One of your auctions has ended.
Auction: Dustox.
You received 697 .
→ Set up new Auction
Holy Moly! Whoever bid that much, if you see this, THANK YOU! You
are an angel. <3

Can't return clicks today. Will try to do parties, though!

Also, note to self (and anyone who doesn't know how to do it) the
way to link a profile is by doing
(insert name) . Minus
the spaces and no parentheses. The way I remember the username is
by going to their profile and copying their username, then pasting
between the two user things. :)

Before clicking: Who has a borrowed Pokemon for a quest that they
need leveled? This way I can berry feed them (if I have the berry).

Shiny Hunting Bulbasaur. So, I will probably be posting a lot of
breedable pairs on trading! :D

Everyone who has a Pokemon that Rowan wants you to level (Lazy bum
professor...), post here. If I already clicked/fed it, I'll do it
tomorrow and from then on.

YAY! Ahead by 2 levels! Thank you all sooo much. <3

Let me know if you fed Atticus, so I can berry feed yours! Right
now, he's level 27, and Oak's (almost called him Tom Nook.... GG
Yoyo @.@) is at level 31.

Can you all help feed Atticus please? I'll berry feed in return (if
I have enough berries). Just him is fine. Thank you!

Up to Vs. But, it will be the bot battling so I can do other

What does completing puzzles do? Just give you something pretty to
look at?

What's the point in the fountain half the time? It always gives my
sister and I bonuses we can't benefit from...

What even is going on? My computer/mouse is clicking all the wrong
things, and unclicking what I purposely clicked. :/

Now I feel bad for winning that Magneton. :(

My sister and I have this thing where we bid for something, so that
way they'll get something. She usually has it to the point where
she almost immediately gets outbid. And that makes her happy. That
weird woman.