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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from DarkDragoDragonite.
Posted: Mon, 25/11/2013 22:37 (10 Years ago)
"Very well, ya heard the kid's story, everyone. It was a lucky strike. But think. From what the bodies look like, they ran for about 2 miles. 1 mile way, in a straight line, there was a cave where this kid could have perfectly hid. Full o' Zubat, Woobat, Noibat, you name them. But no. This kid came perfectly to this exact landmark. See where he stands? From just throwing a rock from up there, he could have cause an avalanche capable of bringing down a Snorlax, calculating by the momentum and energy transfered from one rock to another. This kiddo might seem innocent, but his subconscious is a perfect assassin. You know that by my years of experience on identifying spies and such, I've learned to know if someone is lying or not, to see if they show guilt or regret", Rougan started to say, as the poor Noibat still sat on top of those rocks, looking down at the corpses. "This kid showed no guilt. This wasn't an accident, at least not for his subconscious. And he beat a record. With a little training, we can teach him to be just like his subconscious. What do you think? I am not going to make a decision before I hear the clan's opinion", Rougan said, crossing her arms. Klip watched from above, while a dragon or two from the crowd gave him a thumbs up. Oh dear. It's true, he knew there was a cave and yet he continued, and he could have tossed the rock just a bit with a little more strenght, and he didn't feel that bad like he looked like he felt.

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Posted: Sun, 24/11/2013 22:47 (10 Years ago)
((It's okay but could you please tone it a tiny little bit down... We don't really want to get in trouble with the mods here. Sorry if I sound rude))

Rougan stopped for a bit as she thought she heard some yelping, but continued. She skidded to a halt as a large pile of rocks rose in front of her. Under them, the crushes bodies of a group of Fairy-type pokémon. Above them, a little Noibat, scared for his life. "What the...", Rougan mumbled. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really am! B-but they attacked my ma and pa and killed them and they were chasing after me and I just wanted to throw a rock to tell them to go away but the rock hit another rock and it caused an avalanche and I'M SORRYYYY", the Noibat cried, before bursting into tears. "Chief, this oughta be a new record. I counted 25 fairies smashed under the rocks", a dragon from the group that had followed them said. "This kid killed 25 fairies. With a rock. To save his life. And he avenged his parents", Rougan repeated, before setting a foot on top of a rock to see if it was safe to climb it. It wasn't only her job to defeat fairies but to save dragons that had almost been defeated by fairies. Carefully, she approached the Noibat. "Kid. It's okay. Those fairies deserved it, okay? Don't cry", Rougan said, petting the little dragon-type pokémon's head. "It's not just that- I lost my ma and pa! I'm as good as dead!", the Noibat sobbed. Rougan sighed and flew back to the ground. "Everyone! Assemble around me. This is a serious case", Rougan called.

"What do you mean 25 more are missing!", Agatha yelled to the poor Clefable. "They went to attack the dragons they thought killed Ninfia, and they never came back", the Clefable stuttered. The Blissey sighed in frustration, before slamming her fist on the table, sending the cup of water up (happily, Hercule caught it). "The Spes Confectors don't! Leave! Any markings! Behind! They probably went after some innocent dragon that tried to feed their cub, and now I bet there's a dragon orphan out there, crying for its parents!", Agatha yelled. "...But the dragons deserve it", the Clefable stated. The Blissey sighed heavily again. "WE WANT TO COME TO PEACE WITH THEM NOT SET A WAR AGAINST THEM YOU ROTTEN-BRAINED MAGIKARP OFFSPRING", Agatha yelled, so loud it startled both the Clefable and Hercule (and everyone around). Agatha kicked the table and left the room. "If anyone else tries to go all hero around, I swear their death will be by my arms", Agatha swore, before storming off the office (being followed by Hercule).

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Posted: Sat, 23/11/2013 22:56 (10 Years ago)
"They say no news is good news...", Rougan muttered. "Me too. But from what I've discovered the dust apparently must last for an entire lifetime, if they release so much in the act of dying. Perhaps it might be to communicate with others. All I'm sure about is that used as berry sauce it's delicious. It remin-", Rougan said, being only interrupted by the sound of an avalanche not too far away. "I was already thinking this day was too calm", Rougan said, looking to the source of the sound. She could sense fairy dust in the air- and it wasn't from the berries. It was from defeated fairies. And the scent of a dragon pokémon. "Well, we have to check what has happened if there are defeated fairies and a dragon", Rougan commented, rushing over to where the sound of the avalanche came from.

