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Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 11/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
534,520 / 8,587
Cleffa75366 / 13,680
Blaziken6412,442 / 13,143

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MoonTheUmbreon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #696190248
Registration: 03/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 8:35 Hours
Total interactions: 4,734
Money: 9,184
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


By Rioko - 15 Seconds ago.
Hey friends,Feed a berry to Lorelei.This is Professor Rowans quest pokemon.3 users will win the following prizes.

1. 1x Mega able Lucario+3x Star Pieces.
2. 5x Dragon Gems.
3.1x Shiny Pikachu.

I'll announced the winner on next Sunday and you need to show proof with this hashtag #LevelUpLorelei

You fed Lorelei a Aspear Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 1,724 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Warm my eggs please :3
8 Years ago
I am still pretty new to this game and I was wondering what is the best and fastest way to earn money??
8 Years ago
Warm my eggs pllease and thanks you :3
8 Years ago
I've had enough and I'm finally leaving the game. Not doing this to start any drama; I'm not that type. I'm going to make this a raffle. To participate, just spread this hashtag.
1. 500K+Mega Metagross+Mega Rayquaza+ Palkia
2. 300K+ Mega Gyarados+ Dialga
3. 100K+ 50 nuggets+ 18 boxes and keys (combined)
If no one participates, then I'll just release all the pokemon.
8 Years ago
By Skypanda
I got my first Rowan Quest.

So Yay Raffle

1. Shiny Ghastly, 5000 PD and an assortment of gems
2. Lugia Egg Voucher and 5000 PD
3. 2000 PD and an assortment of berries


Feed Theodore a Berry and Show Proof and on Sunday when Rowan comes to collect Theodore I will dole out the prizes
You fed Theodore a Aguav Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 4,437 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:56
PockyBoxSat, 24/Feb/2018, 01:55
Kou-Fri, 03/Jun/2016, 14:02
Kittie_planetWed, 25/May/2016, 04:26
MimpiiThu, 19/May/2016, 20:23