Congratulations! A shiny Flabébé (Eternal Flower) hatched out of
one of your eggs (Chain #119)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new

They need to add every colour of Flabébé as a plushie. I will not
settle for only one colour!

My party is complete. <3 Every single shiny Florges looking
beautiful in my party.

Congratulations! A shiny Flabébé (Sakura) hatched out of one of
your eggs (Chain #44)!
YAY! I have my first shiny Event Pokémon. <3 And she's my
beautiful Sakura. Major thanks to
Accident for giving me some
Nuggets to get a week of Premium and an Event Pass!

Major thanks to
Accident for lending me their Ditto for my Flabébé
(Sakura) hunt! <3

Two weeks on my Sakura hunt and I've only hatched one...

My first Sakura egg! The hunt begins.

I am now prepared for my non-premium, probably year-long hunt of
Florges (Sakura). Must. Have. Every. Florges. Shiny.

Congratulations! A shiny Bounsweet hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #34)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

This is my day. Bounsweet gets added and my favourite Pokémon gets
a Sakura event!

Strange Ornament caught!
Where were you 3 months ago?

UndyingLove > PoisonousEmbrace. Just letting everyone know.

Congratulations! A shiny Gothita hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #272)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
FINALLY! Longest chain ever. Glad I got a female, too!

UndyingLove is currently hunting Gothita.
Hunt started: 24/01/2017
Chain: 206
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)
I'll finally have my shiny!..... in twelve years.

Congratulations! A shiny Budew hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #83)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
Well, that was a quick chain!

Congratulations! A shiny Smoochum hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #148)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

I know I'm getting a shiny Smoochum today. I can just feel it.

Selling these Smoochums with Dragon Gems was such a good idea. I
really needed money.

Bounsweet is the next shiny that I'm hunting after Smoochum. Come
on, Riako, add her!