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Posted: Sat, 09/10/2021 17:36 (3 Years ago)
Hi, I'm not sure if it's just going crazy at the index at the moment but I just had a Ralts egg pop up at the index but when I refreshed the page it was gone again.

I assumed it had hatched so I checked my party and the egg was still there, not even half way hatched yet. There was 2 minutes remaining until the 5-minute switch around so I'm unsure why it popped up and then disappeared.

After that my Hoopa egg popped on the index too. Maybe it was because so many eggs are hatching the index is going a little crazy?

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Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 11:27 (3 Years ago)
Hi! I noticed Amaura and Tyrunt currently aren't on the "Evolving Pokemon" wiki page for special evolutions. They both have to level up to 39, but Tyrunt evolves during the daytime and Amaura evolves during the night. Hope that helps! <3

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:41 (3 Years ago)
Day 10 Entries:

Corsola reacted swiftly and threw a Power Gem at Eternatus!
Even Dynamaxed, Corsola was tiny compared to Eternatus but that wouldn't stop her from battling. Her friends joined in the fray. On and on it went, fighting harder than ever... everyone was tired but they still kept on trying and trying. Corsola nearly knocked herself out battling so furiously.
Finally, the mysterious trainer threw another pokeball, this time a strange purple one with pink spots. It rolls once... twice.... thrice.... The trainer caught Eternartus!
When the smoked cleared, Corsola could finally catch a glimpse of the trainer... It was a young girl wearing turquoise shorts and an orange-red jumper. There was something familiar about this girl with short orange hair... It was her trainer, Misty!
The victory was on her face and she seemed not to recognize the brave Corsola at first but then Misty got so happy to see her Corsola back! She had lost her when she was riding her bicycle, when Corsola’s pokeball fell. After escaping the pokeball, Corsola decided to venture out into the world and find its trainer itself.
Misty picked up Corsola, happy to see her lost Pokémon. “I thought I'd lost you! Oh, who are your friends? Are they lost too?”
Misty calls a friend to help them find a home. He arrives soon after.
“Goh, do you mind helping me relocate some Pokemon? The legendary Pokemon Eternatus has caused havoc here again and we need to rebuild.”
Goh replies, "Yeah, no problem. I know a few trainers who will happily take great care of them." He looks around and adds, "All this damage is going to take a long time to fix."


And so, after many days of adventure, battles, berries and hardships, Corsola found her way home and her friends all found loving homes of their own with good trainers to take care of them.

Is this the end of our adventures? Who knows! Maybe another Pokemon will need your help in the future. You'll have to wait and see. <3

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:41 (3 Years ago)
Day 9 Entries:

“Eternatus! What is the whole point of dynamaxing and gigamaxing random Pokemon? They didn’t do anything-” Before Corsola could finish Eternatus roared, blowing Corsola 50 meters away.
Corsola would not give up and went back to fight eternamax Eternatus.
But they could not defeat the humongous Pokemon by themselves - they needed help of epic proportions, so the team sluggishly retreated to hide behind a tree.
What's that - a tiny rock, glimmering in the ground...? A Light Stone....!
As Corsola held the light stone, it glimmered more brightly than before. Corsola and the friends had a victorious feeling.
Suddenly, Reshiram was summoned in front of them. It said, “I know everything, what you need, and I am here to help you all and this Earth. Just let me know where is that cruel Pokémon which wants to destroy this planet.”
After hatching a plan with Reshiram, Corsola and friends have a berry that the Eternatus likes very much and they gave it the berries to calm its rage. Then, Reshiram attacked Eternatus exactly on its weak spot while it was eating the berries! Eternatus falls and Reshiram disappears.
Overwhelmed by this defeat, Eternatus said, "You may have stopped me but in the future I promise I will come back!"
Before he can fly away a pokeball flew in its direction! A trainer had appeared from the shadows.
"Who is this mysterious female trainer?" they said to themselves, for they know the shape of the so called pokeball (they had seen it once along the journey) and the people who called themselves trainers. What kind of intentions does this trainer have?
The pokeball falls to the ground. It shakes once, twice...
...but Eternatus struggles and breaks free! It is enraged once again.
Corsola and friends comically fall over in frustration. "Are you kidding me!?" they shout together.
They are back to square one. After all their hardships in defeating Eternatus, they feel upset at this new trainer.
Eternartus snarls at Corsola before firing a beam of energy! Corsola, anticipating this, dodges the Eternabeam. The move hits the ground, drilling a hole deep into the ground. Cracks begin to form, moving towards Corsola, revealing a red energy.
Out of the blue, a red beam emerged beneath Corsola, causing Corsola to Dynamax!
Wow! Corsola has never felt so powerful!

