"We recently found some eggs in our daycare. We're sure that those
eggs belong to your Pokémon." What exactly do we have to do? I've
adopted and hatched multiple eggs from my daycare and no "friend"
has appeared.

Finally sold off all my flirty Plusles. Now what to do with this
money lol.

Just submitted my bracket for March Madness. Come on, win me $100k
so I can pay off my student debt.

Went on a midnight Pokemon Go run, found two gyms belonging to my
team, and trained them both from level 3 to level 4. This is the
first time I've ever had two Pokemon in gyms at the same time!

Woo, now breeding a male Minun (Flirty) with a female Plusle
(Flirty) from different trainers. Not a perfect match, but it's
working out okay.

Yea! Only took two eggs and 6 hours in daycare to get a second
Plusle (Flirty).

Did the Groudon and Kyogre plushies get restocked and I just wasn't
fast enough, or did they not get restocked? Just curious.

Yea! Second Unknown egg of the day.

Was very confused why Professor Rowan was wishing me happy
birthday. Forgot for a moment that server time is 5 hours ahead of
my time zone.

I am looking to buy a mega stone for 50k PD and x5 of every gem
type. Can be negotiated.
Anyone interested?
(Please share.)

Just need two more shiny male combees to hatch and I can end this
hunt. I've got 5 shiny males for me, 3 for
Ellana, and a shiny female for
both (to turn into Vespiqueen).

Poke Bank has arrived for Sun and Moon! Woot!

"Gloweon caught!" - YASSSSSSS

Ah! I was feeding berries to the list of Professor Rowan quests and
I found my second Kyurem egg!

Just so everyone know: I will be virtually nonexistent this week
until Friday night. I've got 50 plus hours of coursework between
Monday morning and Friday noon.

If anyone would like a Combee, male or female (comes with
Everstone), let me know. I'll trade it, preferably for a Pokemon I
don't have in the earlier gens, but honestly for anything if that's
too much for you.
Also, feel free to share.

Well my goal was to hit 2k interactions during a single SCE. Out of
the four I've signed up for, my highest was 1,990, during which I
took a 5 second break to grab my Kyurem, so I'll accept that has
hitting my goal. No Victini though :(

When you hatch a shiny of the wrong gender -.- Oh well, guess I'll
take a shiny Vespiqueen.

Signed up for Saturday SCEs at 2P/3P/4P/5P local time (19/20/21/22
server time). Wish me luck! :P Let's go beat some click goals!