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Posted: Wed, 14/10/2015 18:42 (9 Years ago)
I'm really a moron, yes)

Sekhmet watched the floor.

"Hm, maybe i should go out for a walk" she said and jumped off the bed. She stretched her arms, smacking a few bones.
She walked through the main hall, and reached the gardens. She breathed deeply the fresh air of the outside.

"Maybe I'll practice a few minutes"

She layed on the grass and began to do various calisthenics; she heard some talking and suddenly she turned her glance watching the others talk.

"Well, someone is making friends, oh well."
She scratched her ear again, the sun was touching gently her skin and it caught her attention.

"Father..." she whispered at herself.

(sorry for the orrible writing, I'm tired -A-)

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Posted: Wed, 14/10/2015 13:44 (9 Years ago)
(GAAAAAAAAAH I missed the grand opening TvT)

"Another year"

Sekhmet observed the trees while she was passing through the garden. She liked it and she hoped to spend more days in there too. She shaked her head and headed to the dorms.
The confusion made her head spinning but fortunately she arrived at the dorms withouth a single fall. She pushed down the handle and entered in the room; she liked it at first impact.

"Well, I can't complain for sure."

She put down her linen bag on the floor and began to arrange her things, finding the right spot for everything. Once finished, she layed on her bed exhausted. A little itch was growing behind her lion ear, she scratched it and passed it on the bed blanket.

"Why the ear itch!? WHY"

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Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:56 (9 Years ago)
Oh okay! XD

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Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:52 (9 Years ago)
owo! Oh really?

Geh, I don't have OC gods QWQ
And I like Sekhmet so much QWQ
Sorry, I'm not original XD

(Pss, should I edit the password? o3o)

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Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 16:47 (9 Years ago)
Gender: Female
Age (14-18): 18
Year (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?): Senior
Godly Parents (Or mythical creature.): Ra (Pssss, I know its popular, but I like put pictures QWQ)
Appearance: HEEEEEEERE ♥
Power(s): Control fire and healing (Thanks Wikipedia XD)
Personality: Serious mostly, but when the time comes, she can do a joke or two. She likes to play with the fire and do a...friendly fight ♥Also, she cares much about justice.
Familiar (Optional. You'll get it during the first class of Monster Care and Training.): Gryphon! *3*
History (You know, how you came to Earth, how you figured out you were the offspring of gods, be creative! Its also optional.): Geh, too lazy and my brain won't think right now -A-
Questions or concerns: Nupe! *3*
Other: And nupe uvu...for now xD
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Hm? What? o3o

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Posted: Mon, 12/10/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 23:06 (9 Years ago)
owo! Gnahahahaha oooooh thank youuuu >w<

Its just a pencil draw, I'm better at it XD

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Posted: Sat, 10/10/2015 22:58 (9 Years ago)
Don't know if some of you ,is addicted to MMORPGs just like me, play "Guild Wars 2"
But THIS Asura is the cutest character I ever made on a game
So his name is Pheshy

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Posted: Fri, 09/10/2015 16:40 (9 Years ago)
owo! Awww you guys ♥♥♥

Both accepted! Edit your password ;)

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Posted: Fri, 09/10/2015 12:19 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/10/2015 20:57 (9 Years ago)


So, This is another of my stories if you read the intro in my other rp Gothic Monster Hunter , the results are so perfect, so I want to start another rp and see what I'll get!! *3*

Have Fun!! >w<

"I was in the car with Alex when I heard someone screaming. We ran quickly, an elderly shouted "Help! Help! Someone stole my bag" and she point a black silouette that was running. We managed to caught the culprit, a teenager who could scarcely walk from flickering. When we took him to the central, he fidgeted and shouted.
"I'm innocent! It wasn't my fault! Black Jenny forced me to do it!!"
We asked about this "Black Jenny". He said that he didn't know who she is but he only knew that she controlled the most criminal affairs of the world, and to
settle a debt he was forced to steal.
Our chief told us that he knew already the case. He took a big sealed box and cut the scotch. A black write was written on in, Black Jenny and a "Top secret" red write was glued on it.
Inside of it, there were lots and lots of photos, reports of other cops, and other papers.
The greatest criminal affairs were collected in just one box. My look crossed the Alex's one.
There was something that whispered in our ears, somethig that pushed us to re-open the case, and caught her.

You then,
Chief told that we need other cops.
Do you feel brave enough
To join in the trip of this unresolved case with us
and unmask the greatest enemy of the world?

