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Forum Thread

2020 Statistics

Forum-Index News 2020 Statistics
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,808
Posted: Fri, 01/01/2021 00:37 (4 Years ago)
2019 Statistics

The server has just finished calculating the statistics of the past year, compared to the statistics of 2019!

Color code:
< -15% || -15% to +5% || +5% to +25% || > +25%

2020 in numbers


Available PokéDex Entries: 1,513 (↗ 155 Entries)
Adoptions: 4.1 Million (↗ 6%)
Shinies hatched: 45.1 Thousand (↗ 12%)
Pokémon with Mega-Ability hatched: 25.5 Thousand (↗ 42%)
Shadow Pokémon caught: 27.7 Thousand (↘ 5%)
Tall Grass Adoptions: 197 Thousand (↗ 45%)
Honeytree catches: 21.8 Thousand (↘ 2%)
Safari Adoptions: 13.0 Thousand (→ 0%)
Most common Pokémon: Eevee, Combee, Gyarados
Rarest Pokémon: Magearna (Master Ball) (1), Magearna (Ultra Ball) (4), Pincurchin (4), Magearna (Great Ball) (8)


New Members: 19.5 Thousand (↘ 10%)
Most Online Members: 594 (2020-01-12)
Shared Feeds: 385 Thousand (↗ 49%)
Feed Comments: 298 Thousand (↗ 53%)
Forum Posts: 304.4 Thousand (↗ 33%)
Pal Pad Messages: 3.61 Million (↗ 75%)

Dream World

Gifted Plushies: 563 Thousand (↗ 20%)
New released Plushies: 41 (↘ 49%)
Most popular Plushies: Magikarp, Ponyta (Galarian), Zubat
Dream Points spent: 32.3 Million (↗ 50%)
Dream Point Tasks fulfilled: 1.58 Million (↗ 7%)


Regular Event Distributions: 10 (↘ 29%)
Total Activity Points collected: 206.4 Million (↘ 21%)
Frosty Kyurem Egg Adoptions: 1,221 (↘ 64%)*
Summer Time Shaymin Egg Adoptions: 1,368 (↗ 19%)
Zeraora Egg Adoptions: 1,416 (↘ 35%)
Easter Event Eggs found: 33.2 Thousand (↘ 20%)
Trick or Treats: 88.5 Thousand (↗ 13%)
Advent Calendar Doors opened: 30.4 Thousand (↗ 10%)
Valentine's Day Cards: 8,711 (↘ 27%)**
Sky Gifts: 24.0 Thousand (↗ 23%)
Christmas Gifts: 40.5 Thousand (↗ 1%)


Total Interactions: 979 Million (↗ 7%)
Interaction Day Record 8,433,629 (2020-07-18)
Interactions with berries: 13.1 Million (↘ 2%)
Days with x2 Multiplier: 44 (↗ 10%)
Days with x3 Multiplier: 8 (↘ 27%)
Speed Click Events: 168 (↗ 8%)
Speed Click Goals reached: 79 (47.02%)
Total Interactions during SCEs: 39.7 Million (↘ 5%)

Game Center

Coinflips: 44.7 Million (↘ 13%)
Solved Hangmen: 435 Thousand (↗ 76%)
Lottery Winners: 19 (↗ 73%)
Spent Game Chips: 20.56 Billion (↘ 51%)


Total Page Views: 232.7 Million (↗ 13%)
News Posts published: 24 (→ 0%)
Common Wealth (PokéDollar): 11.30 Billion (↗ 9%)
PokéDollar spent at Item Shop: 1.57 Billion (↘ 24%)
Finished Rumble Explorations: 3.11 Million (↘ 14%)
Collected Badges: 78.1 Thousand (↘ 11%)
Failed Tall Grass Searches: 654.0 Thousand (↗ 23%)
Furfrou Haircuts: 3,244 (↘ 22%)
Explored Royal Tunnel Levels: 11.3 Million (↗ 38%)
Wonder Trades: 185.6 Thousand (↘ 17%)
PokéDollar spent on tips at Los Seashellos: 3.46 Million (↗ 5%)

* compared to 2018, since there was no Kyurem Event in 2019.
** compared to 2018, since there was no Valentine's Event in 2019.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Wed, 03/02/2021 18:39 (4 Years ago)

Thanks to Kamini for making my avatar! :)

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 64
Posted: Tue, 16/02/2021 22:58 (4 Years ago)
Amazing. And just wondering, who has the 2 MasterBall Magearna OS?


Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 12:53 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 27/03/2021 00:52 (3 Years ago)
Way to go
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 29/03/2021 16:49 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Sat, 30/10/2021 05:44 (3 Years ago)
Will there be changes on how to obtain Magearna?
Especially for those of us trying to complete Dex?

Rarest Pokémon:
Magearna (Master Ball) (1)
Magearna (Ultra Ball) (4)
Magearna (Great Ball) (8)

Have a great Morning, Day, Evening or Night
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 01/11/2021 03:14 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 18:24 (3 Years ago)

Title: 2020

summary: 2019 is better than 2020. end of disscosion