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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:15 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse was blown backwards against a tree, stunned. She shook her head, refocusing her vision and trying to get away.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:14 (4 Years ago)
The room Mos' wandered into seemed empty. It contained nothing but large tubes; all void of contents. This room was clearly intended for some purpose, but it was unclear what.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:10 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse watched Shock wander off, growling and hissing. "Y... YEAH! YOU B...BETTER RUN!" She shouted triumphantly. She then yelped, skittering out of the way of the Tornadus.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:08 (4 Years ago)
Username: SpiffyGamer43
Name: Jupiter
Age (can be any age): 107(in human years, about 50 in Manticore years, and yes, I made Manticore years up)
Type of creature: Manticore
Gender: Female
What they look like: Jupiter is a royal blue Manticore. Despite being female, she has a majestic light blue mane with pearly streaks running through it. Her wings are a similar colour to the streaks in her name, but with dark blue flecks spewing out across them. Her horns are also this pearly shade, as is her muzzle, paws and horns. Her scorpion tail is dark blue. A scar decorates her jaw, and several old battle wounds and burns are spread across her body.
Personality: Jupiter is cranky, and strong, but can warm up to those who are kind to her. She's great at hiding in the forest, can breathe pearly white fire, and her tail is poisonous. Her roar is also incredibly loud, and she's a skilled hunter.
Password: Tis a secret.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 20:48 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked again as Shock picked her up, instantly entering flight mode. She jumped away from him once he'd set her down, growling and hissing. "S...STAY AWAY!" She stuttered, trying to look threatening.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 20:47 (4 Years ago)
Creek watched them leave, waving lightly. She felt like she should join them, yet, at the same time, was afraid. If the scavenger can make Crystal able to use the abilities that are normally only usable while he's being controlled... What if he can help Athena too? What if she'll be able to use her robotic fangs... She thought. It'd been so long since Athena had her fangs; she could scarcely remember the times when Athena was a normal, happy dragonet.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 20:36 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse continued flailing around and growling, trying to pull herself up with her wings. She barely noticed Shock speaking to her. She shrieked, as she was then knocked backwards again.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 20:28 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse was strolling by the bushes, when Shock suddenly jumped out of them. She shrieked in surprise, falling down onto her back.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 21:04 (4 Years ago)
The guards hauled Tехно back to his cell; however, they attached noticeably more chains than before, and tightened them fiercely.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 20:57 (4 Years ago)
The guards rushed out, throwing sturdy chains at Tехно in an attempt to stop him from destroying everything. They shot tranquillisers at him also.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 20:46 (4 Years ago)
Chrome heard the fire alarm from her hiding place; she was about to run, and secure the more expensive equipment to bring with her, when she realized that she smelled no smoke. She sighed, remaining in the room.

As Mos left, a few parts on tables creaked eerily; tail stingers, similar to Steele's, and unused mechanical fangs, limbs, and jaws; however, these parts seemed older, in a way. With slight rust, and even seemed to be made using different metals.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 20:07 (4 Years ago)
Creek was beginning to get anxious. It couldn't take this long, could it? What if Chrome got Crystal... or if Luke managed to attack him?! Her mind raced in fear.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 20:03 (4 Years ago)
Name: Eclipse
Sexuality: Bisexual(probably? She's a child, so...)
Species/Pokémon they use: Shiny Altaria/Deino fusion
Appearance: Link!
Bio: A (currently)wild, naturally-occuring fusion. Generally shunned by others(as she's a fusion). Sweet, but shy, with a short temper and powerful attacks.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 19:36 (4 Years ago)
A loud banging briefly came from somewhere in the facility. The source, however, was unknown; it seemed to echo from every nook, every cranny, and every wall in the area.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 19:21 (4 Years ago)
Creek stepped back a little in surprise as Crystal came up to her. She watched him leave, then kept her eyes focused on Petri. She wouldn't stop her if she tried escaping, but was also worried that Crystal would hurt Petri if she attempted to leave.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 18:48 (4 Years ago)
Creek continued watching, fearful for what Crystal might do if he found out the scavengers were escaping. She cared about him, but, at the same time, was afraid of him; although, she was afraid of most things.

The room contained nothing but bags and crates of dry food, on shelves, all neatly organized.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 18:26 (4 Years ago)
Creek flinched as Crystal jumped at the scavengers, leaping backwards with fright. She watched, wide-eyed, as Crystal confronted Petri and Luke.

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Posted: Tue, 25/08/2020 07:34 (4 Years ago)
Creek slowly and sadly nodded. She wasn't aware that Crystal was awake; she thought that everyone else remained unconscious.

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Posted: Mon, 24/08/2020 20:56 (4 Years ago)
Creek peered over at them, awaiting an answer.


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Posted: Sun, 23/08/2020 22:28 (4 Years ago)
Creek sighed, listening to what was happening. "I... I know you're leaving, j..j...just please make sure A...A....A.....Athena's alright for me, okay?" She piped up, quietly and softly speaking to the scavengers.

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