Favorite Pokemon
Dragon -Dragonair
Ice -Alolan Vulpix
Fighting -Pancham
Fire -Flareon or Rapidash
Flying -Swablu ( I am well aware this is a normal type as well)
Ghost -Shuppet
Ground -Cubone
Electric- Pikachu
Normal- Eevee
Poison -Koffing
Psychic -Galarian Ponyta
Rock -Rockruff
Water -Luvdisc
Game Records
Trainer ID: #680798193Registration: 24/04/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 5:54 Hours
Total interactions: 20,960
Money: 22,085

Starter Pokémon:

About Me
Age: 22
Location: USA
Gender: Female
More: I am married, I have 2 cats named Jasper and Jynx ( yes he is named after a pokemon)
If you want to be friends go ahead and send me a request or shoot me message!