Yay a Snivy from my recent starter egg!
Can someone buy the special buppy plush for me please? c:
Can someone let me borrow their Delibird for the current day advent
calendar quest? It is the only one I am missing for it.
Also still doing the Nathan the Sandile quest and I want to make
sure to stay in the lead at all times:
Professor Rowan wants me to help train the Sandile before the
upcoming Sunday, so here is a link to help train the little gator.
Another one the advent calendar wants me to do (and da fact me no
do hashtags) but hey, by favorite memory is playing Pokemon Soul
Silver as a kid and picking the cute little Cyndaquil as my starter
and caring for the little guy so much to a Typhlosion.
It is my birthday today! :)
Accidentally missed getting the molten Onix, not sure if someone
has one I could breed some time. But I am gonna need some luck to
get one in the auction for a good price. :o
Hard to say what my best experience was (besides wanting to do this
for da Pookeman), but my best experiences is being comfy with my
fuzzy pup plush and relaxing while playing a good game.
Well it is a male Torchic I got from it, was expecting that to
actually happen in the back in my mind. Welp!
Recently got a fire starter egg from the lab! Sadly though I
actually once missed a grass starter when I came into the lab, of
course with all the small/medium grass and water types that show up
more often I think less of clicking on them right away.
Hello! I seen this place from someone who is making a game that is
Pokemon inspired, and I thought I would give this place a nice
look. :)