I got a Lugia Vouncher for two castforms :D
Chima online is adicting ;w;
Guess what my Avatar is :3
Wow a female Fennekin! And another Meowth :O
I'm going to start collecting grass gems for a Chespin
There is some glitch in witch I can't interact with my pokemon eggs
even when a day progresses on here >:?
I drew myself another Avatar lol
Got my Fenneking egg WOOT
Ugh they're out of Fennekin eggs. I have 50 fire gems and I'm ready
to buy it
Opened my first mystery box and got some Pokedollar :D
It's hard to believe how getting sweeped by a Scolipede and
Scolipede alone can crush my spirit into pulp...
Got a Kangaskhan egg WOO HOO
What's really wierd is that I started off in the Sinnoh games but I
like the designs of the pokemon in the gens surrounding them alot
too(Hoenn and Unova[And Kalos of course])
What's really wierd is that I started off in the Sinnoh games but I
like the designs of the pokemon in the gens surrounding them
Unova[alot too(Hoenn and And Kalos of course])
Lol Fantôme is watching over my eggs so that Daycare man doesn't
come and steal them.
I got another female Duskull! They'll be siblings~
I just owned someone in the Auction house. The bid was 2, and on
the last 16 seconds, I bumped it up to 50 and got this Smoochum
Why is everything a speedclicking event... last time it was a break
and only on the last day did I get it. Now it's darn school and I
have to click again. Geez...
Holy wow. I got two castforms, a male one this time