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:40 (3 Years ago)
Day 8 Entries:

A huge Duraludon in its G-Max form!
The Duraludon roars! Waking up the group who stand still in fear.
The Duraludon roars again! The friends come to their senses and attack all at once but the hit only took half of it's HP with all of them tired.
Duraludon, who is now very angry, attacks and attacks again. Corsola and its friends start running trying to dodge all the moves.
Giving chase, the mighty Duraludon hits a big boulder! It trips and falls, reversing back to its normal form.
Cautiously, Corsola and co approached the Duraludon. It looked confused. It seems to not know what happened when it was in giga max form....
Corsola and friends sense some giga energy when they walk closer. Corsola looks into the eyes of Duraludon and clearly sees Eternatus.
“Yes, Eternatus has been giga-maxing random Pokemon all over the world and has been wishing to destroy everything,” said Slowbro, using Foresight.
Eternatus is a Pokemon from a distant island - the same one where the mysterious Shellder swam from. Its power must be tremendous in order to have the capability to Dynamax Pokemon in Alola!
There and then, Corsola and friends made the decision to find Eternartus, self preservation thrown out of the window. But the first task in their way; they must find the source that will tell where is that island and how they can get there.
They keep pushing forward despite the fact that finding Eternatus is hard, for it keeps slipping away from their grasp. They don't lose hope! Instead this only makes them thirst for more adventure!
One day, they see an overly huge shadow blocking the sun. They look up and see Eternatus! After all hardship looking for this mysterious Pokemon, they finally succeed. They approach it slowly and ask...

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:40 (3 Years ago)
Day 7 Entries:

A group of Pokemon who were after Skwovet's berries! Corsola, Onix and their friends rushed to help Skwovet but, oh no - it's a group of dangerous shadow Pokemon! Now they don't know what to do...
From a distance they could see a shadow Gengar and a bunch of other shadow Pokemon.
Onix decided to go underground in an attempt to ambush the shadows.
The shadows are too fast! They saw what Onix was doing and knock over Onix, luckily, Onix isn't hurt much. But the friends need a new plan, and fast!
They quickly reconvene behind a helpfully placed rock. Wait, that's no ordinary rock - it's a Purification Rock! A rock that can purify these evil shadow Pokemon into normal. They were so lucky!
After many attempts to purify these shadow Pokemon they finally succeed. Now it's time to help the poor little Skwovet who got hurt by the battle accidentally.
The newly purified Gengar ran off to help the Skwovet.
Corsola and friends wanted to help too so they joined while Onix waited to the side because of its size.
Afterwards, together everyone partied in happiness well into the night.
Tired from the fun they had, Corsola and friends all slip into a deep slumber.
As they sleep, a large shadow approaches and towers over them from outside the cave.

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:39 (3 Years ago)
Day 6 Entries:

Soon the moon rose with the stars and it became night time.
They began to settle down for the night when suddenly - RUMBLE, RUMBLE, BANG!! A giant Onix came out of the ground hearing the Corsola group above.... but he was half-asleep. And so, unfortunately, Onix in his half asleep state accidentally rolled over onto Vulpix's berries, turning them into paste on the cave walls. Vulpix started crying.
After hearing the noises of the squelched berries and Vulpix's crying, Onix slowly woke up and opened his eyes, staring at Corsola intensely.
Startled, Corsola spat a small fountain of water, attempting to scare Onix. Onix angered, but the Onix did not attack for it was also hurt. Corsola saw this and gave Onix some medicine it had made from the berries.
Onix says, “I am so sorry, I was half asleep. Sorry for all those berries which are paste now. But I know a place where there a lot of berries collected by my friend Skwovet. I can take you all to my friend, just ride on me.”
Cautiously, Corsola and friends hop on. The freshly revived band of friends rode into the depths of the eerie cave in search of the Skwovet and its berries.
The cave was dark but even through that, further in they saw the Skwovet with the berries! But, there was also....

