I may start a new account at some point in the future and start
from scratch...but the community of this place is keeping me away.
perhaps when I do come back on a new account, I'll add all the PFQ
friends I have so I don't have to stare at toxicity all day...
[PokeFarmQ] Quitting Pokeheroes, selling all my stuff for PD
or PFQ stuff. Forum thread
Leaving the site pretty much, if you have a PFQ account, I'm
selling my PH stuff for PFQ stuff
[PokeFarmQ] For anyone who has a PokefarmQ account, i made a
slot shop for Shiny/Albino Sizzlipedes! DM or PP me if youd like to
see it
unpopular opinion: i dont like chonky kitties. not cause they arent
cute, but because there are people out there who will be okay with
owning an overweight cat and not attempting to change his lifestyle
for the sake of saying they own a chonky kitty. its borderline
animal abuse to overfeed a cat and not attempt to change an
overweight cats lifestyle to help it become more healthy, and as
cute as fat cats can be, they also make me sad because of this
Congratulations! A shiny Turtwig hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #20)!
Havent gotten a shiny under 40 for a long while!
Sprite shop has a new example in it! This one
is MUCH better then the others I showed. Hopefully this one can
convince people i can do more then just recolors lol, since that
one was created from scratch with a reference
im kinda tired of seeing people profiles where they give in
insanely unlikable first impression. i see a lot of them and it
kinda makes me feel weird to be surrounded by such negativity.
"look at how unlikable i am if you give me a lowball trade
regardless if youre new or not im blocking you" like why? i dont
even think blocking people stops them from offering on your trades
(i could be wrong about this tho) it just doesnt seem necessary to
go out of your way to appear unlikable or mean because youre a
"better" player then someone else. not everyone knows how to play
the game perfectly. im not calling out anyone specific or anything,
if anything i see a lot of profiles that do this and i just wanted
to give my input on it.
Congrats MetalHeadKendra :)
I posted it late last night so just a reminder that
sprite shop is open! I would appreciate if you checked it out
I need a female Torterra, ill give you a Peruchan and 10kpd for it!
im loving the new item market, i havent been here in a few months
so i just saw it. Very good job, very unexploitable by implementing
the price check thread into the website and marking things as
"cheap" "expensive" etc when certain things are checked off.
Probably the best market system ive ever seen on forum websites
like this
alright so my poke-egg shop has officially closed, might delete the
thread as well that goes with it. simply put, i dont have
time/motivation to draw individual pokemon and eggs for everyone.
it was fun, but i cant do it anymore. also cause i wasnt expecting
so much business. if you bought anything from that shop and your
evolutions werent done/eggs werent hatched, feel free to request a
refund, i will absolutely oblige.
i WILL be opening a sprite shop shortly! The issue with my art
shops in the past was time, and motivation to create art. artists
will relate with me on this one; you cant always draw. you gotta
take a break every once and a while. and if you dont, you
experience burn out, blah blah blah. With the sprite shop, i will
be able to quickly get high quality sprites out to anyone who buys
one. Plus, its more motivating when its something someone can
actually use as a profile badge or something. The sprite shop will
most likely stay open cause of this!
i still havent gotten my participation reward :(
How much do you guys think a Shiny Retro Typhlosion will go for now
since its been almost 2 years since the event?
Please interact with my event egg!! I want to see what the shiny is