Got my first mega evolution today
Any one know how much I should put a lustrous orb up for in GTS?
or just 5 gold mystery boxes. I guess I don't know how this works
I see my pokemon has found the final star piece I need to get
Jirachi. Ten minutes until it gets back from the rumble mission.
what did i come back to? Why are Milcery selling for over 500k in
auction house?
I will always love scyther. In my XY run I caught a scyther, and
since I didn't know how to evolve it, it stayed that way forever.
beat the XY league with just a level 100 scyther.
You push the purple key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to
the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
4x Cornn Berry found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
I'm so close to giving up on the mystery boxes
now I have nothing against carbink, but when I want a moon stone
from the gem cauldron, that is not the right time for me to get a
carbink egg
anyone know how much a rotom can sell for?
That was fast. Thanks everyone
I have a cranidos in my party that is three levels from evolution.
Please Interact?
Can someone give me the link for the website where i can see prices
of items?
Please interact it's for the Bug hatching contest.
Ummmm. Didn't realize there was a harvest sprite you can get in
mystery boxes. But now I have my third one so yay.
Got a Dialga egg from Rumble. Please interact.
with the puzzle pieces, is it possible to get the same puzzle
piece, or is it actually fair and you can't get duplicates?
When you put up a trade asking for a level 70 or higher dragon type
legendary and you get a level 305 palkia
is anyone willing to rent me a high level dragon type mon for a few
days so I can get dialga from the vortex of time?
I would like to welcome a long awaited member to my team.
Marshadow, I've waited a long time for you.
so with legendary maps, are you guaranteed a legendary pokemon, or