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:39 (3 Years ago)
Day 5 Entries:

Corsola with its last bit of energy, used Self-Destruct, becoming an explosion of energy. After the smoke cleared, it was revealed that all Pokémon had fainted. Pikachu, knowing what to do, stepped in to take on the next Sharpedo...
Pikachu jump around so it would not get hit by Sharpedo, then it used Iron Tail.
The Sharpedo was readying to use a Crunch attack, but Pikachu used Thunder - its most super effective move! Out of the sky came a hoard of Pikachu in the form of a huge lightning strike from the heavens that crashed into the water, instantly knocking out the Sharpedo!
At last, a pink Sharpedo swam into the fight and begin to mega-evolve. Gyarados, noticing the phenomenon take place, steps in and mega evolves. Before Mega-Sharpedo could unleash a brutal Hydro Pump, Mega-Gyarados used Hyper Beam and blasted a beam of intense white energy that defeating the Sharpedo once and for all.
After recovering, everyone at the Corsola side was happy that finally they had won the battle. The Sharpedo said that they never battled like that and said “Good going” to the opposing team and allowed them to pass.
When the friends had found a sheltered place to rest, it was the time for Slowpoke to put his tail in the water. After a while he whipped his head around - something had bit his tail!
It was a Shellder! But wait, there was something tied to the Shellder... it was a cuff made with twigs and it had a big orange berry on top. A Galarica Cuff! Slowpoke started evolving. He evolved into a Galarian Slowbro!
The Shellder must have swam to Alola from a distant island...
Amazed by Slowpoke's evolution our young Corsola insisted they must go now or else more enemies would come.
They said goodbye to the golden Magikarp, now a strong and powerful Gyarados, who had helped them challenge those nasty Sharpedo.
The friends ventured on again, looking on the mysterious path with curiosity in their eyes.
What kind of danger and adventures lies within?
After continuing along the path for a while, they ventured into a deep dark forest... hours of exhausted wandering later, they happen upon a cave.
The sun had set and they needed shelter. So although they could not see clearly inside the cave from the outside, they bravely enter the cave......
Further inside they meet a friendly Vulpix that was currently arranging berries! She gave them some energy reviving berries and invited them to stay over, until night time had past.

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:39 (3 Years ago)
Day 4 Entries:

But the Sharpedo had a secret weapon: a mega stone!
The Corsola called her other Pokemon friends for help. Hearing the call for help a random golden Magikarp came out of the water.
A golden shiny Magikarp, which escaped from his trainer who had been very strict. It had a mega stone with it too. It said to Corsola in heavy words, “I am very powerful but I need some experience to evolve, and then I can mega evolve and help you guys to fight with those mega-able Sharpedo.”
Corsola said, “I found a lot of these special rare candies on the way here!” And threw some into Magikarp's mouth, evolving it into Gyarados.
They confronted the Sharpedo and began the match. Agreeing to take turns battling the four Sharpedo, Corsola was first placed into battle.
Sharpedo bared its teeth and Slowpoke noticed that a weird dark aura was circling its teeth...
Before he could warn Corsola, Sharpedo lurched towards Corsola and bit down on her, blasting her away. Sharpedo had used Crunch! Corsola got back to her feet and retaliated with Power Gem! Its most powerful move. Corsola managed to blast the Sharpedo away! Before Corsola could execute another move, Sharpedo used Aqua Jet to burst back into the battle!
Both opponents were very tired, who will counter next?
Slowpoke stepped in to help and another Sharpedo tapped in for a double battle. Slowly and deliberately, Slowpoke turned his head to execute a powerful water attack. A colossal wave overwhelms the two Sharpedo! Slowpoke had used Surf!
It wasn't enough! The second Sharpedo crashed through the wave unscathed and proceeded to launch towards Corsola revealing a maw filled with icicles as teeth! Sharpedo used ice fang!
Corsola was very tired and Sharpedo used this time a brutal move. As soon as it used its move, Corsola used all its will to dodge it and Sharpedo missed its attack. The first Shardepo, without waiting a moment, prepared its sharp fangs to use Crunch!!
Oh no! What will Corsola do? Crunch was coming right towards it and had no more energy left!