"Oooh dear dear! Someone us going to be mad about this!"

About level 30 (this is acceptable because he's a pupil)
Soon to be a SC pupil.
He's a bit shy and scatterbrained. He often does things accidentaly yet sometimes he's lucky enough to do something right.
"Deaaaaar oh dear, what have I done!"))

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Posted: Wed, 20/11/2013 15:42 (10 Years ago)
((I guess I'll start))

Agatha stood by the table, looking at the files for a new case. "A Sylveon. Named Ninfia Latnume. All that was found were pawprints of her and her fairy dust around the scene. Presumed to have been killed by the Spes Confectors again", she said, repeating the facts to her assistant, taking notes. "They are at it again. This cannot go on", the Blissey said, closing the file, and picking up her pipe. "Follow me, Hercule. We are going clue-hunting in the village", the Blissey said, walking out of her office with the Wigglytuff following her.


The Dragonite smiled as a pupil brought her a cage with yet another Sylveon. This one, already dead. "Did you kill it yourself?", she asked the Bagon, who nodded with a cheery smile. "Very well deary. Take it to the cage gallery. Let your tutor know you are ready for more intricate attacks", the Dragonite said, as the Bagon waddled to a gallery in a cave full of cages. She then turned to the rest of the clan. It was calm and peaceful. They were only really violent when it came to Fairies. "Gallea, did the scouts come back already with more news about those investigators?", the Dragonite asked, eating some berries with Fairy dust sauce (and offering the Salamence some).

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 12:09 (10 Years ago)
Finally done, sorry it took so long.

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Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 22:16 (10 Years ago)
Very well, I'll start working on it. Will possibly have it ready by tomorrow.

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Posted: Sat, 02/11/2013 13:42 (10 Years ago)
Yeah I have been sitting here waiting so yeah.

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 20:08 (10 Years ago)
Sorry about posting, but I think you forgot about me? I will have little time to do the assignments but I'll have some free time till Friday.

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 19:53 (10 Years ago)
Accepted, will add her and fix the first post (oh Arceus what did I do why is the quote like that). Added also two fairy investigators! ))

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 19:30 (10 Years ago)
((Of course! At will!))

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2013 00:14 (11 Years ago)
((It is! Accepted! I'll ad you to the list in a moment, and make a few more characters so we can start))

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Posted: Sat, 19/10/2013 11:04 (11 Years ago)
(Time to make a form with my horrid Eevee!)

Character Name: "Gorourak, remember it, fool!"
Eevee Type: "An Eevee, what do I look like?"
Age: "'Round 16"
Gender: "Female, what do I look like, a stupid male?"
Caught or Wild: "Pfft, I'm not good enough for those stupid trainers"
Story: "Here's the deal. I was raised by dragon types. Tough looking. They taught me being cute is being weak. So I slashed my right eye, cut my fur short and went out to fight. This how I got all these scars and my cut in half ear. The dragon-types told me they had to go in migration. I'm following them because I don't to be with these weak Pokémon"

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Posted: Sat, 19/10/2013 10:54 (11 Years ago)
((Well we should wait just a bit longer if nobody joins I'll make more characters!
-Realizes I didn't put Password on the form-

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2013 22:40 (11 Years ago)
(( Accepted :]! And yep she can be second-in-command!))

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2013 22:37 (11 Years ago)
Username: They call me 3D.
Name: Rouran
Appearence: Wears a dark hoodie with ‘Led Drifblim’ written on the front, has long hair covering his eyes. Wears blue shades. Has jeans with chains and pins. And has bracelets with spikes, and a piercing on his nose. And wears DM boots.
Age: Around 16
Gender: Male
Personality: If described on one simple word- NEEEOOOOMRAUUMRAUUUMRAUUMMMROOOOOOAAAR. That was me trying to copy an electric guitar. Anyway, he's a huge fan of heavy metal, rock, screamo... Anything that's loud and makes him angry! He doesn't make many friends because of his explosive behaviour, and he can ignore pretty well what's going on around him. He isn't really a genius, he's actually pretty stupid. And very picky to what friends he has. As long as his Pokémon is completely hard rock, and he has his loud music, he's fine.
Strong traits: Umm... Err... He's... So Heavy Metal? Hard Rock? I dunno?
Weak traits: He's an idiot. He has explosive behaviour. He can be completely oblivious and can ignore everything around. He cares more about his music than about others.
Crush: Non.
Other: Sorry for trying to copy a guitar.

