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Warriors (Please read)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Warriors (Please read)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 00:10 (10 Years ago)
A mysterious cat pads up to you. Her white and green pelt shines in the starlight. “Hello, traveler. What is your name? Ah what a gorgeous name! Come, come! I must show you the cats of the clans. What are the clans?” She sighs and sits down, wrapping her tail around her paws. “You sit down as well, this will take a while.”

Hello, people! This is for people of chickensmoothie! If you do not belong to this amazing site, click this link to go adopt a cat (or another pet, but if you want to join, please adopt a cat). Once you have one, fill this form out

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Age (Moons=Months):
CS Username:
Clanborn or no:
Password (In rules):
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy):

Another cat, without stars shining in her fur, strides over to you. “Hello,” She begins with a dip of her head. “My name is Swiftdove. I am a Windclan warrior. Ah, you would make a great warrior… But you need to learn the rules and warrior code to join.”

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All of Tess’s (Person who started CS) and Riako’s rules apply!
No, superpowers! I HATED the 3 and 4 series
There is no password! I will trust you will read the rules
No swearing (Mouse dung, fox dung etc. excused)
No text talk. Use proper grammar and spelling. It literally takes two seconds to convert from pls to please.
Please, please, please go to Chickensmoothie, it is incredibly addicting but you don’t have to go, if you don’t want to, go to the site and find a cat you like

Warrior Code (Yes, it is the actual warrior code)

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1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from the other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their
warrior name.

7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen
before moonhigh.

10. A gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

12. No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or in danger, even if that kit is from a different Clan.

13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.

14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense.

15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

Swiftdove smiles as you nod, understanding. “Now to tell you a bit about myself.”
Example Form

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Name: Swiftdove
Age (Moons=Months): 24 Moons old
Clan: Windclan

CS Username: Umm… Username? I don’t understand
Personality: Kind, but irritable
History: Swiftdove, being born curious, left the camp for Windclan as a kit. The old leader took pride in her bravery and adopted her as his apprentice. She learned quickly and got her warrior name fast.
Clanborn or no: Yes
Password (In rules): *Edited Out*
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy): Deputy

My form

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Name: Prismstar
Age (Moons=Months): 27 Moons old
Clan: Windclan
CS Username: ArtsieGirlie
Personality: Loyal till the end, but harsh without realizing it, wanting the best for her clan
History: Her mother gave birth to two healthy kits, Prismkit and Petalkit. Petalkit died from whitecough when she was young. Prismstar’s sister’s death motivated her to be the best she could be. She quickly climbed ranks and gained loyalties, her clanmates soon growing to love her. When the previous leader, Harestar, died, the clan was left without a deputy and left Prismstar in tatters. She was elected as deputy and she realized that her clanmates needed her to be strong for them. And that is just what she did.
Clanborn or no: Yes
Password (In rules):
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy): Leader, no mate

Anyone can be Swiftdove, just put the password with the words “Give me my wings!”

Leaders up for grabs! Anyone can be leader!

I guess that covers it. The map we are playing is the lake territory, oops! People who haven’t read series two and want to read it, don’t join this rp.
Specialized cats:

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Name: Darkclaw
Age (Moons=Months): 39 Moons
Clan: Shadowclan
CS Username: *Insert here*
Personality: Demanding but incredibly brave
History: Darkclaw was born into Shadowclan as Grasskit. He played hide-in-seek a lot as a kit and one time, no one could find him. The cats found him a day later in a dark part of the forest and gave him his apprentice name, Darkpaw, so the day he fended for himself would be remembered.
Clanborn or no: Yes
Password (In rules): *Find it*
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy): Mate of Icestar

Thunderclan: Talonstar
Medicine cat:

Leader: Lynxstar (WinterAltaria)
Medicine cat:

Leader: Prismstar (Dragonsoul)
Medicine cat:
Warriors: Swiftdove

Leader: Icestar (Salamancegirl)
Medicine cat:
Warriors: Willowshade (thecat999)

We will start once we have a leader in every clan, a deputy, a med cat, and a warrior
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 01:01 (10 Years ago)
Age (Moons=Months): 30-35 moons old
CS Username:wingweaver
Personality:nice, calm,helpful, but is easily distracted
History:find out
Clanborn or no:yes
Password (In rules):
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy):leader, open for mate

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 01:05 (10 Years ago)
Name: Icestar
Age: 37 Moons
Clan: Shadowclan
CS Username: salamancegirl
Personality: Protective, Stubborn, and Intelligent.

