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Posted: Sat, 16/01/2021 19:50 (4 Years ago)
Titubeur: every game has a relevant counter in its bottom right corner :)

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Posted: Sat, 16/01/2021 00:07 (4 Years ago)
Yay! First post.

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Posted: Sat, 09/01/2021 15:27 (4 Years ago)
You won't find this area on the "resend" screen as it's only accessible by Eevee.

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2021 18:26 (4 Years ago)
Well since you - the thread owner - say that it's better than the original suggestion, I will move it to "Implemented" then :) In case anyone wants an actual notification for this in the future, then please feel free to create a new thread.

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2021 16:19 (4 Years ago)
This has been implemented now! ... sort of.
Birthdays of long-time staff members are now celebrated at the Dream World Shop with their Pokesona as a plushie. Users receive a notification whenever that happens.

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2021 16:08 (4 Years ago)
The thing I'm wondering about - how is this different from subscribing to a thread? Is it that you don't receive notifications for new texts?
And secondly: every browser allows you to bookmark pages of any sort, so why not just use this built-in feature?

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2021 15:33 (4 Years ago)
After last night's update, you can now see someone's former username on their profile. In my opinion, this is less flashy/annoying than receiving a notification about it. Plus, users can decide to hide it in their settings.
Would you agree that this suggestion is therefore sufficiently "implemented"?

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Posted: Sun, 03/01/2021 13:10 (4 Years ago)
Sorry, I should really learn to spell... Fixed!

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Posted: Sat, 02/01/2021 13:00 (4 Years ago)
Both fixed!

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2021 00:37 (4 Years ago)
2019 Statistics

The server has just finished calculating the statistics of the past year, compared to the statistics of 2019!

Color code:
< -15% || -15% to +5% || +5% to +25% || > +25%

2020 in numbers


Available PokéDex Entries: 1,513 (↗ 155 Entries)
Adoptions: 4.1 Million (↗ 6%)
Shinies hatched: 45.1 Thousand (↗ 12%)
Pokémon with Mega-Ability hatched: 25.5 Thousand (↗ 42%)
Shadow Pokémon caught: 27.7 Thousand (↘ 5%)
Tall Grass Adoptions: 197 Thousand (↗ 45%)
Honeytree catches: 21.8 Thousand (↘ 2%)
Safari Adoptions: 13.0 Thousand (→ 0%)
Most common Pokémon: Eevee, Combee, Gyarados
Rarest Pokémon: Magearna (Master Ball) (1), Magearna (Ultra Ball) (4), Pincurchin (4), Magearna (Great Ball) (8)


New Members: 19.5 Thousand (↘ 10%)
Most Online Members: 594 (2020-01-12)
Shared Feeds: 385 Thousand (↗ 49%)
Feed Comments: 298 Thousand (↗ 53%)
Forum Posts: 304.4 Thousand (↗ 33%)
Pal Pad Messages: 3.61 Million (↗ 75%)

Dream World

Gifted Plushies: 563 Thousand (↗ 20%)
New released Plushies: 41 (↘ 49%)
Most popular Plushies: Magikarp, Ponyta (Galarian), Zubat
Dream Points spent: 32.3 Million (↗ 50%)
Dream Point Tasks fulfilled: 1.58 Million (↗ 7%)


Regular Event Distributions: 10 (↘ 29%)
Total Activity Points collected: 206.4 Million (↘ 21%)
Frosty Kyurem Egg Adoptions: 1,221 (↘ 64%)*
Summer Time Shaymin Egg Adoptions: 1,368 (↗ 19%)
Zeraora Egg Adoptions: 1,416 (↘ 35%)
Easter Event Eggs found: 33.2 Thousand (↘ 20%)
Trick or Treats: 88.5 Thousand (↗ 13%)
Advent Calendar Doors opened: 30.4 Thousand (↗ 10%)
Valentine's Day Cards: 8,711 (↘ 27%)**
Sky Gifts: 24.0 Thousand (↗ 23%)
Christmas Gifts: 40.5 Thousand (↗ 1%)


Total Interactions: 979 Million (↗ 7%)
Interaction Day Record 8,433,629 (2020-07-18)
Interactions with berries: 13.1 Million (↘ 2%)
Days with x2 Multiplier: 44 (↗ 10%)
Days with x3 Multiplier: 8 (↘ 27%)
Speed Click Events: 168 (↗ 8%)
Speed Click Goals reached: 79 (47.02%)
Total Interactions during SCEs: 39.7 Million (↘ 5%)

Game Center

Coinflips: 44.7 Million (↘ 13%)
Solved Hangmen: 435 Thousand (↗ 76%)
Lottery Winners: 19 (↗ 73%)
Spent Game Chips: 20.56 Billion (↘ 51%)


