Game Records
Trainer ID: #113740153Registration: 17/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 298:48 Hours
Total interactions: 312,211
Money: 1,507,011
Starter Pokémon:
![This user has completed their Kanto Dex.](
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
15x Nugget found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
worth it
Last Visitors
Visitors | ||
Shiny | Wed, 18/Dec/2024, 09:26 | |
SourApple | Wed, 18/Dec/2024, 06:20 | |
CyndaGod | Wed, 18/Dec/2024, 03:12 | |
Dark_Fire | Tue, 10/Dec/2024, 05:12 | |
pokemonsea17 | Sun, 24/Nov/2024, 07:15 |