Going offline now, will de back latter to check messages, etc.

Please tell whoever you can. I am giving away all in my trade box,
or I am releasing them in to the wild.please notify me today if you
want something

Got my first map. Marine. .. kinda syced

Warm me eggs plz and I will give your party berries or warm

Any one have fire water or bug gems they want to sell or trade

Looking 4 weather Balloon. ~●

How much would a gold key go for?

Am willing to pay 100000 for black key please pm me!!


Any one need any thing breed ? I'm bored and wanna breed. Check my
breeding box please!!

Neeeed to sell stuff. I'm broke

Any one looking for a lugia egg voucher?

Any one looking for spacific gems I may have


Had to block my first person today :, ( I don't understand why we
couldn't be friends.

Refresh my memory, what pokemon eats whipped dream?

Can someone help me out with my eggs plz?

Any one looking for gems??

Help warm. Me eggs?? I will retur n the faaavor