I think I have a messed up sleeping schedule or something. I'm not
tired at a time where I should be. :/
Oh well.

Don't be like me and have busy days thrown into your face... ;~;

Happy New Years from my area!

I'm back. I'll be visiting more once again! Course, I now have a
job, so I'll be on when I can!

Dang it. I might not graduate from high school...and my school has
a funny way of boosting morality. *Does not feel better*

Welp, I tried to get a new avatar, but all the ones I tried, the
site won't allow due to it being too big. T-T

I have a poison gem! I'm willing to sell it. Let's make an offer,

Where's my RP friends at!? I'm lonely.

Brb. Got to leave for a class.

I'm back ! Who missed their lovable Riolu?

I regret to inform you, my friends, that since I'm usually on with
my tablet, it will be a while till I return. The reason? Well...I
decided to be stupid and step on my charger and break it. Now I got
to wait for a replacement. Until then, this is AuraMaster, signing

*Feels like crap because I think I hurt ShadowUmbren90's feelings*
I'm a terrible friend...

*Wonders why Age of the Phoenix RP seems dead before it even

Curse you Internet! Load the dang page!

*Checks Poke apocalypse* Figures when my Internet goes out, I miss
the ending of that RP. WAAAAAAAHHHHH! T^T