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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 17:09 (2 Years ago)
He looks at all three of the wolves in the area, but directs his questions at Silver. "It's been a long time since I've seen such a unique group of wolves hanging around Nature Tribe, where are you from?"

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
Grace shifted, slowly waking up with a massive headache. So many emotions, and everywhere. Where was she???

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 16:16 (2 Years ago)
The wolf moved his head away, grinning slightly. "I'm just glad the right plants were in the area. My name's Badger, by the way."

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 15:09 (2 Years ago)
The wolf looked up at Foresetfire and Ash. "You two forgot your rabbit, so I was bringing it to you." He pointed at it, but quickly put his paw back to keep pressing down on the plants. After a moment he took them off, and bent down to inspect the paw again

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 15:06 (2 Years ago)
@gameboy, use the berry garden. Just keep growing berries and converting them into seeds, then convert them all to your item bag.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 14:13 (2 Years ago)
He leaned down to Silver’s injured paw, sniffing it curiously. “Sore, bruised,’” he murmured to himself, looking around at the trees and bushes. Seeing the plants he wanted, he used his teeth to rip off some leaves, and pressed them down onto the paw.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 14:03 (2 Years ago)
A wolf suddenly appeared in front of Silver after she’d gone into the woods. It was the same one as earlier. He looked startled, blushed, and dropped the rabbit he’d been carrying. The rabbit that Ash and Forestfire had caught earlier.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 13:34 (2 Years ago)
Something about Ash’s words seemed to change the other wolves mood. He growled at the group before turning and running back into the woods.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 04:45 (2 Years ago)
Username: BambooTheAlbinoPanda
Character Name: Glamour
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Species: Mosaic Slime
Fandom: Slime Rancher (I'm sorry I'd do something more interesting but I couldn't think of anything)
Role: uhm, you wanna catch this guy and put him in a cage so he makes you money gems, but he sets things on fire when exposed to light. Idk, not a main character though
Personality: Glamour is a little vain, and is one of the popular girls on the slime ranch. She's actually here because of the fact than she'll be popular with the owner if this goes well, so she's proud also. That being said, she's a skilled wordsmith who can persuade herself through many situations.
Powers: When exposed to light, Glamour's tiles reflect it. This light back home would attract other slimes, but slimes have less sensitive eyes than most species, and she discovered it can be used to blind people. Occasionally the light will land on something flammable and cause a small fire, but its not that hard to take care of. Glamour is VERY good at distractions.
Backstory: She was showing off to some friends one day, when all of a sudden- pop! She had been caught in Beatrix's slime vacuum. Being the only Mosaic slime on the ranch, she found herself even more popular than in the wild, and decided escaping wasn't worth it.
Palpad?: yes
Other: I don't like this chara much, I'd take suggestions on fandoms to be somebody from, just know I'm not a part of many...

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 04:40 (2 Years ago)
Yumi skidded to a halt as she entered the first class, Mimi barely avoiding running into her. They shared a mischievous glance, at how they would never have gotten away with this behavior at home. Running away had been a good idea.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 03:24 (2 Years ago)

The other wolf only looked on, his face holding mingled emotions of embarrassment and longing. He started to head back into the forest, but stopped, and looked back to see how the three were faring with their prey.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 02:31 (2 Years ago)
A small wolf watched the interactions from the shadows. He, too, had been drawn by the cries, but the sudden appearance of two more wolves was enough to make him hesitate to intervene.

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Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)
Claire blushed, realizing she'd been staring. She ducked her head slightly and turned away. Trying to focus on something else, she glanced up at the sun. The hybrid shivered as a cloud blocked the fiery ball of light from view.

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Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 16:24 (2 Years ago)

"We have lived in this land long before they came. For a time we lived in peace, sharing our skills with each other, thriving in our own ways. But the humans have long since overstepped their boundaries. There is only room for one species on our island."

