Does anyone have any idea why, when i logged in it said that my
birth date was wrong? Is that normal or did something happen?
Does anyone have a nosepass they would like to trade?
I started watching Naruto a couple of weeks ago, Does anyone else
watch it?
I'm in love with the Eevee evolutions right now, if anyone has any
Eevee evolutions that they would like to trade, contact me..
Okay, cool, I got Celebi..
I clicked the button that everyone told me not to and it asked me
for my social security number -.- -restarts computer- Who wins
Someone just outbid me at the last second on a Celebi auction and
now i'm SUPER mad!!!!!!!!
I just had the worst dream ever!!!! DX
Is a golden key rare? Cause I just got one in my rumble mission...
I think I just got a Swirlex egg :D
Does anyone have a Swirlix they'll trade? You can look at some of
my pokemon and see if you wanna trade... Idk if I have anything
worth Swirlix though..
Dang it! I want my 3D Eevee back! XD
Does anyone know what levels Combusken and Charmeleon evolve at?
Please answer me. This is probably the stupidest question ever but
I brushed the tree with honey now i'
Can someone tell me how i find a pokemon by the honey tree? Cause
every time i come back the honeys stolen..
When you put honey on a the tree do you just stay there and wait
for a pokemon or what?
Is a retro charmander rare?
Crap! I accedentally reparied the cauldron >:O
Can someone please tell me whats in the gem cauldron thing? I have
enough to repair it but i want to make sure theres something worth
it inside before i get it.
i've set up a male Vaporeon in the global trade center. Will anyone
trade me a female?