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I'm Feeling Lucky
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Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 15:39 (9 Years ago) |
I wish that I could eat a taco right now. LIKE RIGHT NOW~ [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 15:26 (9 Years ago) |
![]() ![]() I gazed over the battlefield, leering at the Pokemon and trainer opposite of me. I shot a burst of fire at the two, and the Wartortle hopped in the air, dodging my futile attack. Wait, who are you? Yes, I can see you. I can see everything. My name? Matres. I can hear your voice and your thoughts, yes even the ones about how grotesque I am. The legendary part of me can hear everyone, and sometimes even reach out to them. Like you. Well, where were we? Ah, birth. Don't even ask, I don't know myself. Hey, don't be annoyed at me! Do you remember your birth? Good. Anyways, my parents, obviously a Machop and a Moltres, both thought that if a male regular Pokemon and a female legendary bred, a legendary would pop out of the egg. My father was elected to be the Pokemon for this job. It was hard, once I came out of my egg. My mother was disgusted and flew away, but who can blame her? My name was Matres(s) for Pete's sake! My father stayed with me, raising me from a chick to a healthy full-grown bird. I left him, telling him I needed to explore the world and I was just burdening him. He argued vehemently but in the end, I won. I actually ran into my mother in the skies. She challenged me to a battle and, of course, she won. I fell out of the skies, on fire, may I add, and into the forest. I pledged that when I ran into my mother again, I'd be a seasoned fighter. But, I can't seem to get the type match-ups down. Hey, you seem like a good trainer. Will you come and challenge me? After writing this, I think it might make a good opening for an RP. What do you all have to say? [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 21:56 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 21:30 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 21:08 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 21:07 (9 Years ago) |
It was a dragon! A huge Haxorus stood above a Honedge. Wait, he had known that Honedge. The Pokemon looked exhausted. Working up his courage, from his hiding spot he launched a green orb at the dragon, then followed by Drain Seeds (Leech Seed). He changed his hiding position as to not be caught. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 06:48 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 06:34 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago) |
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art! Username: Dragonsoul Topic 2: Password: Kashet and Ari [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 04:52 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 01:54 (9 Years ago) |
"Right..." Hajila said. Her black fur bristled as she met with the shattered window she had climbed into. The darkness lifted as she looked out. The panther lay on the ground, blood dripping from its torn throat. Its claws were still extended, as if to kill the unlucky man who stumbled upon its dead body. She sighed and climbed out the window, hooking her claws into the grooves and nooks of the rotten old wood. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 01:46 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 00:19 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 00:08 (9 Years ago) |
The new feature is out! I have also made the rare thing to update the adoption center! [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 21:05 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago) |
Reference: ![]() Payment: 20K? Is that enough? :3 Line art or coloured?: Colored please! Other?: Buizel(s) are amazing! [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 13:03 (9 Years ago) |
Is this okay? Is there anything I can improve/enhance? [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 13:02 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 12:52 (9 Years ago) |
![]() A pokemon fusion is a strange and rare
occurrence. Mostly it happens when two pokemon from different egg
groups breed, but sometimes even that isn't the cause.
However in my case, it was the different egg groups. Being born different is definitely hard, but at least I'm alive That's why I think I'm lucky Not that I'm no good in battle, having both ghost and grass types, my move set is one to be reckoned with. I have won not two or three battles, my evolution just proves it. I wonder if I'll evolve again.. Most of my Ivysaur friends already have already evolved, and Like anyone else, I have a dream and that's to mega evolve. Both my mother and father are from the few species that can reach this goal. But nether did, that's why I have to, and now I have twice as much potential for it! I heard that to mega evolve you need a trainer to love you, have a special bond. If that turns out to be true, then I'll find a one. They'll like me the way I am and I'll return the love tenfold. We'll be an unstoppable team. Just you watch, I'll make it all happen, because I'm special, I'm a pokemon fusion! [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 12:33 (9 Years ago) |
He had grown accustomed to the newly found weight on his head. He had grown quite lean and powerful over the week that he had claimed his territory. He fought off many pokemon, but let others, such as Caterpie and Sewaddle, remain, as he did not view them as a threat. He met no trouble on his patrol this time, and remarked the borders by spitting out his Drain Seeds (Leech Seed). He lingered at the border, as rain began to pour down, droplets rolling off his sleek brown black. [Read more] |