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Trainerlevel: 29

Trainerpoints: 2,114/2,551


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Aerodactyl291136,966 / 318,646
Cursed Rapidash216126,811 / 140,617

2025 Goals

Get my first shiny Pokemon [was hoping for Lugia (knew it wouldn't happen lol, it was from fishing though] - Done

Make new friends without any help from those I already know outside the game ['m the one being friended, but I guess it counts] - Done

Make 1 million of the PokeDollars [I think I spelled it right this time?]

Stay committed to the game [I'm doing good now, I think]

Get more Pokemon plushes (in and out of game) - Done

Gamble my lifesavings at some point (in game of course) - Done

Collect a whole gen of Pokemon (like Sinoh, Kanto, Unova, etc.)

Become better on this game than in my Pokemon Go account [this isn't happening till like 2027 or something]

Hit the daily interaction limit - Done

Buy every plushy I can that MeipandaQueen doesn't have

Reach level 30 (probably the easiest goal here) [It would be easy if I interacted more]

Not accidentally get myself banned or perma banned by some unknown means [I'm doing pretty good so far]

Keep my academic grades up *geometry has entered the chat*

Create a better living style (drinking more water, eating enough, etc)

Try to keep myself from getting worse vision (yet I refuse to wear my glasses and I put this)

Hit level 100 on any berry - Done

About Me

Hey there. I'm happycatty. A bit of a Pokemon nerd who was introduced to this game by TheUnhingedPiemon sometime in September, stopped till December and picked it back up, though. I'm a fairly nice person (very weird once you know me). I'm not good at this type of stuff, so I'll just put a bunch of random things together, I guess.

Favorite Color: Purple (then black, pink, white, and whatever else)

Favorite Pokemon: Lugia (my first first ever favorite was Palkia, though)

Birthday: January 8th, 2000-something (you can guess when if you want, but it's below 2010 and above 2000, that's my only hint)

Hobbies (I guess?): Gaming, listening to music, talking with friends, lazing around, and that's it, I think

Favorite Game: ARK (has been since my mom bought it for me 4 days after release, and I only play Xbox)

Memory: I have HORRIBLE memory (I forgot things very fast and easily 90% of the time, I think)

Goals (short and long term): Date to marry, get a job of my liking, get a PC, make more friends on site, (that's all I remember for now)

Favorite Typing: My favorite typing is psychic, I think (probably is Dragon though, i don't know)

Me Myself: At first, I'm very nice and respectful (I'd hope so cause my therapist last year told me that), but the more you get to know me, the more I'll act weird if I'm comfortable with you like that (I think), uhh, I'm also very dense, so like, please work with me.

I don't know what else to put, but I tried. If you want to know more, just ask me. I have no issues with answering questions, personal or not. Just let me know if I make you uncomfortable, and I'll do the same. I'd rather not ruin a friendship, cause I care.

Apparently, I get mad easily, which I didn't know. Uhh, take that as you will. But don't think I'll take it out on you. I'd rather suppress it than do that to someone.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
md2012g 10 Hours ago
md2012g 10 Hours ago
md2012g 12 Hours ago
md2012g 16 Hours ago

Shiny Hunt

happycatty is currently hunting Snom.
Hunt started: 26/03/2025

Chain: 13
0 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


happycatty hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #861804553
Registration: 09/09/2024 (6 Months ago)
Time Played: 106:34 Hours
Total interactions: 577,792
Money: 932,459
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


I just gave the tape I snatched yesterday to my dad and he laughed and thanked me for it :)
Yesterday, 12:27
I have to patiently wait for my berry seeds to be made... I can't do regular interactions because someone has my laptop... (I'm bored out of my mind)
1 Day ago
I completed an assignment but there's no place to turn it in, like what -_-
1 Day ago
I went to get a chocolate milk for TheUnhingedPiemon during lunch and I accidentally gave it to some random person, and I don't remember who.
1 Day ago
In my art class, saw a roll of tape right in front of me... *looks around and snatches it* Nobody saw or knows...
1 Day ago
I walked outside when school ended, the sun shined directly on my hand and it disappeared-
2 Days ago
When I was walking to class a few minutes ago, in the hallways someone hit my butt.
2 Days ago
I finished my math test, schook chromebook had blocked Pokeheroes, so I just pulled out my personal laptop and nothing has been said. This is great.
2 Days ago
As my mom drove me to school, she said I'm more of an adult than my two older brothers (who are 8 and 12 years older than me). Apparently, I act more responsible and am more mature (even though I usually don't do anything). So, that kinda says something, I suppose lol.
2 Days ago
A friend of mine said I have a girlfriend list and listed 14 people. Kinda shocked me cause that's a lot of people. I also just wanted to eat my dinner.
3 Days ago
We did something in world history today where we left the classroom. We had to search for a classmate cause she went off script, and at the end, we were under a stairwell (the teacher left to search). Me and a classmate ganged up on my friend and pinned him in a corner hidden from cameras lol.
3 Days ago
Whenever one of my oldest friends messages me, I always cry. I messaged him sometime at the end of February and he responded. Before then, our last conversation was 2 years ago. I'm just so happy for him that he's living the life he's proud of. Couldn't ask for much more, honestly.
4 Days ago
How do I almost trip over a toilet? Like actually, how??
4 Days ago
Now my brother started blasting the radio... (this is another reason why I hate him, he does whatever he wants)
4 Days ago
Had a mini asthma attack as I walked out of school (I'm good now), got to the car just to have my older brother's seat leaned all the way down, so I have to lay down in the back now -_-
4 Days ago
The one time I feel confident walking down the stairs, I trip and almost fall...
4 Days ago
There's a limit to interacting?? 100,185 is the limit?
5 Days ago
I went to get off my bed, slipped, and fell.
5 Days ago
I remember how I went to leave my art class, I went to open the door but instead accidentally slammed it into the wall-
7 Days ago
My body is either running on pure adrenaline, or I'm just actually not tired which I doubt since I'm always tired.
7 Days ago


Last Action
Tool Shed (1 Hour ago)

Last Visitors

LuminaraToday, 05:04
SaphToday, 05:00
md2012gYesterday, 21:48
kaleb1234Yesterday, 18:11
Damian_The_Sewer_RatYesterday, 06:02
