lf: a abra and someone to trade with so i can evolve my haunter

It's Christmas day midnight and I can't sleep Lalala

ahhhh all those tentacools blocking the pokelab

cool. i got a star piece.

cuteee my valentines drifloom hatched. hes so cute. i like the name
of him. congrats to the person who has that username can spell his

how come i dont have the valentines day egg? do you have to
interact or something?

i am getting hyped. march 2nd mario golf for 3ds is out and mario
kart 8 is out may 30th

i am hoping my friend saknar made it through his surgery. if not
which i am hoping he did many condolences to his family and friends

i am debating wether on friday i should buy a ps3 or not

well... on payday i need to buy some nuggets for a flute and to
sell the rest to other users. i am going to try and get a 100
dollar prepaid cc i think

yay i got egg 2 of my quest. now only 4 more to get. it just
appeared in the lab above the other eggs

argggghhh headache go away i dont need to be sick right now!!!!!

wheee i am downloading pokebank on to my 3ds!!!! :D

ughhhh the one time i want easy eggs from the lab it gives me all
mediums and rarer ones. just my luck!!! i need a couple for fodder

whoops i accidentally clicked a pokemon egg in the lab i was
waiting to see what it was. i hope its not going to be a duplicate.
oh well if it is i will probably auction it or save it for fodder

ok wtf a newbie just got a kyreum egg and he only had 2
interactions. how come i havent got one and he got one?

thanks very much to the person who traded the gems to me. now i
only need 7 more

i think the new event egg is riolu egg

looking for 9 water gems. pm me if you have that many and we can
make a deal