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Trainerlevel: 30

Trainerpoints: 876/2,729


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Talonflame585,292 / 10,665
Talonflame5710,072 / 10,278
Talonflame60910 / 11,462
Messenger Talonflame61421 / 11,871
Messenger Talonflame634,383 / 12,711
Talonflame617,023 / 11,871


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Newest gifts
Jochen 4 Years ago
Jochen 5 Years ago
Ephenia 5 Years ago
SilverBoi 5 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

Maystar18 is currently hunting Messenger Fletchling.
Hunt started: 28/12/2019

Chain: 1

A little about me

Hi I'm maystar18!
Identified gender: she, her
sexuality: pans
Age: high school age
Dream: becoming an author
What I like: sleeping, eating, music, playing video games, watching youtube, drawing, writing, watching tv, not going to school, playing on pokeheroes, collecting Pokemon cards, pokemon, not going to school, wait... I already said that XD
My talent: apparently disappearing, I can blend into my surroundings, no one sees me till I move or make a sound

i am pokemon!

poketest 1 resalts

poketest 2 resalts

Ekans- You have mysterious dark quality about you. You don't enjoy being around people and avoid the spotlight as much as possible. Your not very talkative and when you do open your mouth it seems like its always a insult when its not. You speak your mind. You don't care whether people like you are not. You like who you are but remember being alone all the time can get lonely so step out into the light every once in a while.

Last Visitors

shanazwahyuThu, 06/Feb/2025, 08:38
JochenFri, 10/Feb/2023, 05:59
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:51
iambobbyThu, 13/May/2021, 17:05
roxywinx1Fri, 12/Feb/2021, 20:31

Game Records

Trainer ID: #17104421
Registration: 14/10/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 207:42 Hours
Total interactions: 396,206
Money: 39,176
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


Your coin and the one next to it look alike!
(Increased breeding chance)
nu i already have to many eggs as is i need the incress shiny chance!
5 Years ago
Your coin looks much larger than the all others!
(Increased mega-able chance)
screems angrally in my head
relizes i have less than an hour of this chance
oh ok im fine :3

5 Years ago
guys i need to hatch my eggs so i can start my shiny hunt bu i don't want to chance starting my shiny hunt with the pokemon that hatch
5 Years ago
Me: what i want for christmas? Well to actolly to go to sleep christmas eve night!
Also me on christmas eve night: to sad to go to sleep and the worst part i dont even know y im sad its almost 12 and i want to be asleep hewp
5 Years ago
Rattata (Retro) hatched and i got the egg from rumbling ._. REEEEEE ^^ so happy
5 Years ago
Your coin looks a bit larger than the others!
(Slightly increased mega-able chance)

wanted shiny chance but cool
5 Years ago
Yo My friend Arahkan wants to spread a little positivity around the site! Lets make her christmas wish come true! Check her feed <3
5 Years ago
I'm trying to get pd AND trying to get rid of some pokemon(they are mostly comon pokemon but someone might want one right?)! If you see any Pokemon plz private trade with me And ask for it in the comment TY! Don't forget the trash pokemon
5 Years ago
Finaly done with the boxes
5 Years ago
I'm trying to reorganize my boxes. If i don't survive send help XD
5 Years ago

I have a memory that makes me laugh although its not my favorite memery (my favorite memory makes me sad), was when my dad, sister, little brother and I were on a road trip, and a song we all havent heard in years came on... (i was kid when this came out so i didnt know better (this side note will make since i promise), just keep reading) the song was its to late to apologize.

The lyric : That it's too late to apologize

After some years i still thought it was papa john's and i found out that night that...
Was very wrong...
5 Years ago
You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Wow, that looks like a Vuplix - but it is cold as ice! Amazing! I've never seen such a Pokémon before.
My friend from Alola told me that there are many Pokémon in that region which resemble Pokémon species' that we already know - but they have different types and slightly different body shapes and colors! This Vulpix must be one of them. That's amazing! Professor Rowan is going to be soooo jealous of my discovery!
You should really explore the Alola-Region when you have time - or at least send some of your Pokémon there for a little vacation!

How could i is their a map or something?
Clicks button

Here, let me give you this map. It will lead your Pokémon to the Alola-Region.
New Rumble Area "Alola" unlocked.

It read my mind
5 Years ago
Guys guess how i started my day :D
5 Years ago
You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Diglett. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?
5 Years ago
By RileyImsong - 12 Hours and 18 Minutes ago.

#Xmasholidays In my four years stay in pokeheroes. I've never done any giveaways, so I would like to do one this Christmas ^^

So to enter spread the hashtag, and heart this owo on 24th December I'll send each and every one of you do who does this a Christmas gift ^^°

Gifts include maps, stones, gems, shinies, mega ables, boxes and keys I've collected over the years. I know my giveaway isn't big like others but it's Christmas! The season of giving!

Good luck everyone!

P.S. I wouldn't mind if you added me to your friendlist
5 Years ago
You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Geodude. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?
5 Years ago
You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Rattata. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?
5 Years ago
Maystar18, good to see you! How's business going? You should really take a break sometimes - maybe go on vacation for a few days?
My personal favorite is the Alola-region! It's very far away, but it's a super relaxing place whenever you need a break. I used to go there very often when I was younger, but - you know - being the owner of a Daycare is a 24/7 job!

Anyway, I have a friend in Alola and they sent me a few Alolan Pokémon Eggs. ... Problem is that I have no idea how to hatch them! Why do you think I'm releasing untaken eggs to the wild?
Do you mind helping me? You can obviously keep the hatched Pokémon! (Unless they are super rare legendaries...)

Don't worry, they won't break your Shiny Chain!

one problem my party is full from the lab ;v;
5 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (5 Years ago)

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Maystar18 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Pokemon in training

These are my pokemon that i want to lvl up. Plz help train them THANK YOU! <3

Friend's Pokemon training