Forum Thread
I really DK (sign-ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → I really DK (sign-ups)sexuality:straight
pokemon:shinx,luxio,luxray,and charmander
apperance:a girl with a sweatshirt that says idk with blond hair in a ponytail and black pants.
bio:has no dad and likes to draw, read and is very hotheaded at times but is quit most of the time.

Species/Pokémon they use:Emolga, Mincinno, Cottonee (will get more along the way)
Appearance:Long caramel hair with a black headband. Switches outfits often but her main one is a purple tank top, denim shorts, a silver necklace and some black high heels
Bio:She’s your typical hoity toity rich girl who has a passion for spreading rumors. She was kicked out of her house by her dad who wanted her to go on a journey to “find herself” (basically he wants her to stop being annoying)
I tried to make her more of a mean rival since we need more of those.
Sexuality: Bi
Species/Pokémon they use: Absol/Scarmory Fusion
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wounds all over left wing making her unable to fly until healed, permanent scar on right eye.
Bio: Made by humans and feared by pokemon, making her alone
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Sexuality: Bisexual(probably? She's a child, so...)
Species/Pokémon they use: Shiny Altaria/Deino fusion
Appearance: Link!
Bio: A (currently)wild, naturally-occuring fusion. Generally shunned by others(as she's a fusion). Sweet, but shy, with a short temper and powerful attacks.