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Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 20:30 (10 Years ago) |
Having nothing to do, Bastion decided to see where Blix had wandered off to. She was really the only person left in this strange place that he at least knew. He stared at the houses lined up side by side. Let's see, this one maybe? He tried a door, only to find it locked. He was about to try the next one over, when he heard a commotion from a house with its door open. I'm betting she's the one making all the racket. As it turned out, his suspicions were proven correct. There were a number of people in the house, including a cat-like creature that was jumping around on the furniture. That's gotta be Blix for sure, he thought to himself. He looked around the room, taking it in with a low whistle. "Wow, where can I get a house like this?" He wondered aloud. The house itself wasn't a mansion or anything, but he would have gladly given up anything in exchange for living alone. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 01:11 (10 Years ago) |
His hair stood on end as he felt it. There was no way to explain it, he just knew. There was another savvy nearby. After almost a year of hunting them, he had developed a sort of "sixth sense" that told him when there was one near him. He approached the boss, Mr. Gato. There was another girl with him, this one much older than the small child. A scorch mark stood at Gato's feet. There was no mistaking it, she was definitely a savvy. And two of them within just a few minutes. It must be my lucky day. I think this even puts me ahead of the quota for savvies spotted. Maybe after this I'll take the weekend off and take Audrey to a movie or something. He stopped walking when he was about 20 feet away. The girl seemed...agitated. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, to either of them. (Meh, I'll post with Bastion when I get back.) [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 02:36 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 02:19 (10 Years ago) |
Username: Death Character Name: He mainly goes by the name "Cheshire," since that's what the scientists have started calling him as of late. His real name is Chris Hansen. Gender: Male Savvy: He has the ability to travel through anything. He can move through solids and liquids as if they were air, and can move through liquids and gases as if they were solid. He can do an advanced technique on the air to make himself go through it and "teleport" through the air as a sort of fast-travel. Age: 19, almost 20. Personality: He's indifferent to most things, as long as it doesn't concern his close friends or family. (Although he doesn't have any more close friends to speak of, so it's pretty much just family.) Where his family is concerned, he will do anything to protect them, almost up to giving his own life. Appearance: ![]() History: He lived with his family in Virginia for quite a while. Until his 17th birthday, in fact. On that day, his house was attacked. He watched both of his parents die trying to protect both Chris and his younger sister, Audrey, from the attackers. The two siblings barely managed to get away. After that incident, they managed to get away by stealing a car. They ended up moving to New York, New York, where the mass amounts of people helped them blend in and avoid being spotted by the mysterious attackers, until about eight months ago. The attackers tried to get Chris, but he had recently scumbled his savvy, and anything they threw at him literally went right through him. They quickly changed tactics and went after his sister. Unfortunately, his power can't be shared with other people, and they had to run. It was only a matter of time before Audrey was captured. He begged the attackers, which he had now learned was a scientific organization, to let her go. He struck a deal with them: he would hunt down savvys for the organization in return for both his sister's safety and his, as well as money to pay for living expenses. (He does get paid rather handsomely if you need to know how much. o3o) His sister knows nothing about how he hunts down other savvies, only that he made some sort of deal with the scientists. Family: Parents David and Sarah, now both dead. His younger sister, Audrey, is currently 14. She attends school. Crush: None. Other: His fast-travel only works on himself. He cannot use it on other people, which is why he wasn't able to save Audrey from being captured. He mainly tracks down savvies for the scientists, but he has been known to capture savvies and take them to an agreed area to be picked up and transported. Password: Aw come on, you know me. *wink wink* [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 17:57 (10 Years ago) |
As far as names go, I probably couldn't come up with anything better. The full name didn't quite roll of the tongue for me at first, but after saying it a few times in my head it really grew on me. ^_^ [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 00:12 (10 Years ago) |
