Happy Canada day, to any and all :)

I have professor's teddiursa if anyone wants to help me beat this!
Thinking I'll just keep it as my active and hope that's enough

It finally happened. Zaro appeared. XD

After spending a month in Chile, all I can say is that it's weird
being around so many english speakers again... and I'm post-travel
depressed. xD

After spending a month in Chile, all I can say is that it's weird
being around so many english speakers again... and I'm post-travel
depressed. xD

Among many things I've never caught on before in all my years of
playing pokemon games, and reading the books... The one thing that
blew my mind the hardest was finding out that Venonat and
Butterfree should have been the same line. They absolutely look
alike. XD I don't know how to process this.

the unown flake is a creative idea haha. I enjoy that!

oh no.. i apparently only opened 17/24 doors according to the
calendar. thats unfortunate haha

#MyWishForChristmas is to still be happily with my
boyfriend and visit him in the new year like I have planned out.

Be safe these holidays <3 There's quite a bit of craze out there
as people walk/drive/act in accordance to the stress factors of
December. And just as importantly, chins up buttercups. You're
loved and thought about. Now just may be a busy time for people.

Wow. My Togekiss is 1 level away from 1000. It might happen
tonight. XD

I haven't adopted an egg from the lab in a long time. Feels weird,
man. xD

Oh my goodness. Boiled my first mega stone and it was intense.
Succeeded with the gems though.

Sweet baby Jesus. I finally caught the retro arti. XD

Hnng. 92 articuno retro things in a row but then I wiffed and found
a venusaur. XD

Oh my goodness gracious I can finally boil mega stones XD

Shiny Tympole caught!

I kind of wish that when you got an answer wrong in the Royal
Tunnel that it would tell you the correct answer in addition to the
horde of wild zubats chasing you off. XD