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Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 159/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Obsidianix8721,094 / 22,969
Fiesta Volcarona15859,215 / 94,209
Chocoluv11420,612 / 31,465
Satichu10329,019 / 32,137
Hoopa8717,188 / 28,711
Hoothoot (Retro)7410,992 / 16,651


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Newest gifts
Artsam 3 Years ago
~MomoTodoroki~ 4 Years ago
Leberkas 4 Years ago
ReedAnimates 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Thebestscizorboi hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #495509293
Registration: 04/01/2021 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 8:08 Hours
Total interactions: 9,869
Money: 630
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Ok guy I want to start another raffle because I am Shiny hunting Morpeko
Sharing #Morpekoisaparty = 1 point
Gifting me
1k pd = 10 points
50 Nuggets = 500 points
1 gem = 5 points
1 dragon gem = 20 points
1 Mystery box = 10 points
1 Mystery key = 15 points
Rumble maps = 550 points

1st place gets a shiny Morpeko and a nebula stone
2nd place get All the cosplay box’s
And 3rd place get 50gems
This raffle will end once I hatch a shiny Morpeko.
Good luck
4 Years ago
Does anyone now how to mega evolve my gardevoir is lv 54 and has mega stone but it isn't working
4 Years ago
By mega_death_king - 15 Minutes and 46 Seconds ago.
1. a zygrade core form+ 10k

2. volcanion+star piece

3 giga orbeetle and a random gem
Share #SurprizeRaffle
how to enter
5 dragon 100
other gems 20
summon items 500
mega stone 400
mystery items PAIR 100
nuggets 50 100
pd 2000 10 points

Ends when i say so

Good Luck!!!!!
4 Years ago
By EtherealDeer - 2 Minutes and 12 Seconds ago.
Time to do my first ever raffle! I got a ditto and now one of you will have one too! This will end when I get enough normal gems to get a ditto egg! Ill be using the PD and nuggets I get for entries to buy gems as well! That is 10000 gems :)
if you have 10000 normal gems and just want a ditto thats fine just pp me.
You will get one entry from sharing the hashtag #firstditto
Each normal gem will give you one more entry (5 normal gems = 5 entries, etc)
50 nuggets will get you 25 entries
2k pd will get you one entry (price of one normal gem in GTS)
At the end ill do a random number generator to see who wins! Entering a lot will give you a higher chance of winning, but you won’t auto win. This helps give everyone a chance :)

1st place: Ditto!!
2nd place: mega-able gengar and a mega-able gardevoir, and one mega stone!
3rd place: mega-able gardevoir and mega-able luxray

Everyone who enters will get a plushie from me when this is all over :) j
4 Years ago
4 Years ago
Does anyone know how to mega evolve? I have a gardevoir and a mega stone but have no idea how to do it.
4 Years ago

I FINALLY hatched a SM! His name is Hikaru and I love him!

To celebrate, I'm throwing a giveaway!

Every day, there will be random gifts! These gifts include mystery items, summons, egg vouchers, and even PD or nuggets!

And every day, one person will go home with a shiny Galarian Ponyta!

This event will only last three weeks! To enter, heart and share this post, comment about what types of gifts you would like to receive, and feed URL Hikaru a berry and comment proof!
4 Years ago
By samsammy1221
hello pokeheroes its time to do my 1st giveaway
i want my candaria to lvl 150 by sunday and the prizes are:

1) a light rock+50k pd
2)50k pd
)25k pd

how to enter:share the hashtag #sammys1stgiveaway,interact with candaria by feeding berry,heart this feed ends on 17th jan good luck
4 Years ago
Yes or no: Is Raylong good?
4 Years ago



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Browsing through notifications (3 Years ago)

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HostilePeachFri, 14/Feb/2025, 21:23
letusTue, 24/Dec/2024, 20:51
DarkrozZeroSun, 26/Dec/2021, 22:41
bdaybear30Thu, 04/Nov/2021, 12:50
IcefoxFri, 06/Aug/2021, 19:17