Does anyone have a female slugma they'd be willing to trade

Hey, sorry first time back in maybe a year, how is everyone

Hey Guys, it's been ages. I think I'm back for good

Hey Guys, that's me back after a very long break

Can everyone train with the Aerodactyl in my party, I will feed
berries or warm eggs in return

Well, I got a retro egg from the SCE .... I really should have
checked that sooner

Join my Birthday giveaway, I will be giving away 100k Pd, several
boxes and all the Pokémon in
This Box, All you have to do to enter this
giveaway is share the HashTag. This Give away will end on my
Birthday (Tuesday the 27th of March.)

After my current hunts I was thinking of shiny mega hunting. Anyone
got any suggestions for an SM to hunt

Just checking, if I was going to sell a Zygarde (cell form) who
would be interested

80k Pd for my last Eevee slot unless there is a lot of interest.
Pal Pad or check out my
Shiny Shop

Giveaway by
How to Join: Copy BBCode from
THIS POST Post is in your feed and comment on
this feed. Using generators 3 users will be rewarded highly and 47
users with event pokemons. EVERYONE CAN JOIN
END on March
1st Place: x1
[Shiny Riolu], x1
Lucario], x1
[Mega-able Lucario] x1
[Lugia Egg
Voucher] x5
Mystery Boxes
2nd Place: x1
[Hard Rock], x1
[Light Rock], x1
[Star Piece] x1
[Hatched Lugia] x5
3rd Place: x1
[Shiny Absol], x1
Gyarados], x1
[Shiny Magikarp] x5
Place 4th-50th - x1
[Random event Pokemon]

Selling a shiny charizard and sableye pal pad if your interested

OK so what is this and how do I get one

Anyone know the record in a speed click on here

2,549 Clicks during my last Speed Click we may not have got it but
I do have a lot of pain in my hand!

How do you get a rowan quest

Ok, so I am sick of players insulting my Wigglytuff or the fact
that In this game she is my favourite pokemon! I don’t think of her
as a Pokemon that should be known as a “Girly Pokemon”. Unlike some
players I know who only care about a Pokemon’s value. My precious
Walenty has emotional value and that’s enough for me so mind your
own business and don’t comment on others favourites!

250k for a shiny Lapras slot, if no one is interested by the end of
the day I will start the shiny Eevee hunt. Visit
Hereif you are interested.

Selling shiny Lapras slots, hatched 1 already so 3 slots to sell
see my shop for more details.