thinking of quiting pokeheroes . so im thinking of buying people
stuff with my leftover money. and adopting out my pokemon and
items. please dont beg or note me sad story's . but feel free to
comment me idea's how to adopt.raffle them away :)

what can i do with a Hard Rock ? just found one and i see them go
for high offers. just wondering what i can do with it :P

what can i get for a star piece ?

how can i get super honey from the honeycombs ? or is it just luck

buying gold and red boxes and keys. palpad me your price :)

please train them :)

looking for normal gems . open for all kind of offers :)

please help hatching this egg :) thank you

http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon.php?id=9002779 please help hatching
this egg :) thank you

giving away minum's palpad me if you want one ^^

#113 finally got a shiny :3 im so happy ^^

do the easter eggs break your shiny chain ? or what about the
celebi from route 53 ? please help got ony one egg slot and have 2
different eggs

have 142 nuggets for sale want to sell them in 1 sale palpad me you
offer :)

please help me hatch my celebi as son as possible. trying to make a
new chain. but the random celebi will break it XD

again giving away good pokemon for the next wondertrade Aerodactyl
and Lapras ar on someone's way :)

looking for male minum and plusle . if you have them comment me or
palpad me what you want for them :)

i have 57 nuggets for sale. make me a good offer . i prefer to sell
them all together :)

anyone wants to battle ? like never did one before i wanna know how
it works on here

what can i do with a relic copper ? cant find it in the wiki. and
whats it worth ?

my next wondertrade i will giving away an Aerodactyl i hope i will
make someone happy with this trade :)