Bastion quickly stood up when the crazy girl finally got off him and helped him up. He still felt a bit dizzy from whatever it was that brought him to this strange place, and he swayed side-to-side before correcting himself. Savvy people. So that's why the tail. Although it still kind of took me by surprise, I must admit. "Whoa, wait! No need to erase my memory, I've got a savvy!" He stuttered, almost starting to sweat. "Yeah, I'm in on the whole savvy thing, so, uh, we're all good, right?" He sat down on one of the chairs, hoping that sitting would make his queasiness go away. He looked at the crazy, purple-haired girl. "Did she just said that you were homeless?" The girl didn't look like the kind of person who lived under a bridge, but she did seem to be carrying quite a bit of luggage with her. "And could someone explain this all to me? One minute someone's talking about windows, the next I end up wherever this is." He gestured to his surroundings. "And is there a way to get back?" [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 23:51 (10 Years ago) |
I agree with the holidays thing, how about my character is visiting California on family business? How about his only uncle just bought a house in California and Bastion's family is visiting for the weekend to help him move in? [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 03:11 (10 Years ago) |
He was puzzling over how such a thing could have happened when the strange passerby from before walked by. There was something about her... He couldn't quite put a finger on it. Her companion also seemed to have that similar air of strangeness about her. After mulling over it briefly, he decided to follow them, and gave a small wave of goodbye to the annoying little girl. He could be quite stealthy when he wanted to, and he took off after the strange duo. When they came to an abandoned building, the leader of the two broke the door in without even touching it. Could they be...? He followed them in, hiding around corners since there wasn't much furniture to be found, but it wasn't long before they came to a window. What are they doing? [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:38 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:35 (10 Years ago) |
Through his new, second pair of eyes, the man saw a scene before him. He could just make it out. A young man was being attacked by a stranger. The young one, Derek thought he knew. J...something. Or maybe it started with an M... The assassin closed his phone so the view of the scene was now blocked. Geez, who even uses flip phones anymore? Derek traded his eyes for a new set, this one from a nearby security camera that linked to his connection. He adjusted the angle of it to get a better view, before ending the connection. "What's up, big bro?" He waltzed into his brother's office with no other announcement of his entrance. He wasn't one for the polite "May I come in?" or even just knocking on the door. "I don't know how well you've been keeping up on the situation, but it would seem that..." He was once again reminded that he had forgotten the kid's name. He had never been one for names, being one who sees too many at a time. "...'Mohawk Kid' under attack. There's a stranger who's threatening death." He lightly tossed his phone into the air, and let it revolve once before catching it again. "So...what's the plan now, brainiac?" [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 13/11/2014 23:53 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Thu, 13/11/2014 02:31 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 21:11 (10 Years ago) |
When it seemed like all was once again well, a little girl decided to start yelling. I left the house because I wanted to be alone, but it seems that was too much to ask of. He sighed, almost angrily. What volume... Even from across the road, he could still hear the girl loud and clear, "...OVER HERE IS BLEEDING! DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO HELP HIM?" He sighed again, this time out of reluctance, and flipped the pages of his sketchbook to a blank page. He first drew a simple cylinder, then quickly drew in lines on it that crisscrossed. In his mind, he pictured what the object would look like in real life, and then plucked the drawing off the page. It gained depth and weight, and in his hand it turned into a roll of ace bandages. He walked across the road and gave it to the little girl. "Here you go," he said to her. The bandages would probably last about two hours, maybe three before they disappeared. Whoever was bleeding would probably need to change them by that time, anyways. (Long post I know, but it's for the intro.) [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 12/11/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago) |
Riddick: Pitch Black (I think it might be rater R for violence/gore, so don't watch it if you don't want to) Princess Mononoke The Winter Soldier The Vampire's Assistant Inception (You can't just watch it once. You seriously have to watch it at least twice. Preferably four times. Watch it and you'll know why.) The Road to Eldorado (lovely dreamworks 2D animation o3o) [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Tue, 11/11/2014 02:28 (10 Years ago) |
