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Trainerlevel: 19

Trainerpoints: 36/1,101


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

My Pokemon self

I'm not exactly sure if I can be described as shallow though.


LostHero hasn't collected any medals so far.

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Umbreonpanda 5 Years ago
MasterOkena 5 Years ago
CrystalMawile 5 Years ago
Blink 6 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #487007068
Registration: 14/11/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 106:52 Hours
Total interactions: 62,867
Money: 3,587
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


I've got 200 grass gems, 100 normal gems, and 90 dark gems, and they're all up for grabs. Sorry I've been off pokeheroes so much guys, might not come back to pokeheroes as much now (I hope can find more time for it).
5 Years ago
I have 5 brown boxes, 2 dark blue boxes, 1 green box, 2 light blue boxes, 4 purple boxes, 4 red boxes, and ONE gold key. Why do I have so many, boxes? If you want to, please offer me matching keys for some boxes (palpad me before sending over a private trade if I accept).
5 Years ago
I need to sell all my honey... PLZ buy on gts, I'm drowning in it. (If honey suddenly became at least 1000 pd sold in the emra mall, I'd become the 6th richest person in PH, that's how much I have.)
5 Years ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Green Orb found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
A BROWN BOX? I did not expect that at all (sorry that I haven't been online as much, I'll try to stay on more.
5 Years ago
Plz guys buy my honey on the GTS, I have too much!
5 Years ago
My notifications is stacked with other people's posts, and I only got about a half dozen (PH) friends who make posts. DANG
5 Years ago
By AngellRune~Kris
Ummm Ok. So from the Leaf Vs Jolt contest, I got a great suggestion: Let’s turn them into a Bracket like contest to find the Best Vee... So..

Ahem, Share the hashtag #FlarevsGlace. Battle of Fire and Ice.

So remember, vote for you Favorite, and two people on the winning team get 30K, and a Fossil Of your choice.

5 Years ago
I'm still trying to sell my honey off, lowered my prices to 50 pd per piece, and I'm still looking at about 10,000 pieces of honey in my item bag. DID THE HONEY DEMAND COME TO A STOP OR WHAT? Buy some plz.
5 Years ago
Reshiram's egg looks glorious, big omelet today for dinner (JKJKJKJK).
5 Years ago
By Fukase
I'm finna do a giveaway bc I have no life and I'll be leaving after this hunt

Ends whenever I feel like it, just share #SaphHasNoLife and friend me bc I need friends :')

There will be two prizes. First place is a Nebula Stone. Second place is 100,000 PD.
5 Years ago
Ha, I forgot to say I got another light stone from a light blue box about three weeks ago. That's 2 light stones in about 1 week. :)
5 Years ago
6 Years ago
6 Years ago
6 Years ago
By BraixieYT
Okay so I hit search level 999 for Zigzagoon on Alpha Sapphire and I found 1 shiny. No one wins the 50K prize as no one guessed 1, the 25K prize has been given out to the person who guessed closest to 1, the winner was: Jacharias who guessed 2.

Now I'm moving on to Lillipup so how many shiny Lillipup do you think I will find until I hit search level 999 (number 999 is included) The Prize is again 50K if someone guesses the exact number or 25K to whoever gets closest.
1 guess per user.
Leave your guesses in the comment section of this feed.
Please consider sharing so more people can enter, ends when I hit search level 999.
[Share It]
6 Years ago
By Deim
In commemoration of hatching Cayde-6 I’d like to do a giveaway.

In life Cayde loved chicken. So what better way to commemorate him. Like the ever burning flame of a Phoenix he is reborn.


Share the hashtag and interact with Cayde for a chance to win nuggets.

1st Place: 200 nug
2nd Place: 100 nug
3rd Place: 50 nug

Ends March 12th prizes will be sent out by March 13th
6 Years ago
You won 10400 Game Chips.
You also won 1x Lugia Egg Voucher! CONGRATS!
6 Years ago
6 Years ago
By WUT_Beat3 - 35 Minutes and 37 Seconds ago.

I’m shiny hunting eevee and I don’t really feel like keeping it for when I get it. So because of this share this whole feed + the hashtag to be able to win the eevee once it hatches
6 Years ago
Hacked~Project4 - 39 Seconds ago.
Share the hashtag #SnowBlossom to win :
10 pokemon of your choice
My Boxes / Keys
A Eevee evo
~~~~~~~If you are lucky~~~~~~~~~

Already know no one will share but oh well
6 Years ago


Some stuff on me

Don't beg for pd, nuggets, and don't spam me on the palpad for no reason. I'll be happy to take offers on my GTS trades for honey (about 70pd a piece with at least a thousand to go), but no irrelevant spamming. I give out tips to people on the GTS (I go on the GTS a lot) on misjudged prices, and if you came here because I sent you a text on the palpad and you were looking in on me, then here's your answer why I did it. I'm just a kiddo who likes going on Pokeheroes, so don't think that I'm being serious on this.
THIS ACCOUNT ON POKEHEROES IS PRETTY MUCH CLOSED. Sorry, guys, I was just a bit too addicted to it (Whoops!) and decided I'd have to stop. Bye, Pokeheroes!

Last Visitors

*CrystalWinter*Thu, 21/Dec/2023, 01:01
BruAralySun, 27/Aug/2023, 04:02
~MomoTodoroki~Thu, 08/Dec/2022, 23:47
ksomjayThu, 08/Dec/2022, 23:46
~Cosmic-Gold~Thu, 08/Dec/2022, 23:46