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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 17

Trainerpoints: 726/883


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Delphox598,935 / 11,061
Fearow605,269 / 10,981
Houndoom56882 / 11,971

About Me

I am a professional in Froakie breeding and selling. Right now I am auctioning every Male Froakie i get for 500 PokeDollars and every female for 1000 PokeDollars.

On May 28 2016 I will stop breeding Froakies and i will start doing a different Pokemon. Use the poll to tell me what pokemon I should do. Also I am doing a giveaway. One person who answers this survey will get a FEMALE Froakie(Might be a Greninja but still is useful).


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
matrvincent 9 Years ago
Jackal 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


dimkpai hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #13050389
Registration: 04/03/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 45:21 Hours
Total interactions: 51,372
Money: 27,126
Starter Pokémon: Meganium


Time for a new pokemon!

This time we have fennikens. 500 for a male and 1000 for a female.

When I stop this breeding i will notify you guys.
8 Years ago
So I just did the royal cave and I got a regirock egg. Cool huh.
8 Years ago
I think I also found an event Victini. I don't know how its just that I found it while clicking eggs. What should I do? Also I am taking battle requests but pokemon must be level 10.
8 Years ago
Sorry I need to redo the selection for my new line of pokemon to breed. If you have answered in my previous poll you need to answer in my new one to be eligible to win a female froakie.
8 Years ago
So I am in need of a green box. I will trade for it if any one can offer it.
8 Years ago
Found Celebi Egg while looking at the honey tree what should I do now?
8 Years ago



Last Action
Storing Pokémon (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:03
BlahZeyMon, 03/Jun/2019, 00:11
ThatGuyThu, 16/Nov/2017, 02:10
FernsongSun, 25/Jun/2017, 07:39
MadderJanobiiWed, 12/Apr/2017, 02:46