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Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 300/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Omastar735,776 / 16,207
Rapidash6411,995 / 12,481
Linoone6211,237 / 11,719
Watchog623,932 / 11,719
Poliwhirl637,701 / 12,711
Floette (Yellow)591,943 / 10,621


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Shavira 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
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Set #4


PaigeTheDork hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #706006798
Registration: 16/03/2018 (7 Years ago)
Time Played: 31:44 Hours
Total interactions: 18,589
Money: 66,020
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


sorry for venting here, but it's the only place i can for this...
all of my friends are hyped about a group i run, but theres only a couple of us and no one else is interested in it. our ONE shot at making the group grow is coming ever closer, and we have NO plan. if this event doesn't work, then i'll just have to close the group.
none of them are going to like that at all. everything is on the rocks now. if i have to close the group, i think it's a good chance that i'll lose my friends as well. i knew tat i was eventually going to loose them. but they didn't... they're a lot more, fragile, i'm scared how there going to take all this and what they'll do about it.
i just hoped they'll be ok afterwards, just upset...
6 Years ago
6 Years ago


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Browsing through notifications (6 Months ago)

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EGG_EGGSun, 25/Aug/2024, 11:48
TheVoidFri, 01/Feb/2019, 07:11
Masked-StaticTue, 05/Jun/2018, 00:38
seesea4Sat, 12/May/2018, 01:41
BlackRoses612Sat, 12/May/2018, 01:40