In the center of the Bermuda Triangle, there lays an island. This island has long been an interest to humankind for the species that inhabits it: Ransolites. These cat-sized creatures helped humans set up a few settlements on the vast island, unaware of the pain it would later cause them. But it soon became clear enough. The humans began expanding the settlements into cities, and capturing Ransolites. Pollution began filling the air, creating dangers for the health of the Rans. Those captured never returned. Those remaining, fearful for their lives, began consuming more crystals with magical properties to aid them in their survival. The crystals helped, but the Ransolites' appearances became more unique, only drawing in the interest of humans more. The crystals also brought increased intelligence, and more egg raising hazards. Two Ransolites began contacting humans, and these humans helped raise the fragile eggs. But those humans have long since passed on. Cities now cover three-fourths of the island, and no humans friendly to Ransolites remain. The Ransolites cannot keep letting themselves be pushed to the side. They need to get the humans off the island. Or there will be none of their kind left.

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For many years the Ransolites have tolerated the humans' invasion, but it is hitting the point where they can no longer pretend to co-exist. Ransolites are now preparing for war, already in a way engaged in war, or doing their best to avoid the coming war with the humans. All humans who supported the Ransolites at one point or another have been silenced, the only humans that the Ransolites would hesitate to attack are the children, for while they do hate the Ransolites, they've only been taught that way.

You can be both Ransolites and humans, but humans are more-or-less the villains in the rp. Humans will live in one of the expansive cities while Ransolites will live at outposts, or the Cave of Ransolites.

I call them outposts, but they aren't really. An outpost can be a small hidden home where a few Ransolites live, a cult clan of Ransolites that support trees cough cough, Ransolites that live hidden together without structures but still in one biome, a mini fortress, anything of the sort. The Cave of Ransolites is too big to be considered an outpost anymore. Few Ransolites attempt living on their own, the chances of being caught or killed is too high.

Confirmed Characters
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~Aster (male, Ransolite)
~Diantha (female, Ransolite)

Important Locations
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Woodlands full of flora and fauna alike, but nothing exotic. Lots of trees.
The Glen (Forest Outpost #1)
A small forest glade with a river and a cave in it. A little close to city borders. Run by Liberty, Aster, and Cosmos. They take the risks of entering the cities in order to rescue captured Ransolites

Large trees, a tropical climate full of fruit and flowers, vines hanging everywhere
~open outpost available~

Large cavern and tunnel networks located underground. Precious jewels are anything but rare.
The Cave of Ransolites
If you're a Ransolite, you've heard of this place, and most likely been here. While it started as a location where humans and Ransolites could work together to raise more Ransolites, it has developed from a single cave, to many caverns and twisting tunnels. The location is now secret to humans, and it serves as a capitol city to the Ransolites. Most Ransolites live here.

A large expanse of grass and flowers. Not a great place for a hidden outpost, but the tall grass does provide good cover for sneaking around.
~open for an outpost~

Sand everywhere, with the occasional cactus, and lots of heat. That being said, it's rather beautiful at night, and the humans are hesitant to travel here.
~open outpost location~

The most pleasant climate for living in, but the boats that the humans ride have a great view of the shoreline when they pass. Sandy beaches, cold waves, and treasures wash up all over the place.
~open for an outpost~

Underwater may seem like a difficult place to get to, because it is. Ransolites capable of breathing underwater love it here. Fish, shells, coral, and the sunlight breaking through the water above makes for a wonderful place. Just watch out for boats and fishing lines.
~open outpost available~

A less tropical, more floral version of the ocean climate. Ransolites simply need to be able to hold their breath a long time in order to live here, because there are air pockets in underwater caves, and a few small islands in the middle of the lake.
~open outpost spot~

Fast running water, nooks and crannies all along the bank, food besides crystals grows is in abundance.
~outpost location open~

High above all other locations, this colder climate and high altitude only deters some. Ransolites with wings love it here.
~available outpost location

This freezing place is the reverse of the desert. At first glance there is no vegetation, but you can find it if you just dig in the snow a little. Ransolties with more floof are the best match for this climate.
~open for an outpost~
There's three of them, but they're all adjacent to one another, and the Ransolites can hardly tell them apart. Only a handful of dumb or brave loner Ransolites live here.

