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Trainerlevel: 17

Trainerpoints: 267/883


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Raylóng705,059 / 18,639
(Pikachu Detective)
859,434 / 21,931
Bewear282,018 / 2,437
Scyther281,410 / 2,437
Pidgeotto34108 / 3,351
Luvdisc31442 / 2,382


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Newest gifts
Ephenia 4 Years ago
Ephenia 4 Years ago
Ephenia 4 Years ago
Ephenia 4 Years ago


PastelSushi__ hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Game Records

Trainer ID: #848654553
Registration: 10/06/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 41:06 Hours
Total interactions: 43,896
Money: 30,715
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


PastelSushi__ hasn't posted any feeds so far.

Last Visitors

Tyler4Thu, 01/Apr/2021, 12:30
AkemieMon, 17/Aug/2020, 20:59
LaniaMon, 17/Aug/2020, 20:59
The_MemeMon, 17/Aug/2020, 20:58
StormSlasher969Sun, 09/Aug/2020, 05:01


Hello! I'm Tiger! As you can tell I like K-pop but also I like some scary stuff to... Like creepypasta, FNAF, scary stories and horror movies ( btw my favourite horror movies are, Friday the 13th, Texas chainsaw massacre, wither, evil dead, childsplay, saw, the collector and the exorcist ) my favourite colors are different shades of blue and green, my favourite animes are Tokyo ghoul, attack on Titan and your lie in April, and My Hero Academia. my favourite K-pop bands are red velvet, vixx, BTS, exo, block b and Monsta x, if you think I'm weird, then why are you here i mean really there's a door for you to leave at any time!
And if you read this thinking you know about me by reading this, You are wrong dear reader, you must talk to me to actually know me! Anyhow, this is basic info about me....