Anyone wanna sell their Shiny Charizard(retro) for 450 nuggets?

The offer was bought successfully!
Thanks for your purchase.
You received 1x Event Pass (Messenger Fletchling)
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You received 1x Event Pass (Space Spinda)
Hell yeah! All of 'em are cool. :3

Okay what the heck..... People buy Zekrom from me at a lower price
and immediately sell them for a profit. Sad. Just sad.

Quick question: What is the highest number of novels you have
finished in a Day? Cuz I just finished my 5th and that makes me
afraid of myself.

What I'll never understand my whole life is why is it that whenever
I watch friends I always have to pick up Ross's tone of speaking
and would go on talking in the same manner for the rest of the
month. I mean why can't be Chandler, I have the sarcasm alright or
I can Joey(A Lannister also never shares his food) , why is that I
have to be a Ross duplicate every single time :/ . Hell I can never
say How you doin' like Joey ;_;

Hey would anyone be interested in buying a mega able retro
charmander for nuggets or pd? Yes I know it doesn't evolve but hey
it looks cool and god know I need the currency. So please?

100 comment and Imma have this
profile pic for a week :3

Cheers! I finally get my hands on my favourite shiny mega. But I
cannot think of a name to suit her, current name is just
makeshift(or maybe not.) So I want you guys to suggest a name for
her pls. The one I choose get 50K PD. Put on your
creativity hats <3.
PS: Mythic names have higher chances of winning.
PPS: You can suggest Garnet again if you think its good. You'll
still win if I keep it.
PPPS: If you suggest a name somebody already has suggested, I'll
split the prize.

The Retro Venusaur has been caught successfully!
Was pretty easy :/

So guys here goes nothing. Today I start my dream hunt. A hunt
I've been planning since I first joined. Shiny hunt of The Mighty
Zekrom. Will it be an early shiny or will the hunt torture me? Wish
me luck.I guess. Oh yeah, My hunt runs parallel to one of my
closest friend's legendary hunt too. So wish us both luck <3
Fingers Crossed

The biggest match of the Group Stages is upon us Portugal vs Spain
<3. Take sides <3. Vamos España

How ya doin' fellas. Your day going good?

Vamos Espanâ!!! Who are you supporting this FIFA World Cup huh?

My life should be a meme.

Selling: Mega Stone, Mega-Able Rokkyu, Shiny Rokkyu.
LF: Nuggets or Light/Dark Stones
Offer on palpad please :)

Congratulations! A shiny Rokkyu hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #120)
3 shinies and 3 mega ables in chain #120. Nice chain :)

Selling: 2 mega able Rokkyus
LF: Nuggets.
Palpad pls :3

Congratulations! A shiny Rokkyu hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #80)!

So I tried to keep my profile simple. Yet attractive. Well I failed