Total Page Views: 232.7 Million (↗ 13%)
News Posts published: 24 (→ 0%)
Common Wealth (PokéDollar): 11.30 Billion (↗ 9%)
PokéDollar spent at Item Shop: 1.57 Billion (↘ 24%)
Finished Rumble Explorations: 3.11 Million (↘ 14%)
Collected Badges: 78.1 Thousand (↘ 11%)
Failed Tall Grass Searches: 654.0 Thousand (↗ 23%)
Furfrou Haircuts: 3,244 (↘ 22%)
Explored Royal Tunnel Levels: 11.3 Million (↗ 38%)
Wonder Trades: 185.6 Thousand (↘ 17%)
PokéDollar spent on tips at Los Seashellos: 3.46 Million (↗ 5%)

* compared to 2018, since there was no Kyurem Event in 2019.
** compared to 2018, since there was no Valentine's Event in 2019.

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2021 00:03 (4 Years ago)
Xx_Squidkid_xX: thanks, fixed!

Yvelette: Yes, both forms are available. They do not have separate Pokedex entries, however.

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2021 00:00 (4 Years ago)
Welcome in 2021

It's a new dawn—and a new year! Welcome in 2021. May this be a great year for all of us, both in real life and on PokéHeroes!
Here's what's new:

<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/artworks/kyurem.png" style="float: right; width: 20%; max-width: 200px">

The frosty creature, Kyurem, is finally back in Emera Town! It has already been seen in some spots of the town - and as always it seems to be searching for dedicated and caring trainers, like you!
This year, the chance of hatching a Shiny Kyurem has been further increased! The shiny chance is higher than last year and higher than ever!

This event ends on January 21st 2021, 23:59.

A detailed FAQ can be found in last year's announcement.

New Galar Pokémon

A bunch of new Galar Pokémon has been released! They are now available at Prof. Rowan's Lab.

In order to change Morpeko's form to "hangry", give it some Leftovers.

Zacian & Zamazenta

The summon items for Zacian and Zamazenta - The Art of Combat and The Art of Defense - are now obtainable from Mystery Boxes!
Along with this update, the chance of finding a summon item in mystery boxes has been increased. In return, the probability of finding berries has been decreased.

Dream World Update


Four of our oldest plushies have received a make-over:

New plushies

A bunch of new plushies have just been added - including five shiny plushies!

New reward plushies

You now receive a special shiny Pikachu for spending 100k, 250k, 500k, 1M, 2.5M, 5M... Dream Points at the Dream World Shop. Your regular Pikachu plushies have been upgraded in case you already reached these goals before this update.

You can now receive special reward plushies for...
... sending a plushie to a completely random user (Shiny Bulbasaur)
... sending a plushie to a random new user (Shiny Charmander)
... sending a plushie to a random friend (Shiny Squirtle).
Please note that you have to select these options at the DW shop for this. Choosing a specific username will not work for this.

With every purchase, you have a small chance of obtaining these plushies. The more you spend on a plushie, the higher is your chance to get one.

I want to say special thanks to our wonderful staff which has helped enormously in 2020 to make this difficult year a great year for us on PokéHeroes! Our moderators have done an incredible job at making this one of our most pleasant years community-wise; our spriters have delighted us with beautiful Event Pokémon; thanks to our artists we have had many new, adorable plushies (among other artworks); and our wiki team has eagerly put together all information of our updates in no-time!
So thank you everyone for your hard work—I deeply appreciate working with all of you. To another fun and successful year 2021!

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Posted: Wed, 30/12/2020 13:35 (4 Years ago)

Our Advent calendar special prize has been added to the Event Shop!

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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2020 15:20 (4 Years ago)
NootBear: Uh no, they are not. They just look very similar - which is probably why Corrish confused them.

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Posted: Fri, 25/12/2020 14:16 (4 Years ago)
Which of these images did it show?



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Posted: Thu, 24/12/2020 15:57 (4 Years ago)
Fixed, thank you for reporting it!

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Posted: Fri, 27/11/2020 20:31 (4 Years ago)

Orryrm is now available at the Event Shop. This Event Pokémon has been created by Mozzie in our last Event Spriting Contest.

Pumplin is now available at the Event Shop. This Event Pokémon has been created by Arahkan in our last Event Spriting Contest.

Obsidianix is now available at the Event Shop. This Event Pokémon has been created by Amelyanna in our last Event Spriting Contest.

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2020 10:37 (4 Years ago)
PokeHeroes is based mostly on data from Bulbapedia (if only I had known that there are existing downloadable databases online...). Before June 23rd, 2013 (8 days before PH's public release), Bulbapedia's Mew article stated that Mew needs 510 steps to hatch:

Web archive
Change log

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Posted: Mon, 16/11/2020 12:57 (4 Years ago)
It can take up to 5 minutes for this to take effect on the palpad. Might this delay have caused it?

Second possible reason: you cannot block moderators.

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Posted: Sun, 15/11/2020 13:27 (4 Years ago)
fixed :)

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