wait currently pokeheroes has about 96500 user according to the
bottom and 2550 have joined within 24 hours that means the bottom
right corner is about correct that means pokeheroes is about to hit
a mile stone YAY

oh I haven't been on in a while but yay I finally have a victini
thing and a gtsd umbreon YAY

what douse the dubios disk do

Harvest sprite locations I want them because they look like victini
and I love victini only have yellow and know where light blue and
green are although I tried both methods and didn't work so maybe
the methods found were incorecct

wait how do I put pictures on my about me thing I want to show off
some pixel eeveelution faces that I drew because theres my profile
picture and ive also done sylveon,vaporeon and espeon

I got a purple key from rumbling if anyone has a box I wouldn't
mind selling the key or buying a box and BTW I have no idea on the
values of either item

Wait minim flirty from the egg I kinda wanna see plusle but still
I'm not the only one who finds it weird how can they flirt if they
can't say anything or only mi minu minim minum is it flirting for
other minum I'm thinking waaaaaaaaaaay too deep into this

hey any star pieces/griseous orbs I WANT GIRATINA/JIRACHI?

interact with this whale
shiny beedrill + mega stone
mega stone
dragon gems (5)
*not provided by me
You are training with Ella for a while.
You concentrate especially on its Defense.
The Pokémon raised by 3,425 Exp. Points.
You have been rewarded with 10 Pokédollar!

hey just got a new logo I knew the last one was better but it was
just a photo I found on google images this one was made by me on Ms
paint (not a joke if you convert it to 150*84 it becomes pixely) so
yo can make cute (or at least on Ms paint it looked that way)things

I got a new PC (none cares) also I'm going on clicklist and not
getting sweet hearts why it says you get them from interaction

What poke your mum should I get next probably a rare one that's
easy to get

Buying soothe bells aka only one not gonna be silly this is my 3rd
attempt others I misclickes lol

Does trick or treat smell your feet level Carry over because candy
doesn't (thanks dorky Delphox for telling me

How do I upgrade my trick or treat level and does that carry

What does candy do and will it carry over Into
2017 the future is now
Omg I made a face on the Internet senpai
my senpai is unknown, but I'll tell you if you give me 100,000
How could I have a senpai if I'm male
eh this is the internet