I found a retro Zapdos at a chain of 101 but I failed to catch it

*slaps roof of Skitty* this good girl can fit so much cuteness

I caught a retro Feraligatr with only a chain of 16 and on the
first try with a great ball. wow I am so lucky! X3

Wow with only a small chain of 45 I got a retro Charizard! :0

My most favorite thing to do here is send plushies to the amazing
people here! >w< you all deserve so much love <3

oh wow breeding event Pokemon actually works! aaaAa yes

retro chain of 61, found and caught retro Venusaur! The Retro Radar
Game is so much fun! I wish it could stay but it's only an event

Chain of 142, finally got a retro Typhlosion! X3

After a long chain of 134 I finally got a retro Articuno I'm so
happy aaaaaaa >w<

I finally got a Skitty aaaaa ;w; thank you so much wolfgirl2398

I was just about to scream about Riako sending me a plushie but
then I noticed he sent one to every user on the site oops

oh my gosh people are so so so nice here~~~ aaaah I'm crying I love
everyone thank you so much for giving me such a warm welcome

One day, I hope to have a party full of the cutest Pokemon in the
world oWo