Forum Thread
The Odd Sprite Shop~
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → The Odd Sprite Shop~Note: No longer taking orders.
1. Don't be rude to anyone, including me.
2. there is a password, use it. (The password is not here, check in the other parentheses!)
3. There is no drawbacks. If I have started, I will put the sprite up for adoption, along with many others.
4. Don't use useless comebacks like 'im only 8 :( :( :(' Not only is this spam, but I find it very babyish.
5.No spamming, and PLEASE use grammar. (The password is pink shoes.)
6. Nevermind the other password, put a random Pokémon type for your pass.

Odd, my Pokémon was tronitized!

Odd, my Pokémon's colors look like another's!
Pokémon: (Base)
Pokémon2: (Colors)

Odd, I have a Pokémon Trainer!
Base Trainer Image: (Sprite)
Reference: (If any)
Pokémon: (Put all the Pokémon with the sprite, or put n/a for none.)

Odd, My Pokemon is on a charm!
I do all of these (With the exeptions of PokeTrainers(Large Sprites) and Pokecharms(Both sprites)) with (FREE) Pokesho Sprites and with (Small payment) larger sprites!
Gallery of Customer Sprites:
None :(
To be edited.
Odd! My Pokémon has been tronitized!
Pokémon: Dragonite
Color: Cobalt please.
Pass: Umm... Dragon?
Tip?: ...I'm not sure what you mean. Could you explain?
Other: Yep I'm not really sure could you explain the tip part.
Base Trainer Image:

Reference: ..........................^
Pokémon: Meganium, Totodile & Shinx, Piplup, Shiny & Non-shiny Spinaraks
Pass: Water
Tip?: Payment? I can do 5,000PD.
Other: Thank you!

...........My team (;
.........Art by Oddballme.
Returning; getting on more and more again. I: I hope we get deeper into creating Retros!~
Fate: Working on it now~
EDIT: Dark DragoDragonite: I'll get to yours soon~
Fate: I ended up re-doing the transparency... 3 times.

Sorry about not replying... I never realized I wasn't subscribed.
DarkDragoDragonite: Sorry to still keep you waiting! But I'm assuming Cobalt is a brown or grey/silver color?
Alright, if I ever figure out how to send PD, I'll pay up to 3000+ PD.
How does/will the adopt-a-sprite work when you add it?
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
DarkDragoDragonite: I did a Blue Draagonite for you~

Uchiha_Sasuke: Lugia is done!~

The adopt-a sprite will work with a form, and abandoned/extra sprites will go there until someone claims them.