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Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 23:39 (9 Years ago)
You may join the game but here are some errors with your post:
*You may not be above level 40
*You may not be a legendary
Once you have edited it, please post something. If you do not want to join, please do not post anything.
Have a nice day! :3

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Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 21:55 (9 Years ago)
Don’t stop reading this: your very existence could depend on it.
A mysterious man pads up to you, a wrinkled newspaper squashed in his thin fist. ¨You did what?¨
You look away, closing your eyes to block the stream of tears that threatened to overflow in your eyes. ¨What I had to.¨ You feel an anger pulse up from your gut and turn furiously at him. ¨You can't keep me here!¨
His anger melts into smugness. A thin smile presses itself against his cleanly shaven jawline.¨I can.¨
You stalk angrily away, muttering to yourself about how unfair he was. You go to your room and slam the door shut, nearly crushing the handle. You sit on your bed and think...

Welcome to reality, or should I say, Earth? Pokémon has become quite popular, I must say. But, as with everything, we have a problem. Not a small one like kids getting addicted, oh no.
People are disappearing.
And things are appearing. Things so abnormal, so crazy, that it's unbelievable. Things so beautiful, that people hate them. Things people treat like slaves and animals.
Yes, Pokémon.
And guess what? People on Earth freaked out because the video game was dropping creatures with mysterious powers everywhere. No one understands why. For now, the creatures are being shoved into jail cells with mysterious people who regulars call Communicators. They can talk to Pokémon.
The thing about this, though, is that some are good, and others are bad. Hey, if you thought all of them good, welcome to Real Life. In this mess, you might be wondering: Who am I?
I guess you could call me... the cause. I made all this happen. I'm not some type of god or anything, just a very smart woman, on a very different planet. Don't worry, all of the people that are disappearing are safe. Think of this as a test. Or a quest.
You may be wondering, what is your mission?
Well, that’s easy enough: find me. Of course, there are billions of planets in the galaxy, and only one you. I will give you a choice of fifteen planets, each one holding something deadly, with a different clue at the end. None of these planets have me as a resident, but if you follow the clues, you will be led to the planet that does. The first clue is below. Good luck!

Now, fill out the form below, and make a team with your friends. I will be the automatic thing to respond for this forum. (i.e If you are in a battle with something, and you attack, I will play as the beast) You can go solo, or, as I said earlier, with your friends.

First Clue:

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Go to a planet that is hot. Not to sound mysterious, but is also one which is not.
Nothing lives here, not one little tree. Unless you count the guardian, by which all means is not me.
You need not follow this clue. You can do whatever you want to. (But I suggest that you do)
If you hit the wrong planet, you must stay. For at least another day, I’d say.
But that is it, so be gone. Though I hope with all my heart, you do not choose wrong.

(If you have no time, just read the bold)
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1. No godmodding/powerplaying. This is an rp! As I said earlier, I will make the battle fair. Godmodding means you say something like this to another character: I ran for her throat and broke it, killing her instantly. Instead you would post something like this: I ran for her throat, hoping I would make it in time. You give absolutely no indication of the outcome. Thank you. :3
2. If you are on a team, talk to your players on the pal pad. If one of you do not have one, use Private messaging. Under no circumstances may you talk to your players on chat. You agree on the next place to go based on your clue.
3. Pm me where you want to go, then on the thread, I will reply. I will not say where you went because other players could follow you to the same planet. I will simply describe the planet and its guardian, which if you want to see if you got the right planet or not, you have to defeat.
4. Decide who is the leader of your team (i.e making decisions on which planet to travel to) before you join this rp. I do not want to hear bickering on a peaceful little thread. (Haha, this thread is not very peaceful, is it?)
5. If you choose the wrong planet, but defeat the guardian, then you still get the clue (if there is a clue), though it may not make sense. This is mainly a warning, guys, just don’t go everywhere willy-nilly. Trust me, it would be better just to figure out the clue.
6. Obviously, all PH rules apply.
7. When fighting in an RP battle, I will wait for each team member to post what their character did before I reply. However, if you do not reply in three days, I will put your name in red on the participants list.
8. No joining a team after I have accepted it. If one team is getting all the right clues, you may not ask to join their team.
9. I will PM your leader your clue, and then he/she will give it to his/her other members.
10. No legendaries as a Pokémon!
11. I would appreciate if the leader posts the form. This is just so there is less trouble and confusion. If you are not the leader, say something.
12. The prize will be distributed evenly to the team members.
13. You have a maximum of four team members. No more, but feel free to go less.
14. If you have multiple Pokémon on your team, one can be Lv. 35-40, another can be 30-34, another can be 25-29, and another can be 20-24. You may have one 35-40, two 30-35, three 25-29, or four 20-24.
15. If you win, you must all post that you agree on the distribution of the prizes.
16. You cannot RP as multiple characters. This means, you cannot be a bulbasaur and a person.
17. You can only visit a planet every 12 hours. So even if you get to the right planet, you still have to wait for twelve hours to decide on the next one. This, of course, is excluded from the first clue where you will be able to go to the next planet immediately after you hit the right one.
18. If one of your member’s character disappears or is killed, they can still help you and still get rewards if you win.
19. If two solo people meet up on the same planet, they can form a team. This being said, if a solo person meets up with a team, the solo may not join. Once a team is made, it cannot be edited.
20. You may quit/disband your team if the other members agree. If you have a good reason, but the other members won't agree, PM me.
21. If there are three people on a planet, and two make a team, the third can join, but only before the two leave the planet.
22. This is an odd rule, if two teams of two meet up, they may form a huge team together.