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:39 (3 Years ago)
Day 3 Entries:

The Mareanie escaped back into the water and the Slowpoke said, “Awesome!! You are a really great battler! I didn’t wanted my tail to be a lunch for Mareanie.... Thank you! But now I need to rest.”
Slowpoke went into to the water, turned back and said, "By any chance, do you know where I can find a Shellder hotspot?"
Corsola replied, “Shellder? Umm... Yes! They live in huge masses in the lake near to my house. You may come with us if you wish.”
The Slowpoke said in a tired voice, “Alright then.”
And so, Corsola and friends now with Slowpoke were walking together, when a voice called out to them from behind a tree....
“Are you heading to Melemele Se-a?” Asked a Pikachu with a shiver in his voice. “There is a horde of notorious Sharpedo who took over the coast!”
"T-they should be nice r-right?" asked the shiny Corsola with a nervous stutter.
The Pikachu said, “They aren’t bad, but they do like their personal space…”
The young Corsola was confident. “The Sharpedo will let us pass if we give them a good battle!"
Corsola and friends venture to the coast. Pikachu, wanting to help, said he needs his Light Ball to fight them but he could not find it anywhere. So everyone searched high and low, but also could not find it.
When all the hope seems lost, a helpful Delibird who found it near the shore of the Melemele Sea gladly searched his bag and give them his Light Ball!

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
Day 2 Entries:

But it wasn't! They were furious!
A passing Eevee saw what was happening and rushed over. It shared all its berries with Snorlax, the two Corsola, Rookidee and Murkrow. Snorlax satisfied his hunger and apologised to them, and returned to sleep.
They went back with some berries for the injured Beautifly.
The Beautifly, thinking they were going to hurt it, attempted to fly away but this caused it more pain for its wings were injured. The Beautifly fell. The Corsola helped it back up. Thankfully, the Beautifly was quite appreciative of Corsola helping it. The two Corsola, Rookidee and Murkrow carried the injured Beautifly all the way to the stream.
When they got there, a Slowpoke slowly appeared out of the water.
The Slowpoke was fishing for Shellder with its tail so that it can evolve, but in its dimwittedness it thought that the shiny Corsola was a Shellder.
The shiny Corsola squeaked anxiously, “I’m not a Shellder!”
Slowpoke replied lazily, “Oh.... Sorry.” He asked why they were carrying a Beautifly.
"Oh, my friend is injured! We need someone to heal her." Corsola replied. “Can you help us?”
Slowpoke closed his eyes and began to focus, within seconds pink puzzling pulses started to radiate from him. When this mysterious energy touched Beautifly, she started feeling better. Slowpoke had used Heal Pulse.
"Thank you very much!" Corsola said gratefully to Slowpoke.
Slowpoke smiled warmly at Corsola. "No problem, friend. If it is OK to call you that...?"
Corsola replied happily, "Of course. I love having friends!"
Slowpoke smiled and removed its tail from the water – only to find a Marenie was on its tail! Corsola's natural enemy!
Unnerved, Corsola backs away and uses Bubble on the Mareanie.
Startled, the Mareanie attacks!
The battle between them intensified for what seemed like hours but finally the young Corsola wins with the aid of her naughty but good friends.

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
Day 1 Entries:

"Once upon a time, a young Corsola decides to venture out into the world and meet new friends along the way.”

On the first day of its adventure, Corsola saw a Vivillon. Corsola thought it was so beautiful it followed it into a bush, only to trip over a sleeping Poochyena who wakes up upset!
Corsola quickly apologised, as to not further anger him. The Poochyena is annoyed but accepts the apology. Corsola waved goodbye to the Poochyena kindly and continued on, following the Vivillon futher into the bushes.
As the Corsola ventured further, the bushes parted to reveal something magical: It was another Corsola! But it was....blue? Was it sick? It was sparkling.... It was a shiny Corsola – a rare special Corsola!
The shiny Corsola noticed the young Corsola and they stopped to admire each other. Corsola squeaks happily and dashes over, letting out a greeting to its new friend. The shiny Corsola greets Corsola too, and they played and played until the sun set.
Corsola knew it was late and she had to continue. But she didn't want to leave the Shiny Corsola... so Corsola asks, "Why not come together with me?"
The shiny Corsola twirled around. "You really want me to join you?"
The Corsola happily said “Why not?”
The two Corsola slept peacefully for the night and in the morning continued to follow the Vivillon.
When they caught up with the Vivillon, the Vivillon got scared and asked them in fear “Why are you following me??”
The young Corsola replied, "Because I love Vivillons a lot!"
The Vivillon was still scared and flew away as fast as it could.
The Corsola looked at the pretty Vivillon in the air and decided it wanted to fly! The young Corsola sighed. The shiny Corsola wanted to help the young Corsola so he decided to call his friend Rookidee for some help.
While waiting for him to come, Corsola decided to search for some berries - Rookidee might be hungry on arrival. After collecting some Razz berries, Corsola found an injured Beautifly. Just then, they heard a spooky sound....
It was Rookidee and their friend, Murkrow! As they hurried to greet them-
A Snorlax appeared!
The Snorlax ate all the food, thinking it was for him!

