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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 24

Trainerpoints: 706/1,751


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mewtwo221,435 / 1,899
Furfrou668,141 / 13,267
Furfrou6611,597 / 13,267
Furfrou673,821 / 13,669
Octillery787,500 / 18,487
Beedrill6911,793 / 14,491


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Newest gifts
ShadowedFury 8 Years ago
ShadowedFury 8 Years ago
ShadowedFury 8 Years ago
ShadowedFury 8 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

StikkyEbi is currently hunting Furfrou.
Hunt started: 27/07/2016

Chain: 70

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


StikkyEbi hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #849779837
Registration: 13/06/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 179:27 Hours
Total interactions: 139,726
Money: 1,037
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


Well, no more time for trades. Anything that hasn't been asked for so far won't be given out. goodbye!
8 Years ago
Final call before I leave pokeheroes forever! Attention all of Pokeheroes! I am accepting all requests for any of my pokemon! I have opened my PalPad so anyone can talk to me now. It is still first come first serve!
8 Years ago
Attention all of Pokeheroes! I am accepting all requests for any of my pokemon! I have opened my PalPad so anyone can talk to me now. It is still first come first serve!
8 Years ago
Attention all of Pokeheroes! I am now accepting all requests for any of my pokemon since I have finished with my friendslist! I have opened my PalPad so anyone can talk to me now. It is still first come first serve and for those who need pokemon for their dex before those looking to sell pokemon.
8 Years ago
Still have plenty of pokemon I'm giving away to anyone on my friendslist! Anything I have is up for grabs and would like to get rid of them quickly!
8 Years ago
I'm permanently quitting after today. So, if anyone on my friendlist wants any of my pokemon please PalPad me and I will set any and all pokemon you want up in the GTS for you. However, please be aware that it is first come first served as I would like to quit as soon as possible today!
8 Years ago
Please help! I really need to hatch my eggs and one of them is really close to hatching! I will return with berries!
8 Years ago
#InteractionExchange Please help! I need to hatch an egg so I can get an empty spot in my party so I can get my kanto badge!!!!!
8 Years ago
Aunt_Jemima and StikkyEbi need to borrow a ditto and all 3 legendary birds so i made a raffle #helpplease Just share this whole post. And you will get entered into a daily drawing. Sharing will also get you entered for the end prizes which are
1.) A shiny sharpedo, a shiny hunt of your choice (no legends,genderless or event) and a mixture of boxes and keys
2.) A Mega Latias, and a retro tentacool
3.) Easter Lopunny and a Raikou
Mostly looking for the three birds now!
8 Years ago
#helpplease Aunt_Jemima and StikkyEbi would like to borrow the three legendary birds! We can do it via the safe trade thread with a mod so that you don't have to worry about a single thing! We just really want to finish our Kanto dex. We will reward anyone who can help for their generosity! Please message one of us if you're willing to help out!
8 Years ago
New egg which means another chance to win a prize for interacting with my party and commenting below!
8 Years ago
Looks like my first winner of this contest is Steppypants. I'll have another egg in a minute and then you'll have another chance to win a prize!
8 Years ago
don't forget to keep sharing the hashtag for your chance to win one of the daily prizes and that to have a chance to win one of the final prizes once we finally get someone to come forward willing to let me and Aunt_Jemima borrow three legendary birds in order to finish off our dexes!
8 Years ago
New egg which means new chances to win a prize for interacting with my party and commenting below!
8 Years ago
#helpplease Aunt_Jemima and StikkyEbi would like to borrow the three legendary birds! We can do it via the safe trade thread with a mod so that you don't have to worry about a single thing! We just really want to finish our Kanto dex. We will reward anyone who can help for their generosity! Please message one of us if you're willing to help out!
8 Years ago
So, since I'm really trying to get my eggs hatched I decided I'm going to start a contest. All you have to do is comment here letting me know you've interacted with my party. Every time an egg from the bug contest hatches I'll give a random prize away to someone who helped me!
8 Years ago
Just got a new egg. So, remember to interact with my whole party and comment below for a chance to win a prize as soon as it hatches!
8 Years ago
So, since I'm really trying to get my eggs hatched I decided I'm going to start a contest. All you have to do is comment here letting me know you've interacted with my party. Every time an egg from the bug contest hatches I'll give a random prize away to someone who helped me!
8 Years ago
#helpplease Aunt_Jemima and StikkyEbi would like to borrow the three legendary birds! We can do it via the safe trade thread with a mod so that you don't have to worry about a single thing! We just really want to finish our Kanto dex. We will reward anyone who can help for their generosity! Please message one of us if you're willing to help out!
8 Years ago
#InteractionExchange I want to evolve my ledyba and need it to level up.
8 Years ago



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Browsing through notifications (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

PainFreeFri, 11/Oct/2024, 09:04
DragonWarrior1144Mon, 16/Oct/2023, 02:33
KingdraWed, 30/Aug/2023, 01:04
Believe_In_KittensThu, 29/Jul/2021, 03:34
Hades215Wed, 01/Jul/2020, 06:25