Secondary Update: I will be making a cosplay soon! I have had an
idea to make a character based of my user name and I have
officially decided to try and make it! For right now I’m still in
the sketching stage but I’ll keep y’all updated!

Sorry for not being on guys! I broke my phone and just got my new
one. My computer and stuff are at my new house (1000+ miles away
from me) so I couldn’t use them to be on here. I’m going to try to
be more active again. Again I apologize for my absence.

I’m gonna cry- I just got my screen replaced after shattering it-
and I just cracked it I hope this night doesn’t get any worse.

Guess who has there phone back after shattering the screen earlier

I just had a 13 hour nap. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that long

I apologize to everyone I didn’t message back last night. When I
was climbing off my fridge after the spider thing I messed up and
slipped. I didn’t break anything it just knocked the wind out of me
and I had to take a bit to relax since my back was hurting really
bad after it. Again I apologize for the I’m dumb and clumsy. I hope
y’all can forgive me.

FALSE ALARM I faced timed my bf and they said it’s just a wolf
spider I’m safe 😅😅

I write this as I am sitting on top of my fridge. There is a huge
spider on the floor. No one else is home. SEND HELP-

UPDATE: Shes out of the wall. She found a way in via our crawl
space in the closet that she broke open. She fine now :) my broken
open wall isn’t tho >:/


Two spots have already been taken for my event! Only one spot left!
Palpad if you want to join!

I'm holding a mini event tonight! I have 3 slots open! The first
three to palpal me win have a chance to win 50k! But here's the
catch: You have to do a story! You will be faced with decisions
that will choose whether you win or not! I have everything written
out and there are certain things you will have to do to win!
Remember, if you encounter more than 3 pokemon you lose. Be careful
with your choices there will be things to trick you! Your response
time with change how long it takes! STAY ACTIVE! If someone wins
before you even finish you can still win some!
1st to finish gets 25k!
2nd gets 10k!
3rd gets 5k!

Should I end the shiny hunt I started over 3 years ago that I kinda
just forgot about? Or should I see how long I can keep it?

Shiny Hunt
The-Honey-Overlord is currently hunting Magikarp.
Hunt started: 03/10/2019
0-0 I didn't realize till now I never canceled my hunt...

Guess who has 11,200 chesto berries for no reason? That's right.
Me. I have another addiction but I will always be The Honey

I did a double spin on this one as a joke but @ekfriedchickenbucket
won BOTH times. EK what kind of magic did you use to do this??? XD
I need to know

Alrighty! 30 people shared the tag! The winner is.....

It's now about 7:30 my time so 1 hour and 30 minutes left to enter
my give away! Share
#TheHoneyGod to enter!