I have a Green, Light Blue, and Pink Mystery Box. Now all I need
the keys. This will be one heck of a journey.

I have to be honest; this is the best Pokémon game I have ever
played that isn't made by Nintendo. It's completely different from
any other game I played. I may not play it much, but I play it more
than any other.

I just hatched a Pinsir, but I don't know what he has. says that he
has a special power.

What is that single locked setting?

I'm making a Beedrill army.

Ima do something where I only do harvesting in the berry garden, so
then I don't have to worry about which one I choose. After all of
that is over I can make seeds, plant, make seeds, plant.

What should I get now that I got the Fancy Seed Maker, Egg Radar,
and Amulet Neckless?

Should I use the Avatar I have now or a funny Tails one.

I got the Egg Radar AND the Neckless now.

I am still bloody dead, when can I be bloody alive?

I feel like the Unknowing Daycare Owner badge is a joke.

Somebody did say Egg Radar, but yet again, if I get the neckless, I
could get the other two things faster!

If I get 10,000 coins, should I get the Egg Radar, Amulet Neckless,
or that Fancy Seed Maker?

Bro I finally changed my Avatar.