Hype.... Check it out fools. no but seriously check my new poll
out. lol

-Flails- I really wish someone could make pokemon real that or give
humans pokemon like powers.

thanks for the plashes guys and gals.

Totally stolen
If I was an eevee, what would I evolve into?

New poll up have fun ya'll

I wish pokemon were real creatures.

to the moon and beyond. no, but seriously to alola I wish i could
go and never return. Find be a Litten, a piplup, Mew, Lucario,
Zorua, and a Ninetales (Alola form)

Monkey!!!!! >_>....... That is
all........<.<'''''''....',' x,x

Monkey!!!!! >_>....... That is
all........<.<'''''''....',' x,x

just cleared out 3 boxes worth of pokemon and releasing them did
not even hurt my feels.

one more week until i do a complete box erase minus two boxes and
my party so grab what you want while i got it i do have a happy jr
up for grabs

-points to boxes- all pokemon must go step right up dont be shy
this is the close out deals of the century just tell me what you
want i'll set it up off what you want even if it is something lame.
fyi at the end of next week all remaining pokemon not in one of my
special boxes will be released regardless of what it is retro or
shiney if i get any.

all pokemon up for grabs apart from fanggirl99

the eggs in my party, the charizard in my party and my rumble
pokemon will be the last up on gts.

okay guys I have a good deal of my pokemon up on gts from my no
sell no trade boxes and I already am getting offers so make your
way through my boxes quickly it is first come first serve. no offer
is a bad one.

Well guys I have been giving it some thought and I do believe I
have had my fill of Pokemon heroes and I think it is time I bid
this site good bye over the course of the next couple of days I
will be giving away my pokemon and pretty much closing up shop.
Those of you who wish to remain in contact with me can add me to
facebook via the link on my trainer page. All my boxes will be up
for grabs over the course of the next couple of days including my
specials. The reason will be explained below.

Wonder Trade Report:
Nidorina => Ampharos
Beedrill => Pinsir