Alias: The Hacker Age: 31 Gender: Male Alliance: Supervillain Interests: Books and stories (including fanfiction) | running | swimming | looking at art Appearance: While his older brother tends to dress rather fancily, Derek prefers a more casual appearance. You'll rarely see him dressed up, unless his brother forces him into a suit. *(Yes I know this is Aiden from Watch Dogs) Credit to Doubleleaf on Deviantart Supervillian outfit Obviously he doesn't have the alienish arms but this was the best picture that I found. I believe that the picture is concept art from DC but the source page was blocked so I can't tell. Personality: He considers himself somewhat of a polar opposite of his brother. Derek loves to laugh and have a good time, although his sense of humor is usually on the darker side. It's usually hard for him to hold a grudge, but he does not forget the more serious crimes against him that easily. He likes to observe other people and sometimes forgets that he can actually be affected by them since he usually acts from a distance. However, he's quite the procrastinator when it comes to big projects, which has made him seem somewhat unreliable to his brother, although he usually still manages to get it done last-minute. Abilities/Super power: CONTROLLING INANIMATE OBJECTS: He can make inanimate objects move on their own. However, larger objects take more concentration, and distance also affects how much focus he needs. He isn't very good at this particular skill, and mainly only uses it to slide things (such as his phone) to him from across the floor when he's too lazy to get it himself. He's never managed to move anything larger than a guitar case. When his skill developed into hacking devices, he lost the ability to move anything that doesn't run on some form of electricity, whether that be a charger, wall plug, or even just batteries. "HACKING" INTO ELECTRONIC DEVICES: This skill branched out from his object-controlling when he was an early teen. When he touches something electronic, he can access the data on it, allowing him to look through it and alter it however he sees fit. He can also bypass passwords and other protective programs. History: He first started discovering his powers when he could make he was 7, and discovered that he could move his toys to himself from across the room. He immediately showed his older brother, Daniel, who he loved and respected. He thought that Daniel would think it was cool. His brother told him to keep his powers a secret between the two of them, and Derek obeyed. He found that he had a special knack for controlling things that ran on electricity. When he started taking an interest to video games in his teenage years, he accidentally discovered how he could hack into the game and give himself things such as unlimited items. Of course, as he grew older he did this less, as it took away the fun from the game. When his older brother started fighting crime, he couldn't resist joining in the fun. By using his abilities to help out his older brother, they could easily find criminals through hacking into certain internet sites. He also found that he could find the location of the criminal's phone with his abilities, and thus track them down. When Daniel began taking down the superheroes of their former squad, Derek joined him, his loyalty to his brother outweighing his loyalty to the squad. His brother was known to be the tougher one of the two, as Derek himself was rather scrawny in comparison. However, he has always been a very good runner. Extra information: He's been known to play video games in his spare time, especially since he can "hack" the games. Password: Spoon In case this makes it more convenient for you: ![]() [b]Name:[/b] Derek Fausto [b]Alias:[/b] The Hacker [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alliance:[/b] Supervillain [b]Interests:[/b] Books and stories (including fanfiction) | running | swimming | looking at art [b]Appearance:[/b] While his older brother tends to dress rather fancily, Derek prefers a more casual appearance. You'll rarely see him dressed up, unless his brother forces him into a suit. *[url=](Yes I know this is Aiden from Watch Dogs)[/url] [size=6]Credit to Doubleleaf on Deviantart[/size] [url=]Supervillian outfit[/url] [size=6]Obviously he doesn't have the alienish arms but this was the best picture that I found. I believe that the picture is concept art from DC but the source page was blocked so I can't tell.