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1. All Pokeheroes rules apply
2. No character limit, if you own the Ran, you can be the Ran, to be a human you just need to be at least one ran.
3. In order for one of your Rans to 'run' an 'outpost', I need to know you relatively in the Ransolite world. Just so I can understand how you feel about Rans/Ran lore, etc.
4. Don't take advantage of rules not here, I'll add more later
5. Since the whole being 'Ransolites you own' thing is kinda exclusive as is, no password.

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~Ransolite form~
Ransolite you want to be: (link to image/toyhouse page, or just put down the image. Also, name and gender.)
Other existing relationships to rans already in the rp/if you would like to have your ran be open to crossover lore with other people's rans:
Where do they live: (an outpost, the Cave of Ransolites, if they're a loner, what biome do they live in)
A little bit of background? (opt)
Can I add you to a PP?

~Human form~
Character's name:
Background: (opt)

~Outpost form~
Which Ransolite do you want to run the outpost?
What location is the outpost located in?
Outpost name?
What does the outpost do/what is it like?


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Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 15:43 (2 Years ago)
Note turns around looking slightly surprised and embarrassed. "Oh, excuse me! I'm sorry, I completely forgot. Yes, yes, Nature Tribe has the best hunting grounds, so this would be a great place to eat. My body is uncapable of consuming meat, so you can all go hunting, and I'll wait here for you to get back."

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Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 15:31 (2 Years ago)

The forest shares similarities to the jungle, but the change is still obvious. The trees are shorter, there are no bushes holding fruit and flowers are scarce, the wildlife can be seen darting in and out of the shadows, and there must be twenty different kind of trees! Turning south, you soon see the tundra. Note was right, the change IS sudden. It's as if a line was drawn, the division is so even. The tundra is blanketed with snow, hills preventing too much sight of it, though. There are a few scattered pine trees, and frozen-over bodies of water. Snow is falling over there, but none in the forest. A few sets of tracks lay fresh in the snow, and they are strange, rounded out tracks, not like those belonging to wolves. Note seems to hear something in the distance, and grins.

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Posted: Mon, 22/08/2022 15:25 (2 Years ago)
Form updated!

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Posted: Sun, 21/08/2022 03:54 (2 Years ago)
Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Glitter McSparkles, Skeleton Queen, Ruler Of The Undead, And Friend Of Smol Choilds
# of times: 1

Ready for the Event Adventure!
Ransolite: Nibbles Urara, She With The Satisfied Stomach, Hoarder Of Berries, And Short Of Stature
# of times: 1

Ready for a Long Adventure!
Ransolite: Liberty
Destination: Tundra
# of times: 1

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 20:11 (2 Years ago)
Ordering an egg!
User: BambooTheAlbinoPanda
Egg: Pale yellow with blue
Payment: coins
Checked if available?: yes

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 17:19 (2 Years ago)
Username: BambooTheAlbinoPanda
Character name: Narcisa
Age: 22
Gender: female
Appearance: ~image to be added~ In the meantime though: Narcisa is shorter-than average, with shoulder-length brown hair. Her eyes are an unusual pale yellow, but in a time of war, people are more focused on survival than physical oddities. A long scar runs from above her right eyebrow to her left cheek. I'll show her outfit in the image once I get around to that.
Personality: Narcisa has an uncanny ability to be able to figure out what you're thinking just by looking at your face, scaring off all potential friends so far. She serves as a scout/spy, going behind enemy lines, and figuring out what they're up to. When put in an actual combat situation, though, she is almost helpless. In the past she has been very blunt in speech, but in the past few years, her personality has mellowed, and she has become a very empathetic person.
Weapon(s): All she has is a stout wooden staff. In one-on-one, she does ok, but in a full out war, she just runs for it.
Other: Like so many others, her family was lost to the war a long time ago. Narcisa grew up on the streets until she was ten, when she got a job working in a stable. The 5 horses and 3 cats living there were her best friends, until a battle happened in the small town. The stable was wiped out, and only a newborn kitten and Narcisa survived. The cat, named Hope, can be seen trailing Narcisa around sometimes
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: yes

I admit defeat and that this has died, but it was my baby

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