History:She was born on a snowy night in leafbare, that'show she got her name, Icekit. Her mentor died by a rouge attack. Her only sister died with only Icestar (Icefur then)by a rat attack. If it hadn't been for her sister she would have died too. Her father was deputy, and died in a clan battle with Riverclan.
Clanborn or no: Clanborn
Password (In rules): None
Other (Mate, Rank (No saying deputy, the leader select who is deputy):
Leader, Mate Darkclaw
(Will somebody please accept to be Darkclaw)

Name: Sweet
Adopt one yourself! @[url=http://www.pokemon-adoption.de]Pok
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 01:06 (10 Years ago)
Both accepted! Put in password *edited out*
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 22:20 (10 Years ago)
(Anyone else joining?)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 14:23 (10 Years ago)
(Share this with all your friends please!)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Wed, 18/02/2015 02:50 (10 Years ago)
Name:Little Willow
Age (Moons=Months):13 moons
Clan:River Clam
Picture: I'll get one later
What she looks like: (Until i get a picture) A fluffy white cat with blue and green eyes
(She is fluffy but not like a Birman or a Presian)
CS Username:I don't have one o-o
Personality:Easy-going,Moody,Gentle,Fondness for kits
History:She was taken in during leaf-bare as a kit. (I don't know my parents or siblings)
Clan born or no:No
Password (In rules):
Other:Medicine cat (If I can't i'll be a warrior)

I didn't mean to say River Clam on purpose, it was a typo.

And Little Willow is 31 moons (My typos >:T)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 01:11 (10 Years ago)
I accept but the medicine cat thing you will have to ask your clan leader, Lynxstar (WinterAltaria)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 01:27 (10 Years ago)
I accept but can you just change the name a little? It's a little awkward.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 12:46 (10 Years ago)
Also, please after this go start a chickensmoothie account and/or go through the archives to find a picture
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 02:17 (10 Years ago)
New name:FireFly
Pet's name: FireFly
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

And can I join Wind clan instead?

CS account:iJynx

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 21:35 (10 Years ago)
Sure! ^^ Just make your form again, and his name would be Fireflykit.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 06/03/2015 01:38 (10 Years ago)
Too lazy to rp now so i'm just saying I won't join .3.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Fri, 06/03/2015 02:01 (10 Years ago)
(I really want to join, but my oc isn't a ChickenSmoothie pet... Is it 100% necessary for the cat to have come from there?)