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-PH rules apply
-No perfect characters
-Be careful with your gun, don't kill the other ones, or we will kill you as well
-As the other rp, I will control the characters that are not needed in the story
-One liners are accepted, as long as the one line won't be your habit. You know what I mean.
-The password is "Handcuffs"
-Romance allowed
-More than one character allowed
-As always, no godmodding
-The real password is the last two "letters" of my username plus the second word of the title. Please, edit your password when you'll be accepted.

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Description or Image:

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Psss, I know this is a shirt ↓ XD

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Username: TxTiger999
Name: Alessia
Age: 25
Description or image:
(With brown hair)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She likes to be solitary, and help people too. She is Alex's best friend from childhood and she supports her in every moment. She's not that brave, but she try to be a good cop.
Hobby: Drawing.

Username: TxTiger99
Name: Alex Donovan
Age: 23
Description or Image:
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She is stubborn but sensible, and also really energetic. She likes going to parties and have every type of fun with her friends. Often she poses to attract girls. She makes concert and sings on the notes of the guitars, mostly she sings and write Rock songs, she appeared too on the first pages of rock magazines.
Hobby: Sing and play the guitar.

Since I have this bad Habit to forgot things and write them later, check this post often, maybe I'll change something

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Posted: Thu, 08/10/2015 17:19 (9 Years ago)
Axel nodded, smiled at the hunters determination.

"Good, I know I can count on you. So you guys come with me." she said glanced at Cassandra.

The woman giggled "Good Job, you make me proud." She crossed her arms. "Tomorrow, now its past 10 PM and I prefer that you restore your energy, and you also had dinner" she answered to Valentine.

The reunion finished and Axel retired to her room, giving the good night to her team. "Sleep well, that thing is a tough one and we must be ready. I'll advice to prepare the equipment before bed time. Oh and...if someone suffer from insomnia, you can always try the training room."

She arranged her mecha, fixing some bolts and add a lubricant; her titanium gloves were full of diamond bullets and she prepared some other clothes for fight (Sorry Guild Wars 2...)
"Good Night Khaalida, sweet dreams" she said, patting gently the head of her companion.

At midnight she went to sleep, waiting the next day with impatience.

P.S.. Yes, you can change your clothes for fight! Please, not something too much exposed (or this will be useless) and not something that....mighty....just....non that complicated clothes XD
P.P.S. Companion can change too! *3*

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Posted: Tue, 06/10/2015 19:00 (9 Years ago)
Axel saw her companion cath a mouse and giggled.

"Don't you have already eaten enough?" she said scratching her head. "Well, good girl good girl, you've praticing before the hunt" She nodded.

Cassandra walked toward the empty wall and glanced to Octavio.
"Dear, please"
Octavio nodded and walked near the raven sculpture putting his metallic hands on its head. He opened its mouth and suddenly a light illuminated the empty wall next to Cassandra, streaming various images of monsters.

"Ok hunters, this time we have a big monster to kill. Its situated in the forest to the sud of this castle. Its giant, and easy to see, but there's a guardian who protect the forest, and he knows perfectly how to move in there, try to ask him.
The raven went in exploration and recorded some frames of this monster"

The eyes of the raven changed color and the images of the monster were screened at the sight of everyone.

"This mission require a small group of hunters, since going in many all of you will die for sure. So, who wa--"

"I want to go!" Axel exclaimed first with fire in her eyes.
Cassandra giggled and shaked her head. "Okay little stubborn, you'll be the leader of this group"

Axel turned around to all of the hunters in the room.

"Who want to come?" she smiled fiercely.

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Posted: Sun, 04/10/2015 14:09 (9 Years ago)
Axel looked at Selinia who was running next to her and took the beaker in the hands.

"Cool. Thanks Selinia, useful as always" She blinked.

She arrived in front of the main saloon and deeply breathed.
The room was illuminated by the big chandelier placed above the long oval table in the center of the room. On the walls were haging various paintings and photos, a big raven were situated on a stone pillar.

Cassandra stood near the table with crossed arms, waiting patiently next to her assistant Octavio
"Please, come in" She smiled.

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Posted: Sun, 04/10/2015 13:42 (9 Years ago)
"I see" Alexane glanced at the body of the angel.

"No, don't worry. I'll go down to the river and then take a bath, the flower needs water too." She got up and walked toward the tunnel. "Do you need something?" She asked.