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2013 22:17 (11 Years ago)
Hey. You kid. You seem young enough to be smart... Let me tell you this...

Remember that day the Pixies invaded Dragon territory? Wha? Right, not Pixies, Fairies... Oh, we lost many brothers... I lost my mate, my offspring... I managed to survive, along with some youthful dragons. I remember one of them. Swore to Arceus she was going to get revenge...

She formed a group with other Dragon-types. Full grown. Reckless. They wander around. A group of rogues, assassins, killing for unreacheable revenge. Revenge for those who have fallen... You might know them. They are chased by law... At least is what is told. Looks to me the ‘law’ is afraid of them, harhar -cough- har... You might know them as ‘Spes Confectors’. In Latin, ‘Hope Slayers’.

Fairies are connected to hope. They are our dreams... Dreams of something beautiful, that will protect us. Right, right.

(The introduction says it all, folks!)

1-All basic roleplay rules apply.
2- Fully. Evolved.]Hey are you reading this? Password is Heheha etinogarD[.Dragons. Only. For the Spes Confectors. And 1st stage (in an evolutionary line) dragon pokémon also acceptable. And pokémon that evolve into Dragon-types also acceptable.
3- Dragon-looking Dragons. Dragon-looking Pokémon might be acceptable. (For SC)
4- All Fairies accepted. For everything -Tricked ya it's actually Message- except SC.
4.5- Fusions and similar stuff accepted!
5- NPCs will be used for the prey.
6- If you want, you can add a theme song. For the Spes Confectors, it's Quem é Quem por Xutos e Pontapés!
7- I might add more rules later.
8- My grammar is not that good, so I won't ask much of you but try your best, sweeties ^u^. If you are a sweetheart and read this then the secret pass is sweetheart backwards.
9- And remember, make at least three lines of text. I understand Writer's block.
10- If you need any explanation about the roleplay, don't be afraid! I can't bite through the internet ^u^. Pro-tip: Ignore the next rule it's a trap. So, have fun!
11- Password is Hope Slayers.
‘Spes Confector’'s ranks-
The Founder- Rougan.
Second-in-command: Gallea
Delta: —
Rogues/Fighters/Assassins: Kusono/Alphe
Other characters...
Agatha- Head investigator of the ‘Braviary's Eye’ agency.
Hercule- ^Her assistant.
::-Image (if available up here)-::
::Level (5-60)::
::Rank (Normal Pokémon:: Investigator? Member of the SC? [If member of the SC, specify rank])?
::Password (find it. I believe in you)::
::Overall Description::
(If it is against dragon-types/fairy-types...)
My characters!

(Dragonite with a spiked collar and a cape with spikes)
Level 80
Founder and Alpha of the ‘Spes Confectores’.
Quote"I am not the chief. I am just a Dragon-type that wants justice to be made"

((A Blissey wearing a brown cap with a pipe, a green shirt and a brown jacket.))
Head Investigator of the ‘Braviary's Eye‘ Agency.
::Overall Description::
She isn't against Dragon or Fairy types. She wants peace for everyone and everyone to coexist. She is a feminine Female, but she isn't afraid to kick tails and take names to defend what she believes on. She is often aided (not much) by her assistant Hercule.
"The biggest challenge everyone has to face in their existence is to learn to coexist."
((A Wigglytuff wearing a Top hat with a white shirt and jacket and a monocle))
Poirot. Known as Hercule.
Agatha's assistant.
::Overall Description::
He is very clumsy and scatterbrained, but he just tries to be helpful. He always tries to reason and come to an agreement with his enemy. And of course Agatha has to save him.
"The great Xatu Ghandi basically said that it is best to talk than to fight, or else we will be as low as our enemy. Why doesn't anyone listen to him now?"

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2013 21:52 (11 Years ago)
Thank you. Or in French (of France)... Merci!

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2013 20:43 (11 Years ago)
Wow, it's awesome! Sending some PD. Could you just put it in code, my 3ds can't copy...

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 06:42 (11 Years ago)
"Well, alright", Drak said, heading up the hall again. She looked over her shoulder to see if the guy was gone. Confirming that, she and Arki started to bolt down the corridor again, stopping and sliding to a nearby wall. "Headbutt Race!", Drak said, as she and her Pokémon bolted up the hall again.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 06:35 (11 Years ago)
Cobalt is a bit of tealish cerulean... Like bright cerulean.

Alright, if I ever figure out how to send PD, I'll pay up to 3000+ PD.

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