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Team or Solo:
Team Members:
Team Name:
Species (If you are in a team, post the other members and their species.) (i.e Pokémon, human, Communicator etc.):
Age of characters (If you are in a team, post the other members and their age):
Movepools (Only fill this out if you are a Pokémon) (If you are in a team, post the other Pokémon members and their moves):
Level (Only fill this out if you are a Pokémon) (If you are in a team, post the other members and their levels):
Appearance (If you are in a team, post the other members and their appearances) :
Backstory (Optional) (If you are in a team, and some of the members want me to know their character’s backstory, have them make one and you post their name and their backstory) :
Other things (If you are in a team, post the other members and their other) :


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1. 50,000 PD
2. Female Retro Pikachu
3. Star Piece
4. Weather Balloon
5. Gold Mystery Key


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1. The Crunch Planet. Red mist perpetually surround this planet. Large, scaled dogs live on this planet and feed on the prey that lives here. Subtropical, warm, humid.
2. The Princess Planet. This planet is at just the right temperature for life, but it is dusty and barren. Though something lurks in the grit of this landscape...
3. The Dark Void. This planet is the same temperature year round, -20 Degrees Celsius. It is perpetually dark because it was knocked off its orbit by an asteroid, destroying all life.
4. The Closed Door Planet. There is a castle on this planet, made of obsidian. Only a certain key will unlock it…
5. The Shining Waterfall Planet. Normal planet. Has four seasons and forested areas. Mysterious creatures lurk within its depths near the fabled waterfall…
6. The Glass Planet. Completely clear planet. Though something is visible in the center, no one has ever been able to get to it.
7. The Lost Planet. A planet who was knocked of its orbit by a mysterious force. Oddly, the creatures adapted so they could live in the now cold environment.
8. The Water Planet. A planet that is completely made out of water with a core of earth. Nothing seems mysterious about this planet.
9. The Blank Planet. This planet is completely dark and the ground is made of a slick, black substance.
10. The Screaming Planet. This planet is always making loud, screeching noises for some reason. There is a gigantic volcano located on the planet. It is very bright and hot.
11. The Frigid Planet. This planet is made out of tundra. The trees are pine and brittle with frost. Snow is thick and always there.
12. The Monster Planet. A planet which is very warm and tropical. Different types of creatures live on this planet.
13. The Magic Planet. The planet that does mysterious things to its inhabitants. Very dangerous.
14. Earth. This planet is very odd and has different climates. Odd creatures with fur on their heads rule this planet.
15. The Deserted Planet. This planet is made completely of desert, residents being giant birds, the plants, huge cacti. There is a big oasis on the planet where most of the animals live.


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Team Freddy: Salamencegirl (Dalia, Girafrig)
Chica_the_Chicken (Flare, Braixen)
Team Lazarus: Nouvelle (Hulk, Shelgon)
Dracadia (Denver, Manectric)
Ninja-Myuu (Akishi, Eevee)
jackmoopoo (Gibgi, Meowth)
Pinkie (Pinkie, Lopunny)