[/size] [b]Personality:[/b] He considers himself somewhat of a polar opposite of his brother. Derek loves to laugh and have a good time, although his sense of humor is usually on the darker side. It's usually hard for him to hold a grudge, but he does not forget the more serious crimes against him that easily. He likes to observe other people and sometimes forgets that he can actually be affected by them since he usually acts from a distance. However, he's quite the procrastinator when it comes to big projects, which has made him seem somewhat unreliable to his brother, although he usually still manages to get it done last-minute. [b]Abilities/Super power:[/b] [u]CONTROLLING INANIMATE OBJECTS[/u]: He can make inanimate objects move on their own. However, larger objects take more concentration, and distance also affects how much focus he needs. He isn't very good at this particular skill, and mainly only uses it to slide things (such as his phone) to him from across the floor when he's too lazy to get it himself. He's never managed to move anything larger than a guitar case. When his skill developed into hacking devices, he lost the ability to move anything that doesn't run on some form of electricity, whether that be a charger, wall plug, or even just batteries. [u]"HACKING" INTO ELECTRONIC DEVICES[/u]: This skill branched out from his object-controlling when he was an early teen. When he touches something electronic, he can access the data on it, allowing him to look through it and alter it however he sees fit. He can also bypass passwords and other protective programs. [b]History:[/b] He first started discovering his powers when he could make he was 7, and discovered that he could move his toys to himself from across the room. He immediately showed his older brother, Daniel, who he loved and respected. He thought that Daniel would think it was cool. His brother told him to keep his powers a secret between the two of them, and Derek obeyed. He found that he had a special knack for controlling things that ran on electricity. When he started taking an interest to video games in his teenage years, he accidentally discovered how he could hack into the game and give himself things such as unlimited items. Of course, as he grew older he did this less, as it took away the fun from the game. When his older brother started fighting crime, he couldn't resist joining in the fun. By using his abilities to help out his older brother, they could easily find criminals through hacking into certain internet sites. He also found that he could find the location of the criminal's phone with his abilities, and thus track them down. When Daniel began taking down the superheroes of their former squad, Derek joined him, his loyalty to his brother outweighing his loyalty to the squad. His brother was known to be the tougher one of the two, as Derek himself was rather scrawny in comparison. However, he has always been a very good runner. [b]Extra information:[/b] He's been known to play video games in his spare time, especially since he can "hack" the games. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Tue, 11/11/2014 00:52 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 04:27 (10 Years ago) |
Character Name: Bastion Green Gender: Male Savvy: He can bring things to life, such as paintings and statues. In the case of drawings and paintings, he can make the object come out of the page/canvas and become 3D. He just has a lot of trouble making it disappear once it's out, which makes it dangerous if he bring out things such as wild animals as he can't control them (or at least hasn't learned how to). Age: 17 Personality: In a single word: depressed. He suffers from depression, so he's not much when it comes to emotions. He tends to distance himself from others and hang out at the back of the crowd. When he tries to talk to people, he often gets ignored, perhaps because he has a quiet voice, which only makes him distance himself farther. He always carries around multiple sketchbooks of varying size and paper type, along with his art supplies, which he keeps in a brown satchel that's with him at all times. Appearance: ![]() History: His parents tend to ignore him, giving most of their attention to his younger siblings. This has not only influenced his depression, but also made him quite independent while still craving for someone to notice him. When he was 6, he took an interest to art, and has been drawing and painting ever since, so he's quite good at it. Family: Two younger sisters, who are twins, age 12. Also the obvious mother and father. They currently live in Seattle. (The US west coast in case any foreigners don't know. ;)) Crush: None, he's asexual. Other: I've read Savvy, but not Scumble. (I didn't even know there was a sequel, I read it a long time ago. XD) Password: Mississippi Beaumont [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 03:47 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 03:13 (10 Years ago) |
Accepted, fellow brony! Welcome to the herd! EDIT: I MAY OR MAY NOT start making little tiny pixelated icons as "cutie marks" for club members to put next to their name on the member list. Maybe. EDITEDIT: I just tried out one for myself as a test. This is the relative size they would be (20x20px): Death ![]() I am now taking requests for these cutie mark icons, I want to do it for the entire clan if possible, but for now, I'm starting with requests so the more active members can get theirs first. ;) [Read more] |