Oh hey random pixie sprite or whatever it is called found maybe I
should look at quests for actual name..
Finally finished my living dex in omega ruby! :D
Rather not play the mini game so I don't break my laptop :S mainly
because my eyes keep losing focus and I mess up..
So bored... Anyone know of any good RPG games that a sucky laptop
can play?
Been playing Omega Ruby a lot more than getting on here and
actually doing stuff.. But good news I am like 50 seen dex entries
away from a complete national dex but bad news since it is a pain
to get those I need still.
Possible event spoiler so don't read pass this.
After learning that the final round thing for ORAS event thing
evolves clicking/interacting I don't feel like participating
anymore since I will be hugely outmatched easily.
Somewhat want to click to get to level 15 but also sorta don't.
Time to get a pokemon to level 100 aka that egg there.
Started a treasure hunt thing went to random.org let it choose a
random number and it got it right unbelievable luck right? Random
getting a random thing right.
Going to face my worst enemy soon.. The Game center.. The need of
5k game chips to get a moon stone..
Doing the math we need 19k treats to get all the pokemon including
evos. unless there is hidden ones.
Finally got some soothe bells like 2+ weeks of sometimes checking
the shop.
Looking for tips for higher or lower since I wonder how others do
it when I bid 100 I go till I have 300 GC in winnings and I end
game does that sound like a good spot to stop and then repeat or
should I try something different?
I start trying to organize stuff on a different site scroll up to
see it is still working on updating on where things are moved tried
going to a different page and it is still loading. I hope I don't
lose all my progress of what I did..
Yay I have a retro egg now.
So... If you auction something and no one bids the auction center
gives you the money with 5% taken out or does it take the money you
wanted for it? (Somewhat lost with it)
People that do that last second literally last second of auction
bidding is annoying.. It is like "Going once Going twice *person
adds a PD higher than yours* sold to that guy.
Woah.. 2 light balls in near same order I think I got lucky for
Wonder on this since I don't know is there a reward for collecting
all the plushies?