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Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
*Giveaway Storytime - Corsola's Adventure!*


A massive thank you to everyone who added to the story! Corsola had a great adventure!
I had no idea how it would turn out but it seems everyone had fun in the end. I've edited it as best I can and I hope you enjoy reading it. I'll post the story in the order of days of entries. <3

Below are the promised prizes and the winners chosen by random number generator:


1st: Retro Corsola
2nd: Set of Waiter Dresses (Red, Blue and Green)
3rd: 1x Relic Gold, 1x Relic Silver, 1x Relic Copper


1st: _-_-_-Sam-_-_-_
2nd: Aarohii
3rd: -Widow-

Everyone who contributed to the story:

_-_-_-Sam-_-_-_ ~Imagine~ Cloudfairy lilrainbow Hazume Purpleeda Icefox BoomBoy Rainbows Sparks -Widow- RainbowEevee GracefulEevee Leafeon1022 TreeckoGirl3 Pohat MegaMewtwoX_Master ShatteredDiamond tristan999 SuperDucky100 dirtdude Nikkari ~Venus~ kytten Komainu ScottiferTheEmoGuy ~Pikachu~ Alphar197 Aarohii Teh6tarik ~Wish~ Sokka- FreeHugz 12604845 Hello554 Miminite Pridemonth Happiny24

Edited by LuckyLady

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 12:49 (3 Years ago)
Sorry, you need to message me directly. I will send you a PM.

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Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 18:33 (3 Years ago)
D'oh.... it's not really a secret if they can see it here...
That's why I asked for direct messages only. :/

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Posted: Sun, 18/07/2021 10:03 (3 Years ago)
Hi, is it possible to get an update on the wiki page for mega able pokemon please?

I know there's a link to a list on the wiki page and a list of all pokeheroes exclusives but for some reason neither includes mega Rapidash (which I'm guessing is a pokeheroes exclusive because it's not on the Bulbapedia linked page) so I have my doubts this is a complete listing and was hoping to find out more.

Thanks. <3

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Posted: Fri, 16/07/2021 07:03 (3 Years ago)
Not on here. If you read it, it tells you to message me directly.

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Posted: Mon, 05/07/2021 21:01 (3 Years ago)
Secret Plushie Service!

Urgh! I can't take it anymore! I still have a ton of DP burning a hole in my pocket even after spending enough for a shiny mew!


1) Send me a PP/PM and nominate someone to receive a secret plush! Do not post on here.

2) Tell me what plushie you want me to send (up to the value of 100 DP) and what message to add (keep it ph-friendly).

3) No spamming me! I will send only one per day for you.

4) I will not send Magikarps. Some people like them, some don't, so I am ruling them out completely.

5) If I happen to have them blocked for whatever reason (or they happen to have me blocked) please respect our decision for doing so. I will not unblock just to send a plushie only to block again.

6) Secret means secret. If you have a hunch who sent it to you I will neither confirm nor deny. Good luck guessing!

***This service is FREE! Since I get gems when sending plushies I do not want any payment!***

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Posted: Sun, 13/06/2021 09:06 (3 Years ago)
Welcome to

LuckyLady’s DexHelp Service!

***The DexHelp Service is currently closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. <3***

For breeding and trade evo’s.

My pokedex is pretty full so I’m offering to help you with yours too!

Here’s what I’m offering:


Can’t find what you need at the auction? Having no luck at the lab? Someone else has is but wants thousands of pd in return? Look no further! Anything I can breed - you can have!
Prices for pokemon vary (based on price check), if you need an everstone, and price of daycare. That’s it!

Extra Pokemon:

If I can’t breed it (examples: Alolan Raichu and Galarian Weezing) I will open up a “Dex Adopt Box”.

Should pokemon breed more than one egg during the hour they are in daycare these will be placed in the “Dex Adopt Box” for others who may need the pokemon. Prices charged for these will be at the regular pokemon cost, plus everstone if needed (no daycare costs incurred).

I will also breed a bunch of Miltank and male Combee to put here should anyone need them for Route 53. (No daycare costs incurred and no everstones needed.)

Trade Evo’s:

Need help with a trade evo but don’t know who to trust? I’ll help you with that too! And it’s FREE! Just make sure you have any necessary items on the pokemon, set up the trade, and I’ll trade it straight back. Easy!

