pokes head in for first time in months just to grab something and
hop out

(Im online rarely . but im not dead >_< not sure if anyone
cares here though since most of my close friends have my skype and
get messages from me everyday. Though just noticed ph is almost at
100k users (though most people dont play anymore as the site says
2000 daily) but hey thats gonna happen this weekend ^_^

(Im in florida still hours from home but im "HOME"

4 hours and im leaving (though apparently our first flight is at
7:00 and we have to leave the location we are going to in 4 hours
at 3:00 am... I hate doing international travel >_<

Got 26 more hours till i head out on my trip .well actually im not
going to the airport for 37 hours but im going to meet up with my
group in 26 and after that well you might not be seeing me since
ima be sleeping and the plane flight is really early in the morning
after that wifi is gonna be iffy

Alright this is officialy my last message. Getting my wisdom teeth
removed see ya peeps

Its 1:30 am . do i face the coming morning that will result in my
wisdo. Teeth being removed or do i keep doing art stuff and get as
tired as i can cause this is gonna be a long day ._.

When your cat steps into the paints you have while your painting
and runs off leaving pawprints everywhere>_< i honestly would
expect this from my dog but from my cat really?

Havnt even had my wisdom teeth removed and im going through hell
cause one decided to push through already . so my gums are swollen

Wooo schools over (well i have a test on thursday) BUT ITS OVER
after next thursday dont expect to hear much from me till

Im wide awake. And honestly tomorrow (well today since its 3 am) is
technically the last day of school
still has to write one last
paragraph for a project anyway dont think im falling asleep
But its almost over (just gonna go to school to bother some peeps
to sign my year book and do that paragrapg

Mom tells me puerto rico has voted to become a state
First question :wait didnt. They not want to be come a state
mean i know theyve done it before but if they do it again theres so
many flags ya need to update
(Though that is if they decide to but the usa flag has a star for
every state that wouldnt be true if another is added and its not

I got a shiny ho-oh from my moon wonderlocke. O_O
Also its a legal (looks like it might even be legit but im not 100%
on that )
... Im not going to use it though . but i may look for some help to
trade it over to another game to keep it

NUUUU i just lost dartrix in my wonderlocke
Got hit with continental crush . if it was just a regular rock type
move it wouldve had a chance but the z-move obliterated it .
Rip my starter that was brought back to me
Now i need to figure out what i cab replace it with (luckly my
wonderlocke hasbeen good to me and i have a huge storage of pokemon
.but its still sad it was about to evolve :(

Finally on my way back .and my sun nuzlocke team has changed
(though i have a stock of pokemon ) i managed to get a zubat again
(twice. So ive had 3 zubats since this is a regular nuzlocke where
.dupes are allowed )but. We had a bunch of. Evos and a few deaths
my current team being dugtrio marowack incinaroar golbat magneton
(anyone know where to evolve it in sun . ? Cause i need that
magnezone) and ribonne(which in both my nuzlockes weve refered to
as tiny death cause thats what it is its been a real help in both)

Alright im going camping tonight into tomorrow so im doing my sun
nuzlocke when i can (probbably in the middle of the night under my
sleeping bag) ill update everyone on that whenever i get back
online (because cellular connection sucks on the camp grounds.) I
wont be rping tonight

I got a rockruff from my wonderlocke (btw still only lost 1
pomemon. Current team honedge gyrados sandslash deino ribonne
dartrix (i might replace sandslash but than again ive worked so
hard on it so to get rid og it now >_> but i have two
potential pomemon to replace it. This egg move rockruff or mudsdale
both of which are among my favorite pokemon

The next pokemon.wingul.... Ima just box it as gyrados will have
flying water covered

Well i got a full team for my wonderlocke now magikarp (obtained
level 1) sandshrew (obtained level 1) honedge (obtained level 1)
cutiefly(obtained level 1) deino (level 13) youngoose (obtained
level17) now everyone but my newest deino is level 15-20 but this
kinda shows you how many wondertraded pokemon are fodder from
breeding (though said fodder often have good egg moves if your in a
wonderlocke) anyway this is seriously showing how much easier a
wonderlocke is than a nuzlocke. Atleast to me. Ive only lost 1
pokemon(not including earliers incident) anyway ill probbably swap
youngoose soon as i have another capture coming up soon

Most recent adition to my wonderlocke team
Cutiefly . level 1 with quite a decent moveset (guessing it was
bred) of absorb moonblast leech life psychic.
Also it seems with the wonderlocke i might have a full team from
the get go (i mean if we dont include the pursuit incident . im
thinking im going to ignore pursuit deaths from now on.)