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 19:45 (10 Years ago)
It doesn't but I'd prefer if it did. ^^ Sorry, I haven't been on recently.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 20:40 (10 Years ago)
Name: Willowshade
Age: 35 Moons
Clan: Shadowclan
Picture: http://fav.me/d8atslr
CS Username: N/A
Personality: Bold and feisty, is loyal and trustworthy but, tends to open her mouth when she shouldn't and she has a short temper.
History: As a kit, Maple was raised in a lively forest alongside her mother and father. Her mother Flame, was known for her ambitiousness and attitude. Her father Volt, has a strong, powerful, tom cat who doesn't let any cat push him around. Maple loved to explore her woodland home so much that, sometimes she would sneak away and find out more about her woodland home. She was off in the fields playing happily, until the scent of smoke filled her nostrils. While she had been off playing in the meadows, a raging forest fire had started and her parents were trapped in it. She tried to save them, but her kit strength wasn't helping her. Distraught, she hid on the outskirts of the forest until the flames died down. Unable to withstand the grief of her home burning down, she ran away from the forest to start a home elsewhere. By the time she was of teen age, she had started a makeshift home in a tree far away from her original home. She taught herself to hunt so she could survive. One day, she went out to hunt, but she brought home more than prey. A couple of vicious twolegplace cats had followed her home, and were trying to drive her out of her makeshift home. But Maple wasn't having any of it. She fought as if she were fighting the flames that had claimed her parents lives. She ended up winning, but just barely. The wounds she had received during the battle nearly killed her, but she managed to stop the bleeding with some cobwebs. Ever since that fight, the cats outside of the forest referred to her as the "The Flame" due to her intense battle skills and her fiery temper. A couple of months after the fight, she decided that the area where she was currently living was unsafe. So she set off to find a safer place to live. A couple of days later when she was taking a walk, a couple of cats jumped out at her. As competitive as she was, she knew better than to battle with those cats, as all of them looked trained and well muscled. After talking with them, the had found out that they were protecting their borders and they were a group of cats called, Shadowclan. She thought to herself for a little while and decided that this was where she belonged. She joined them and earned her apprentice name, Willowpaw. She currently has her warrior name Willowshade, and is currently striving to be deputy.

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 11/03/2015 12:26 (10 Years ago)
(I would really like to join but I have a few questions. I wanted to ask if all this cat stuff is just what you thought up, or is there a place were I can read up on it. Also with the clan thing I want to be Thunderclan, but is it just whoever picks the clan first gets to be the clan leader or do you specificly pick out people to lead. Anyway this sounds really cool so if you could just clear these things up for me please that would be nice :))
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 20:17 (10 Years ago)
(For your first question: No, I didn't make it up even if I wish I did. This is based of the series Warriors. Yes, you can be leader of Thunderclan if you want to. ^^)

Accepted thecat99. Good post!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 07:41 (10 Years ago)
(read up on the lore so if you accept me I should be able to RP with little problem)

Name: Talonstar
Age: 24 Moons
Clan: Thunderclan
CS Username: Neverlight
Personality: Highly charismatic. A vicious fighter, but not without mercy. Proud of himself and his clan. Overconfident
History: Born into the thunderclan the largest of his litter, Talonkit was a wild creature. His fierce nature and piercing eyes kept most other kits away. Any that dared to stay, he would drive off with tooth and claw. He soon discovered that he could move more quickly and silently through the trees than along the ground. It was because of this strange technic that he was able to save the deputy from an attacking crow, by dropping down and biting the back of it's neck. Because of this fact he was allowed to become an apprentice, even though he was only five moons. His mother Dew new that something had to be done to curb her son's violent tendencies. So in the evenings she would teach him the ways of peace. She taught him of the Starclan, and how they came to be. She taught him to choose each action with wisdom. But most importantly, she taught him compassion. These private lessons drastically altered Talon's temperament. Soon, instead of others fearing him, they began to trust him, bringing their problems to him for advice. In trying to teach her son peace, his mother had accidentally taught him to lead. When it was time for his night of vigil, he sat watching for 3 days and nights, believing that one night was simply not enough to prove himself. He was then given the warrior name, Talonpath. He would often volunteer for border watch, sitting in the trees for days at a time watching. His dedication drew the attention of the clan leader, Lifestar. When the deputy position opened, Talon was chosen to fill it. Once Lifestar retired, Talon received his nine lives, becoming Talonstar the youngest clan leader at only 18 moons. Talonstar setup a new practice of, once new warriors had done their night of vigil, taking the new warriors with him on a private hunt. This allowed him to make a personal connection with every warrior in the clan.
Clanborn or no: clanborn
Password: none
Other: thoroughly dislikes fish-faces

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 21:53 (10 Years ago)
Impressive! (Especially since you didn't know what Warriors was) I have just one thing to add...
Let's say there was a kit named Cloudkit...
Kit: Cloudkit
Apprentince: Cloudpaw
Warrior: Cloudsky
Leader: Cloudstar

My point being, usually they keep the first half of their name. Otherwise, great job and I accept!