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Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Wed, 01/07/2020 14:23 (4 Years ago) |
The performance of the Dream World Shop has been drastically increased! It should be 30- to 40-times faster now (depending on the user). [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Wed, 01/07/2020 00:00 (4 Years ago) |
Feeling old yet? Another year is over and a new one is about to begin - time to celebrate! ![]() ![]() You can now gigamax your Pokémon! Visit the profile of one of your Pokémon which is able to perform this powerful evolution to learn more about it. Gigamaxing requires a Pokémon to be of Level 100 or higher and it requires one or more ![]() The amount of Dynamax Crystals that are required depends on the Pokémon's rarity. Note that gigamaxing a shiny Pokémon requires 5-times as many crystals. Please note that currently not all gigamax evolutions from the SwSh games are available here on PokéHeroes. They will become available as soon as possible. Also note that there are still some shiny sprites missing - we are sorry for the inconvenience! We wanted to bring this update to you as quickly as possible. ![]() To celebrate our 7th anniversary (and to give you the opportunity to hoard some Dynamax Crystals), we are hosting a very special Speed Click Saturday and even a Speed Click Sunday this weekend! Join us in this crazy event by making as many interactions within a short period of time as possible. All available time slots can be found on the SCS page, as always: ![]() ![]() Note that due to the increased efficiency of this item, the price for it had to be slightly raised at the Item Shop. Gems and lowered prices ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You can now get all different types of Gems at the Dream World Shop by spending Dream Points on Plushies! You receive one random gem for each 5 Dream Points that you spend. So - for example - buying a Charmander Plushie for 50 Dream Points will give you 10 Gems in return. On top of that, the prices for buying Dream Points with Nuggets have been lowered. The base offer is now 100 Nuggets for 500 Dream Points (before: 250 Dream Points). Enjoy! <img src="" style="width: 17%; max-width: 200px; float: right"> Part Two of the Galar Quest is now available! After spending at least 10,000 gems on trades with the gem collector, he will give you a revised version of the Galar map as part of a little quest. You can find more Galarian Pokémon in this part of Galar - and the chances of finding Gems are also much higher! Please note that you have to completely finish your current missions to the Galar region & start new missions in order to make use of the upgraded version. Simply "Resending" your Pokémon won't send your Pokémon to the new version of the map. <img src="//" style="float: right">The legendary Pokémon Mew has returned as a Dream World Event Plushie! It is available until July 17th and can be obtained by fulfilling Dream Point spending goals. With every Mew Plushie that you obtain, the DP requirement increases. To get the first Mew Plushie, you have to spend at least 500 Dream Points at the DW Shop. The 5th Mew Plushie that you get is a Shiny Plushie. Starting on July 18th, everyone who claimed at least one Mew Event Plushie (during this event period) can obtain a Mew Egg at the Ancient Cave! The more Mew Plushies you obtain, the higher your chance is to get a Shiny Mew Egg! <table id="blue_table" style="margin-top: 12px; margin-left: 30px"><tr><th>Mew Plushies</th><th>Shiny Egg Chance</th></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>Less than 0.1%</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>1:1000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>1:500</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>1:250</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1:100</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1:40</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>1:15</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>1:8</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>1:3</td></tr><tr><td>10+</td><td>1:1 (100%)</td></tr></table> We hope you enjoy these updates! 🎇🤗 Stay tuned for more updates coming in the future. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 11:01 (4 Years ago) |
But anyway, I'm not here for sentimental words. I'm here to announce the final winners! So without further ado - let's get started: We have had many wonderful roleplays and fanfictions this year, from the smallest poem to the longest roleplay. And while all of these amazing works of art have been highlighted this evening, only one will have the right to be called “Best Fanfiction of 2019”. I congratulate all the nominees and once again, here are the nominees for Best Fanfiction: The Kingdoms by FurryStar, The Prophecy Of Claw by LucarioLover99, Souls Adrift by LucarioLover99. And the Oscar goes to…..... The Kingdoms by FurryStar!! Congratulations! ✨ And now, we come to the final award of the night (or more like day now, woops!). The award for “Best Roleplay of 2019”. Once again, I congratulate the nominees for their fine work and here are this year's nominees for Best Roleplay: After Presentable Liberty (or APL) by TGGAkane and Cast, Haven of Beasts by RaRaRasputin, RoyalGecko, and Cast, Protect the Star by Uzumaki and Cast, The Ultimate Vengeance by FurryStar and Cast, The Program by RaRaRasputin and Cast. And the Oscar goes to........ After Presentable Liberty (or APL) by TGGAkane and Cast!! Congratulations! 🎉 Thanks again for inviting me to this event! [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 20:30 (4 Years ago) |
LunaFenrir: Try clearing your browser's data (cookie & localStorage). Logging out & back in might also help. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 17:48 (4 Years ago) |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 17:36 (4 Years ago) |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Wed, 24/06/2020 21:30 (4 Years ago) |