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Posted: Sat, 03/10/2015 21:33 (9 Years ago)
Muscles Muscles Muscles~~
Can't wait to learn more ♥

Aaaah I love the puppet so much ~ [center]

My "Comic mode" just turned on. So I searched images and copied the poses, the character are on my style (Since my brain refuses to copy....)
That Lady Death

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Posted: Sat, 03/10/2015 11:51 (9 Years ago)
(owo! Oh Hi noire! Yes! You can still join! *3*
P.S. Hum...well...the dragon veicle is...hum...if you want a living dragon to be your veicle it must be a companion owo
Or If you want a dragon that bad I suggest you to search for...a mechanical dragon and something like that owo!
Accepted anyway! Just fix that little problem, sorry QWQ
You can start when you want >w<)

Karine Bloodbath turned around to the young man Valentine and with a gentle voice she answered. "No, I don't think so" she smiled.

Axel finished her meal. She ate too much and her belly felt heavy.

"Ugh, hope I won't feel sick" she sighed.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner, the evening was rich of laughs and the food was delicious as always.

Suddenly the window exploded in thousand pieces and the shards of the glass were spread all on the floor.
Axel jumped on her chair and turned around quickly to see what was happening.
From the smashed window someone appeared ...upside down.
When the black silouette revealed itself in the light, Axel breathed a sigh of relief.

She was Ambrosia, who remained upside down, probably hanging on a part of the building.

"Ah...Sorry for the mess" she said coldly. "But Cassandra requires the presence of all of you..."
She jumped and landed on the various glass shards. When she was about to finish the sentence, a metallic voice interrupted her.

"To all of the hunters, I identified a new target. I require your presence in the main saloon, we'll discuss for the informations when all of you are here."
Ambrosia sighed and shrugged.
"That thing" she walked throught the door.

Axel jumped out of the chair.
"Well, finally some action, come on Khaalida, a new prey awaits us" and she headed to the main saloon.

(Ok people, this thing was long enough
Now the REAL story

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Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 22:15 (9 Years ago)
ovo! Shshhshhhshs >//////<
Thank you!

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Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 19:54 (9 Years ago)
Hi All!

I know my draws aren't that well, but I want to start an art journal just to keep track of my progress and other things.
I'm an aspiring comic writer, I love to sketch and inking things (Yes, my skin too! XD) and colors are my weak point, since I HATE them. I always liked the darker colors, like grey, black and white. I really don't know why I keep forcing myself to do that ._.
But hey! I'm a big idiot! *3*
And I'm 16 so I'm in my dumbest part of my life so, okay~
Draw well is my...all. Since I hate to express what's going in my head with words, draw helps me to express things that are impossible to hear by my mouth and so on.
I really hate how I draw now, they aren't the images of my thoughts. So I hope to draw well in the future and maybe give life to everything that I imagine.

Don't mind it, I was dragged away by my hands XD

P.S. If you want to use one of my draws, feel free to ASK.

Feel free to comment anyway...

I wanted to try to associate my OCs with the Seven deadly sins....I ended up connect only two sins....

Don't know if some of you played Skyrim.
I'm in LOVE with that game.
And Serana too.
So I made a genderbender with my character Kalhara AND Serana.

"The Adventures of Serano and Khalo" (?!)

I'm doing something funny with my RP, and since that story will be a comic in the future (maybe?) I wanted to draw some scenes ~

Self Portrait, and those little cuties are a part my consciousness, my friends.Well, call them friends is too low.
Lets call them my lovely sisters.
(Its funny the fact that you re-watch this draw when you learned the muscles and yell at the draw because the neck is WAY TOO LONG)

I was too tired and bored to think what I had to draw. So I let my brain speak for itself.
Result: I have a rotten brain...

Another self portrait. I won't dye my hair (sigh) and my mother prohibited me the piercings. So I made an image. And cry over it because I can't be how I want to look like .___.
When I'll turn 18, I can OPPOSE AND BE MYSELF.

For now, I don't want to be kicked out of home. So I'll be a good daughter uwu

Very very very very old draw. My fantasy drove me away too much, hehe~

"Just sew that mask
So nobody can see
My tears falling on the ground.
Just rip those eyes
And let me bleed
in my sea of pains"

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Posted: Fri, 02/10/2015 16:12 (9 Years ago)
The night passed quickly, Alexane was too tired even for the dreams.
She got up looking out of the cavern, the sunshine seeped through the tunnel.

"At least its morning" with a blurred glance she looked around, but not putting too much focus.
She tried to walk toward her mask, but in the middle of the stretch she tripped on something and fell on the ground. She rubbed her head and turned around to see the obstacle.
Suddenly she jumped on her feet with an allarmed looking.

"What the...." she quickly grabbed her mask and put it on her head.
Nathana was sleeping quietly and the body on the ground seemed to breath too, there wasn't signs of battle. She sat with her back against the wall and waited that one of the two girls woke up.

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