Rules And Other Stuff You Need To Know:

Show hidden content
1) All PH rules apply.

2) This is not a shiny/mega-able breeding shop and I will not breed specific natures, etc – it is solely to help you with your pokedex. I will not breed legends or events, just regular pokedex entries. I will not lend them out either.

3) Please note: I will be breeding the unevolved form for you. If it levels up naturally, this I can do for you if you wish. If they require items for evolution I cannot provide these. However, I do have some evo/forme change items for sale on my profile, if you're in need of any you're welcome to check there.

4) I will accept 10 breeding requests maximum per order. If you want more you will need to order again – I will only accept one order at a time per person. Orders will be placed in a queue and issued an order number.

5) For trade evo’s you can set as many as you need in one go. Put “Trade Evo Request” in the comments so I know why I am being sent the trade. (I will send Rapidash, please send the exact same ones back.)

6) Fill in the breeding form and send to me via PM (do not comment on here) quoting “Breeding Order Form”. I will reply asap with an estimated price quote for the requested pokemon and await your approval to continue with the order after which I will issue you an order number. This is all so I can keep track of your order.

7) I will take payment upon trading you the requested pokemon and not before – please do not send any gifted PD, it will not be accepted. You have one week after I notify you and put up the trade to collect them. If they are not collected they go into the “Dex Adopt Box”.

8) If you do not pick your order up, decide you do not need them, or otherwise renege on the order: once is a warning, twice and I will ban you from ordering further. You would have wasted valuable time I could have spent on another person’s order.

9) Your pokemon will be nicknamed after your order number so I know which ones are for you. I will accept any random pokemon in return.

10) Be patient. Real life comes first and I may be busy with other orders. I will notify you when your order is ready.

Pricing Guide:

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Pokemon Prices

Prices charged for pokemon will be based on the price check forum by Toothie and –Max.
You can find it here. Please read the section on General Pokemon (By Rarities).
Alolan and Galarian bred pokemon will be charged the same prices of the non-Alolan/Galarian rarity.

Alolan Raichu, Exeggutor and Marowak, and Galarian Mr. Mime placed in the “Dex Adopt Box” will be 2250PD. Galarian Weezing placed in the “Dex Adopt Box” will be 500PD. (Prices based on Market Insider.)

Since prices vary greatly on price check and market insider for Miltank and Combee I’ve decided on a rough figure of 1k for each Miltank and 500pd for each male Combee, and Unown will be priced at 5000pd.

Other Costs

If you should wish the requested bred pokemon not evolve and need an everstone I will add an extra 200PD per everstone needed (the price charged by the Item Shop at Emera Mall).

Daycare costs will be a minimum of 100PD per pokemon bred – this is the minimum cost of putting two pokemon in the daycare for one hour. If the breeding pokemon take longer than one hour to produce an egg it will be an extra 100PD per hour thereafter.

Example of pricing:

Bulbasaur (Starter rarity = 2250PD) Everstone? Yes (+200PD)
Bronzor (Hard rarity + genderless = 1125PD) Everstone? Yes (+200PD)
Larvitar (Rare rarity = 950PD) Everstone? Yes (+200PD)
Woobat (Easy rarity = 250PD) Everstone? No (+0PD)
Maractus (Medium rarity + no evolution = 600PD) Everstone? No (+0PD)
Alolan Sandshrew (Alolan rarity = 750PD) Everstone? No (+0PD)
Combee (male, special rarity = 500PD) Everstone? No (0PD)
Miltank (hard rarity + no evolution = 1000PD) Everstone? No (+0PD)

Estimated daycare costs: 600PD

Quoted cost for this order would be: 8625PD.

Breeding Order Form:

Show hidden content
Please fill in the blanks for as many pokemon as you need and send to me via PM with the title “Breeding Order Form”.

”Requested Pokemon

1) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
2) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
3) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
4) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
5) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
6) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
7) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
8) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
9) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]
10) (Pokemon requesting) Everstone? [Y/N]”

Special thanks to:

GodOfWar, BabyEevee22, Chewydabacca, Ishida, ~Ahri~ and Asagata
For helping me gather non-breedable Alolan pokemon.

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Posted: Sun, 07/02/2021 13:33 (3 Years ago)
Hi Yvelette, you're more than welcome to join - I've already sent you a message asking if you would like to. Please don't feel bad about posting. We'd be happy to have you as a member. <3

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