The question is, though, what is "fair" and why would users who clearly overprice their items be given a "fair" chance? The "recommended price" range is basically the minimum and maximum price for which these items are currently being sold. If you sell it in the upper part of this range, then you're definitely trying to sell it for a comparably high price (because most sales are done at a lower price) - thus being labelled as "a bit expensive". If you, however EVEN try to sell your item ABOVE the maximum price that people are willing to pay for normally, then in my opinion it's definitely "very expensive". Because like I said: It's important to consider that the recommended price range is not the average price but (more or less) the minimum & maximum prices. Let's take your Dragon Gem example: You say that 39k shouldn't be labelled as "very expensive" because it's "only 1k above the recommended price range". Though, you could also look at it this way: The median price for Dragon gems is currently 35k PD - which means that the 39k is 4k PD (or 11.4%) above the "normal price". I'd say that's pretty expensive, don't you think? This has nothing to do with that. It is completely uncertain whether this is true or not. We have not seen a drop in sales since this update was implemented (interestingly, we're experiencing quite the contrary actually) and the market values of the items has also not dropped (it's worth to mention, however, that this is hard to evaluate after such a short time, though). The items that are currently labelled as "very expensive" have been sold very very rarely even before the update and it's the same now after this update. All in all I'd recommend you to just "give it a shot" before we further discuss the possible downsides of this update. When judging effects of something on the economy, it's always extremely hard to make speculations so shortly after an update has been released. Maybe it'll even boost sales and lead to a more stable market (because people might actually be more confident about putting up items for a price that is a little higher in the "recommended price" range as it'll be labelled as "fair price".) - who knows. Personally I think this discussion makes only sense after we have actual numbers that prove the effects of this update on the overall economy. Everything else is just very subjective speculating. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Mon, 22/06/2020 10:44 (4 Years ago) |
The Item Market now lets you change the prices of your items after they have already been put up for sale. (You get a warning notice in case you attempt to buy an item and the price suddenly changes). For convenience, it now also shows you the current best price as well as a price recommendation below your currently set price. On top of that, price ratings have been added! You can now easily see whether an item is considered "cheap", "fair priced" or "expensive". Note that these ratings depend on the current market values of these items. "Cheap" means that items of this kind are normally sold at a slightly higher price; while "fair" is the average and "expensive" means that better deals are available from time to time. Some items don't have a price rating yet, as there is not enough data about them yet. More successful purchases are necessary for more precise estimations. The rating automatically adapts and becomes better and better over time. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Wed, 17/06/2020 08:56 (4 Years ago) | Though it might take some time until your application is reviewed. For example Furret applied over a year ago (or two years ago?). We look through all applications once we have demand for a new spriter 🙂 [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 19:02 (4 Years ago) |
Wailmer (Babylonian) and Igglybath have been added to the Event Shop! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 21:55 (4 Years ago) |
Item trades nowadays are no longer done by attaching items to Pokemon, so I'm not sure if this feature would still be necessary. Since the reason for this suggestion is no longer valid, it's impossible to know whether the "support" shown on this suggestion is still valid. If you feel like this feature is still needed (for a different reason), then feel free to open a new suggestion thread for it. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 20:27 (4 Years ago) |
It's kind of hard to put a value on this item because it's purpose is essentially to save you money (and a little bit of time), which basically just reduces the cost of hunting shadows (which is not really something I'd like to do, tbh. The price is there for a reason after all). [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 20:24 (4 Years ago) |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 20:10 (4 Years ago) |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 11:08 (4 Years ago) |
The forum & the "Edit signature" setting have been update with a live preview of your post! You can now directly see how your post is going to look like while typing. The BB-Codes are automatically translated on the go. Try it out! Also, three user suggestions have been implemented: ➡ As suggested here, you can now see a preview of your Custom panels in the "Profile layout" setting. You can even switch between a Mobile & a Desktop preview to see how it looks on different screen sizes. This feature also utilizes the new "live preview". ➡ As suggested here, you now receive Activity Points (for Event Distributions) from Fishing at the beach. 1% of energy spent equals 1 AP. These APs count towards the "Other" category. ➡ As suggested here, you can now see directly in the notification popup whether your hatched Pokémon is shiny and/or mega-able. ![]() Enjoy! [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 11:03 (4 Years ago) |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 10:48 (4 Years ago) |
1% Energy spent = 1 AP in the "Other" category. [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 10:39 (4 Years ago) |
The preview updates automatically as you type your code/text. And you can even switch between a desktop & a mobile preview to see how it looks with very large & very small screens! ☺ [Read more] |
Riako OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 2,808 ![]() |
Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 18:12 (4 Years ago) |
(Please note that there have already been minor updates earlier today, in case you haven't seen that post yet) The forum received an update: Suggestions forum: The overcomplicated system of classifying suggestions as "Emera Town", "Trading", "Battling" etc. has now been removed. Instead, all suggestions must simply be put in the main "Suggestions"-forum. There is, however, a new subforum called "Most Popular". This subforum lists the most popular suggestions (based on the community's rating; with at least 40 votes). Threads there are only links, they aren't actually moved in there. Mod-approval: New threads in the "Suggestions" and in the "User-made contests" now require approval by a moderator. When posting a new thread there, it will first be invisible to the public until a moderator approves it (the creator of the thread will be able to see it, though, and also make edits while it's still pending approval). Please read the subforum's rules before starting a new thread in order to have your thread approved. You can find a comment with an explanation by a moderator in case your thread is rejected. [Read more] |