Good luck! :3 - A very smart woman

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Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 15:52 (9 Years ago)
Name: Fifi
Other Names: The Fizer. The Stalker (Just keep reading)
Gender: Female
Appearance(optional): Pure white animatronic. Stands on two legs (obviously), two floppy ears, and a shiny black nose. White is rubbed off on her legs and elbows
Crush: No one. (So far... dun-dun-dun!)
Backstory/bio: Fifi was originally made to be a security guard robot after the night guards began to disappear from the infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. ...I wandered in slowly, my hinges squeaking... She was never a fan of the scary genre, so she thought herself poor for this job. ...My mind whorled as something knocked on my door, slowly and deliberately... She knew of the dreaded animatronics that lived and worked there and feared them greatly. ...¨I-it's me...¨ A voice hissed throughout the room... The animatronics captured her, but realized she wasn't a human, though she greatly resembled one. ... ¨I'm like you.¨ Freddy whispered in my ear... She hated them, especially when they stripped her of her human metal parts and replaced them with an animatronic that had never come to be, a pure white dog. ... ¨I'll never be like you!¨ I snarled, gnashing her teeth... With time, she grew accustomed to them, but rarely ventured out of her hiding place, the vents. ... They were steel, cold, and ignorant to the world, just like me... And that is the story of how Fifi lived at the nightmarish place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. ... I'll never be the same...
Other: Fifi has rather random mood swings. She is easy to set off, but if you keep it cool, she's mostly affectionate.

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Posted: Sat, 02/05/2015 13:37 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 02/05/2015 13:36 (9 Years ago)
Prismstar dipped her head. "As expected."

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 16:30 (9 Years ago)
(@WinterAltaria= Accepted! Good job!)
"Good," Prismstar replied. She felt a shiver of jealousy for the other clans; no doubt that at this moment a cat had either caught or eaten a piece of prey. "Any other news?"

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Posted: Tue, 31/03/2015 23:53 (9 Years ago)
Prismstar was startled by the voice, she had been distracted with the problem of food. "Yes, yes. Very good." She replied absently. "How is the prey running?" This was punctuated by the sound of her stomach gurgling, setting her hunger to a point where she was ravenous.

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Posted: Tue, 31/03/2015 19:53 (9 Years ago)
Prismstar sat on her haunches, seeming to contemplate the wall in front of her. She thought of how low the prey was running and felt her multi-colored pelt rise with worry. This would definately would be a problem for the looming leaf-bare.

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Posted: Mon, 30/03/2015 20:35 (9 Years ago)
I guess. Shall I start?

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Posted: Sun, 29/03/2015 21:30 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 29/03/2015 21:25 (9 Years ago)
Username: Dragonsoul
Name: Softpaw
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, apologetic, curious, gets under cat's paws
Rank: Apprentice
Kin: (Optional) No kin
Mates/Likes: (Optional) Just an apprentince X3
Age/Moons Old: Seven Moons old

Also, I added something to my form to make it a bit better.

History/Description: Softpaw was born a true warrior at heart. Though, after awhile, her mother noticed that whenever she attacked a moss ball, she seemed to apologize to it. Her mother informed her father and they kept it a secret. Softpaw didn't seem to grow at all from her size as a kit. When she was apprenticed to Scarwhisper, she had barely gained a pound. (I don't know if anyone would want to be Scarwhisper, but it would be appreciated!)
Thanks for reading!

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Posted: Wed, 25/03/2015 21:28 (9 Years ago)
(Hello? ANyone on?)

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 23:29 (9 Years ago)
Accepted! Also, thanks Neverlight! ^^ Nellie, if you want we can work out the mate thing.

Sorry I haven't been posting. I have Adopt A Country and I seem to be busy 24/7

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Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 22:01 (9 Years ago)
Banned for being inconsiderate (Don't take offense)

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Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
Impressive! (Especially since you didn't know what Warriors was) I have just one thing to add...
Let's say there was a kit named Cloudkit...
Kit: Cloudkit
Apprentince: Cloudpaw
Warrior: Cloudsky
Leader: Cloudstar

My point being, usually they keep the first half of their name. Otherwise, great job and I accept!

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Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 20:17 (10 Years ago)
(For your first question: No, I didn't make it up even if I wish I did. This is based of the series Warriors. Yes, you can be leader of Thunderclan if you want to. ^^)

Accepted thecat99. Good post!

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 19:45 (10 Years ago)
It doesn't but I'd prefer if it did. ^^ Sorry, I haven't been on recently.

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Posted: Sun, 01/03/2015 16:47 (10 Years ago)
Name: Night Walker
Gender: Male
Age: Ummm.... How long do Umbreons live? If like a human, he is 30ish.
Level: 54
Dark or Forgotten: Dark
Powers and if you're a gijinka or got wings that stuff: Wings that are very powerful from overuse
Have you subscribed?: Yep
Did you read the rules?: Yes (Who would say no?)
Other stuff not here: N/A

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Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 21:35 (10 Years ago)
Sure! ^^ Just make your form again, and his name would be Fireflykit.

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Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 21:34 (10 Years ago)
Silverstar padded out of the den and began to pelt out of camp. She stretched her legs to their full extent and laughed when a rabbit gave away it hiding spot by pelting from behind her. She caught it quickly and delivered a swift bite to its neck, instantly killing it. She purred with pleasure at the kill and buried it, planning to come back for it later.

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