I feel like drawing some anime character now... any suggestions? :S
My beloved Poochies at the daycare, please make love more often and
give me some eggs... Ok? Ok! Good! :|
Done with the game for today so enjoy the rest of your day/night
people, have fun, take care, good luck with your hunts, don't do
drugs, and you know the rest... L still dies. Sayonara
Geez this game... As soon as I hatch my shiny, I'm leaving this
5 hours and no eggs at the daycare and they get along very well...
I'm starting to think my female is taking birth control pills :(
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Poochyena in a row! You now
reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
Oh well... Thanks pokeradar I guess ._.
Dear PH people, as I'm currently being bombarded with too much math
homework and stuff, I might not be online so often till Tuesday so
excuse my absence. Just letting you know so you don't think I'm
leaving the game or I got hit by a truck or whatever and you
know... Have fun, take care, don't do drugs etc... And btw, L
6k pokedollars away from my pokeradar but too tired to continue
so... Good night people, take care, have fun and don't do drugs!!
Hello to you too random shiny Poochyena(?)
Time for this vampire to get his ~4 hours rest so good night
everyone! x.x
My new number was 10 - so it was higher than 9!... I can live with
that. What makes me mad is looking at that stupid smile on hikers
face after losing my chips. Feels like he's like Yep, I just stole
your chips and you can't do anything about it ._.
Ducklett avatars of all shapes and colors everywhere... Feels like
I took Ducklett LSD x.x
Well that was my first double exp day on here and I'm so happy it's
over... Can't feel my arm and I still hear the sound of my mouse
clicking. This game is evil :|