I've had ideas for this planned since Friday afternoon. I had an idea on what I was going to call something in it, but not the spelling. I was looking around this site some earlier today and found the word I was thinking on and now I have that decided on.

I'm not going to reveal the plot in my dairy. Only know it's an major crossover.

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Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 12:56 (9 Years ago)
There's may be a chance I will write this fanfiction after all. Seems whenever I decide to drop the idea it begins to bother me and I just want to write it more. I've been planning for two--or a little over one and a half days and the more I'm not writing it the more it's being planned.

I'll keep everyone posted on what I finally decide to do, but things are looking good now. I may be writing tonight or tomorrow morning.

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Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 11:26 (9 Years ago)
I'm still not sure about writing this idea. I know exactly what I want to write. I can create scenes and stuff in my mind, but when it comes to writing it I just can't think up the right words to begin it. Fanfiction has been this way ever since I began putting all my effort towards my book series. I've been working on that since 2013 and it began slowly since my interest in it kept dropping. It wasn't until the November of 2014 when I began picking up the pace and began to grow more and more interested in the plot I was forming. And now it's almost completely edited and now the cover is being planned. Funny how fast this is going now.

So I'm not sure fanfiction is going to be easy. It seems thinking up scenes is easier then getting it written. In my mind the idea is perfect. It's like I'm watching a show in my head. :D If that makes sense.

I'm still getting more and more hooked on Undertale (and Sans) thanks to Toetag001's dairy. I guess that why this fanfiction idea is easy to plan, but not easy to write. It's a major crossover and this one Undertale character is the main character of it.

I'll end this here. It's getting too long.

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 22:07 (9 Years ago)
I've decided that I'm still going to work on my planned fanfiction. Tomorrow morning I'm going to begin. I don't need to use BBCodes to write a decent fanfiction. Waiting until tomorrow will give me more time to work out how the beginning should go.

Creating this dairy was a good idea. It allows me to get things off my mind.

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 16:16 (9 Years ago)
I haven't even played my 3DS at all this morning and I normally do (only using it to take pictures). The reason...I've been reading through certain things on Undertale. Damn, that game is interesting and I'm still only reading info and watching videos of only one character....AND IT'S STILL ADDICTING.

If I haven't click on that link to Sans' page on the Undertale wiki in Toetag001's dairy then I wouldn't have gotten this attached to him. Part of the reason I want to write something.

I still want to write my major crossover fanfiction, but only one thing stands in my way...annoying BBCodes, which I don't know much about. I use bold and italic when writing fanfiction at times so I need to know this.

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 10:54 (9 Years ago)
I may not be writing my fanfiction after all. Not because I don't want to, but because of how things are posted on this site. There is no option to turn your words bold or italic. I don't want to use my MS Word program to write it since I'm only using that for my book series. It was a good idea too. I just don't want to use BBCodes all the time since my style of writing has a lot of that to indicate things like thought, the notes before and after each chapter, etc.

For now I'm keeping my idea open, but I don't think I'll be writing it on this site.

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 00:08 (9 Years ago)
Just got my Amulet Coin. Now I'm going to work towards getting a VS. Seeker or something else. Haven't decided yet.

I'm planning on writing a fanfiction here. At the moment I'm planning for it and I may begin tomorrow morning. It's going to be a massive crossover focusing mainly on one Undertale character. I'll update my dairy when it's up.

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Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 18:13 (9 Years ago)
I should have named this something more catchy...anyway I'm finally writing my own diary here. I've been debating with myself on starting this or not seeing I wanted to say some things. To get it off my mind.

I joined this site only to bring a friend of mine some news on my book series I've been working on (book one coming in only a few months), but found myself hooked to this site. It's fun. Yeah, I don't spend hours here. I sort of only come here randomly to warm eggs and train Pokémon (I'm working on getting enough poke dollar for an Amulet Coin).

Anyway, the real thing I want to get off my mind was that while I was reading through Toetag011's diary I found myself clicking on a single link and now I'm sort of beginning to look up the game Undertale. I'm not trusting enough to download game files onto my laptop (had bad experiences with viruses in the past) and my current HP is only two months old. Still I found myself looking into Undertale, mainly videos, the wiki (haven't really seen more then one page), etc.

And I'm finding myself attached to Sans. I'm trying NOT to get attached to characters that are not mine.

Thanks Toetag001. You've really done it now...in a good way. :)

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 18:39 (9 Years ago)
Just joined today. I've been trying to contact a friend of mine and she's a member here so maybe I can finally hear from her again. :)

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